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a crime to hike house rents!!!??.....Githae the pig.
#61 Posted : Wednesday, June 20, 2012 12:01:50 AM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 2/27/2007
Posts: 2,768
19th June 2012

Attention Preferred & Co Advocates,

Dear sir,


We hereby acknowledge the receipt of your letter to our client dated the 19th June 2012 as a consequence of a material action taken against your client vide our clients letter which was not dated but received in our office on 19th June 2012, and have noted the contents thereof.

We therefore wish to comment as follows:

1. That the lease agreement signed between your client (a one Mr alma) and our client (Kaigangio Property Management Limited) was legally binding for a full term as expressed on purpose or as both parties deemed fit or mutually agreed just as long as the clause 12 II (c) part (xii) of the agreement was not violated by either party.

2. That our client has a fixed schedule of annual houses painting refurbishments which must be carried out as per the local authorities building regulations and requirements bearing in mind that this has been explicitly and conspicuously highlighted in the said material agreement.

3. That your client signed the agreement six (6) months prior to the enforcement of rental taxes and as such the issue of tax has no bearing and relationship to our clients refurbishments intentions, desires and schedules.

4. That on the contrary, no harassment has been meted on your client as errorneously alleged by yourselves as a result of rental tax enforcement action by the KRA. We therefore term the allegation as malicious, misleading and defamatory and thus urge yourselves to desist from making any reference to it.

5. That you have no business knowing whether our client pays taxes or not as this is a matter between our client and KRA which is being dealt with at a different platform. Any further usage of the term shall render us no other option but to sue you on behalf of our client.

You are hereby requested to stop making any further communications to our client either directly or indirectly except through this office.

yours faithfully,

Kihiu Mwiri & Co. Advocates

cc Kaigangio Property Management Limited

cc Alma
...besides, the presence of a safe alone does not signify that there is money inside...
#62 Posted : Wednesday, June 20, 2012 7:14:19 AM
Rank: Member

Joined: 2/20/2009
Posts: 658

@ Kihiu Mwiri & Co. Advocates...Applause Applause Applause Applause Applause. Where are your offices??

At this rate tenants the likes of alma and essyk hawatatoboaPray Pray Pray .
It seems the landlords nowadays are really clever.

#63 Posted : Wednesday, June 20, 2012 7:45:52 AM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 8/11/2010
Posts: 1,588
Lolest! wrote:
@Doti popular reply amounts to nothing much. Nothing stops a property owner from increasing rent so long as it is within the provisions of the lease agreement and the law. Not unless you have a controlled tenancy!

Laughing out loudly, at this rate, It will be too expensive to live in the city. This could be the start of urban to rural migration for those who can.
#64 Posted : Wednesday, June 20, 2012 8:52:01 AM
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Joined: 9/7/2010
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Location: elderville
alma wrote:
Kaigangio wrote:
Attention Mr Alma,

Dear sir,


We refer to the lease agreement signed between ourselves and yourself on 1st January 2012 in our offices regarding the occupation of flat no, G04 in the above property.

Particular attention is drawn to the clause 12 II (c) part (xii), which states thus "..should either of the parties wish to terminate the lease, either party shall give a three (3) months notice or pay one months rent in leu of notice...". We, Kaigangio Property Management Limited wish to terminate your lease and are thus giving you a three (3) months notice as required.

Should you fail to vacate the premises by the expirely of the notice (that is by 19th September 2012) we will have no choice but to take legal action against you.

We remain,

yours faithfully,



cc Kihiu Mwiri & Co. Advocates

Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Applause Applause

was having a very stressful day...thanks for that Laughing out loudly

By the way, you have heard of things like injunctions.

Haki I wish you were my landlord. You would have used that contract as your toilet paper.Laughing out loudly Shame on you

On a boring note: kyt what has the new katiba got to do with anyone not paying taxes.....noticed you blame the new katiba for everything...ur the QW of the katiba.

Get used to it.

@Alma you should change lawyers, or just ask them to remove mbegu from the phangi before smoking it.
He who can express in words the ardour of his love, has but little love to express. - Petrach, Son. (That men by various ways arrive at the same end. - Montaigne, The Essays of.)
#65 Posted : Wednesday, June 20, 2012 9:08:26 AM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 11/15/2011
Posts: 4,518
I don't even rem the contents of my lease agreement!!Sad
I only rem my signature.

Let's wait and see what the goverment says.
"The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.
#66 Posted : Wednesday, June 20, 2012 9:17:50 AM
Rank: Member

Joined: 6/26/2008
Posts: 319
alma wrote:
Kaigangio....You chose to do those things so I don't see why anyone should feel sorry for you.

What you are refusing to accept and your landlord brethren is that you are a tax evader.

You were supposed to pay taxes...You never have. My advice to you is to swallow your pride and pay the tax. Otherwise you are on the way to being a criminal.

To the tenants out there please don't fret.

Landlords can't increase rents willy nilly. There must be a lease somewhere. Hata kama ni ya mabati. The landlord just can't come in the morning and tell you I'm increasing rent.

If he does, that's very good. This is what you do.

If he increases the rent and you know its coz of the taxes. Get a lawyer and fight it in court. As the case is being determined a good lawyer can even get the rentals stopped. You may not even need a lawyer for this. Ask the court clerks, they will help you.

You have a case if you show that the landlord is maliciously trying to use to pay his taxes.

I know of cases that have dragged in those courts for months with the landlord not getting a single penny of rent. Just find out your rights and no landlord will dare.

As the case in going please inform the KRA of someone who's not been paying their taxes for a while. They'd be happy to accomodate you.

It is a foolish landlord who thinks that the way to beat tax is to increase income. Very foolish indeed.

