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Dishonest fiancee
#1 Posted : Monday, June 25, 2012 1:46:03 PM
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Joined: 2/25/2009
Posts: 973
Since there's a wedding vibe goin round today let me seek your advice lest i mislead someone. I am soon to be the best man in my pals wedding and find myself somewhat in a dilemma.His fiancee is expecting in a few mths time and they are hurriedly planning a wedding before then..the dude is in biz and comes from a well to do family and the girl had previously claimed to be of the same social status and had even lied that her parents live in an upper class neighborhood but turns out they stay in eastlands. She also works together with her family and claims to be earning good cash but is broke most of the time.The truth came out when he made the first visit to the parents hse and her excuse was that the upmarket hse was auctioned early this year due to a huge unpaid business loan and she was too embarrassed to tell people and that most of her monthly income is used to pay off another loan the parents took. What i can confirm to be true is the ladys involvement in the family biz. I've adviced the guy to stall the negotiations and reconsider a long-term relationship with this girl since she cant be fully trusted..what else is she capable of lying about?! He claims that he doesnt care about her parents financial status and that its not a big deal but to me thats besides the point. Fact is she's a big fat liar!
#2 Posted : Monday, June 25, 2012 1:50:12 PM
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Kama hutaki kuoa yeye ni sawa tu u can stall the negotiations...
Lakini wacha maneno ya kujificha nyuma ya i have a friend lines.. be bold enuff and state shida ni yako na baasss usaidizi utapata hapa hapa..
#3 Posted : Monday, June 25, 2012 1:57:39 PM
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@Rock - You are right.

The parent's or lady's financial situtation is not a big deal. Pesa ni kutafutwa hutafutwa. So broke or rich, no big deal!

But I agree with you on the trust issue. The guy needs to find out if the lady can be trusted. She could be lying through and through!

For starters, the kid they are expecting might not be the dude's. The small "sisters" and "brothers" might be her kids. The three uncaptured years on her CV, she might have been at Langata Womens Prison.

The dude needs to take time and investigate. This is a LIFE TIME decision!

If it turns out the lady was just ashamed of her financial status, they can talk it over and he forgives her - and also encourage her to be herself and proud of who she is and whatever she's got.

If it turns out she is a serial liar, he should bolt like Usain.

The kid - DNA, and if the it is his, he supports the kid regardless of the other details.
Never count on making a good sale. Have the purchase price be so attractive that even a mediocre sale gives good returns.
#4 Posted : Monday, June 25, 2012 2:11:04 PM
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rock wrote:
Since there's a wedding vibe goin round today let me seek your advice lest i mislead someone. I am soon to be the best man in my pals wedding and find myself somewhat in a dilemma.His fiancee is expecting in a few mths time and they are hurriedly planning a wedding before then..the dude is in biz and comes from a well to do family and the girl had previously claimed to be of the same social status and had even lied that her parents live in an upper class neighborhood but turns out they stay in eastlands. She also works together with her family and claims to be earning good cash but is broke most of the time.The truth came out when he made the first visit to the parents hse and her excuse was that the upmarket hse was auctioned early this year due to a huge unpaid business loan and she was too embarrassed to tell people and that most of her monthly income is used to pay off another loan the parents took. What i can confirm to be true is the ladys involvement in the family biz. I've adviced the guy to stall the negotiations and reconsider a long-term relationship with this girl since she cant be fully trusted..what else is she capable of lying about?! He claims that he doesnt care about her parents financial status and that its not a big deal but to me thats besides the point. Fact is she's a big fat liar!

@ rock, If it's about your friend,why does it seem to bother you, more than it does to him?

To answer your dilemma, marriage has nothing to do with parents nor money. It's about love.
Love cannot be founded on lies.
#5 Posted : Monday, June 25, 2012 2:11:10 PM
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......ope hauna interest.....
..."Wewe ni mtu mdogo sana....na mwenye amekuandika pia ni mtu mdogo sana!".
#6 Posted : Monday, June 25, 2012 2:11:29 PM
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Posts: 51
Is the guy marrying the status or the lady?.If they have courted and due for a baby the guy should be bold enough to have known her well.
King G
#7 Posted : Monday, June 25, 2012 2:21:33 PM
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@ rock must all the 'poor' and dishonest gals hail from eastlands yawa!

Anyway since your friend has already enjoyed the fruits and has results to show for it, let him take responsibility for the bi-product.

Marriage under the circumstances outlined is a no no because of starting on the wrong foot. Now that eastlands has failed him, let him try westie et all
#8 Posted : Monday, June 25, 2012 2:27:34 PM
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I hope the baby is his.smile

As a best man enyewe you have a right to be privy and concerned.
But there is not much you can do if your friend decides to marry her.

Since your conscience is disturbed you have the option of pulling out as best man and letting your friend know the exact reason.
But attend the wedding nevertheless as a friend.

As regards both? that's their biz.
Don't drink their panadol.

"The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.
Jus Blazin
#9 Posted : Monday, June 25, 2012 2:29:48 PM
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Kwani Eastlands kuna nini?? Can't you see banks, organisations, gated communities moving to Eastlands? That is one rich neighborhood!
Luck is when Preparation meets Opportunity. ~ Lucius Annaeus Seneca
#10 Posted : Monday, June 25, 2012 2:36:05 PM
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woi this thread is about to be derailed to eastlands.
It's honesty here not location.

"The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.
#11 Posted : Monday, June 25, 2012 2:37:26 PM
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eastlands inategemea...kama ni wa D head for the hills Laughing out loudly
I may be wrong..but then I could be right
#12 Posted : Monday, June 25, 2012 2:43:23 PM
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Unless you are marrying money instead of love, then move on and forget the chick. Eastland or NO Eastland should not form the basis of marriage neither does the economic/financial status of parents.
#13 Posted : Monday, June 25, 2012 2:47:54 PM
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@Maichblack - true dat @ mkeiyd - it bothers me coz am his pal and can see better on the bench @kadusi - ? @essyk - hope so too @king g,jus blazing - location not the main issue here. The guy has always wanted a child and she keeps telling him that her family will never let him see the kid if he doesnt commit. He also desperately wants to have the baby carry his family name but IMHO he should let it go and if she's sayin the truth bout hidin the girl (we know) from him then he can go to court-ama?
#14 Posted : Monday, June 25, 2012 2:54:33 PM
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@ digitek1 - kwanini? ni wa gated community huko D,is there a difference? @abdulrahman - and the baby?
#15 Posted : Monday, June 25, 2012 3:12:09 PM
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@rock. This could be a classic case of what is called “kewekwa box”. And if somebody decides to think with the small head, then he should be ready to accept the consequences. Whether it is you or your friend who is involved , at this point, my advice is that you should consider the plight of the oncoming child because it is innocent in all this. As Wazuan’s have previously cautioned, ukikula ni lazima ulipe. Pole sana, though, these things happen to men.
#16 Posted : Monday, June 25, 2012 3:29:16 PM
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@chemos and mcreggae - am bila words, @kimiri - i am all for taking care of the baby but not a forced marriage. That is a miserable future and it can be avoided by not going thru with the wedding. Yani you guys are too much,nilijua mtasema ni mimi
#17 Posted : Monday, June 25, 2012 3:33:57 PM
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mkeiyd wrote:
rock wrote:
Since there's a wedding vibe goin round today let me seek your advice lest i mislead someone. I am soon to be the best man in my pals wedding and find myself somewhat in a dilemma.His fiancee is expecting in a few mths time and they are hurriedly planning a wedding before then..the dude is in biz and comes from a well to do family and the girl had previously claimed to be of the same social status and had even lied that her parents live in an upper class neighborhood but turns out they stay in eastlands. She also works together with her family and claims to be earning good cash but is broke most of the time.The truth came out when he made the first visit to the parents hse and her excuse was that the upmarket hse was auctioned early this year due to a huge unpaid business loan and she was too embarrassed to tell people and that most of her monthly income is used to pay off another loan the parents took. What i can confirm to be true is the ladys involvement in the family biz. I've adviced the guy to stall the negotiations and reconsider a long-term relationship with this girl since she cant be fully trusted..what else is she capable of lying about?! He claims that he doesnt care about her parents financial status and that its not a big deal but to me thats besides the point. Fact is she's a big fat liar!

@ rock, If it's about your friend,why does it seem to bother you, more than it does to him?

To answer your dilemma, marriage has nothing to do with parents nor money. It's about love.
Love cannot be founded on lies.

@mkeyid..what are real and genuine friends for,if my friend cant try and correct me when am doing something wrong then whats the point of him or her even being there in the first place.

@Rock...I agree with you,being honest and open in any relationship is key if that doesnt exist and something comes out of the bag later,feelings tend to change,the guy will always have questions in his head every single day.
possunt quia posse videntur
#18 Posted : Monday, June 25, 2012 3:48:40 PM
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@maka and @ rock sounds to be one and the same person
Doors of opportunity don't just open , they have to be unlocked & it's up to you to turn the knob.
#19 Posted : Monday, June 25, 2012 3:52:33 PM
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KenSaf wrote:
@maka and @ rock sounds to be one and the same person

Now that you mention it, their two stories seem to dovetail. Applause Applause Applause
He who can express in words the ardour of his love, has but little love to express. - Petrach, Son. (That men by various ways arrive at the same end. - Montaigne, The Essays of.)
#20 Posted : Monday, June 25, 2012 4:11:42 PM
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rock wrote:
ni wa gated community huko D

Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly
Never count on making a good sale. Have the purchase price be so attractive that even a mediocre sale gives good returns.
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