@alma - nuf said. Thank you very much. Hawa landlords tunawapa pesa, now they are vomiting on our shoes....

Crisis on the way? Things can't go on like this for much longer. We all know how costly it is getting to put up a building, we also know that few tenants are able to keep up with the rising rents. Now we who escaped to the outskirts are also facing rising rents due to pressure from those of our brethren escaping the south C/South B's due to high rents. Landlords will no longer make 'free money' and the land speculators are also going to pay for gains on selling their plots - will this push prices higher still?

Kenya.....navumilia, najikuna, najikunja mpaka najikunia!!!
#67 Posted : Wednesday, June 20, 2012 10:33:32 AM
Rank: Veteran

Joined: 10/9/2006
Posts: 1,502
I have all the rights to increase or reduce rent as deemed or regard appropriate. It's my property. I advice dissatisfied tenants to move and rent elsewhere . It's my property and will remain so unless I decide otherwise. Furthermore , it's my sweat and blood sacrificed to realize the houses my tenants intends to be co owners
work to prosper
#68 Posted : Wednesday, June 20, 2012 10:39:58 AM
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Joined: 3/18/2011
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Location: Kianjokoma
YesuWangu wrote:
Lolest! wrote:
@Doti popular reply amounts to nothing much. Nothing stops a property owner from increasing rent so long as it is within the provisions of the lease agreement and the law. Not unless you have a controlled tenancy!

Laughing out loudly, at this rate, It will be too expensive to live in the city. This could be the start of urban to rural migration for those who can.

very true. There were proposals sometime back to review the 1981 Rent Restriction Act. It protects tenants whose rents are below Ksh 2,500p.m. from arbitrary rent increase. Landlords of such protected tenancies cannot increase those rents without the approval of the rent tribunal.

The proposals were for the amount of rent for controlled tenancies to go up to 10 or 20k since the amount 2,500(legislated 30yrs ago) is clearly outdated if you factor in inflation. Now this you can blame your MP. His primary duty is to make laws on your behalf.
Laughing out loudly smile Applause d'oh! Sad Drool Liar Shame on you Pray
#69 Posted : Wednesday, June 20, 2012 11:21:08 AM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 2/27/2007
Posts: 2,768
Sigiriri wrote:
alma wrote:
Kaigangio....You chose to do those things so I don't see why anyone should feel sorry for you.

What you are refusing to accept and your landlord brethren is that you are a tax evader.

You were supposed to pay taxes...You never have. My advice to you is to swallow your pride and pay the tax. Otherwise you are on the way to being a criminal.

To the tenants out there please don't fret.

Landlords can't increase rents willy nilly. There must be a lease somewhere. Hata kama ni ya mabati. The landlord just can't come in the morning and tell you I'm increasing rent.

If he does, that's very good. This is what you do.

If he increases the rent and you know its coz of the taxes. Get a lawyer and fight it in court. As the case is being determined a good lawyer can even get the rentals stopped. You may not even need a lawyer for this. Ask the court clerks, they will help you.

You have a case if you show that the landlord is maliciously trying to use to pay his taxes.

I know of cases that have dragged in those courts for months with the landlord not getting a single penny of rent. Just find out your rights and no landlord will dare.

As the case in going please inform the KRA of someone who's not been paying their taxes for a while. They'd be happy to accomodate you.

It is a foolish landlord who thinks that the way to beat tax is to increase income. Very foolish indeed.

@alma - nuf said. Thank you very much. Hawa landlords tunawapa pesa, now they are vomiting on our shoes....

Crisis on the way? Things can't go on like this for much longer. We all know how costly it is getting to put up a building, we also know that few tenants are able to keep up with the rising rents. Now we who escaped to the outskirts are also facing rising rents due to pressure from those of our brethren escaping the south C/South B's due to high rents. Landlords will no longer make 'free money' and the land speculators are also going to pay for gains on selling their plots - will this push prices higher still?

Kenya.....navumilia, najikuna, najikunja mpaka najikunia!!!

@ sigiriri...a crisis only exists in the tenants pockets and not the landlords intentions...so mtuongezee rent kama mnataka kuishi kwa manyumba zetu.
...besides, the presence of a safe alone does not signify that there is money inside...
Jus Blazin
#70 Posted : Wednesday, June 20, 2012 12:15:40 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 10/23/2008
Posts: 3,966
essyk wrote:
I don't even rem the contents of my lease agreement!!Sad
I only rem my signature.

Let's wait and see what the goverment says.

The manner in which you were responding suggested you knew the contents of your lease agreement! d'oh!
Kumbe ni kuongea tu? Wait and see wha the government says? Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Ignorance is no defence.
Luck is when Preparation meets Opportunity. ~ Lucius Annaeus Seneca
#71 Posted : Wednesday, June 20, 2012 12:39:38 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 11/15/2011
Posts: 4,518
Nope. Infact I was trying to rem if I signed one!smile
Then I rem how I hurriedly did it because the house was on high demand.
I have a great landlady by the way not like the mean ones we have here on wazua.

This world is not my home am just passing by is my solace song.Sad
"The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.
Jus Blazin
#72 Posted : Wednesday, June 20, 2012 12:55:33 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 10/23/2008
Posts: 3,966
essyk wrote:
Nope. Infact I was trying to rem if I signed one!smile
Then I rem how I hurriedly did it because the house was on high demand.
I have a great landlady by the way not like the mean ones we have here on wazua.

This world is not my home am just passing by is my solace song.Sad

You'd better check that lease agreement again. Because soon you'll realize your great land lady doesn't owe you anything. Fine print. Before you rush to the courts, read that fine print again.
Luck is when Preparation meets Opportunity. ~ Lucius Annaeus Seneca
#73 Posted : Wednesday, June 20, 2012 1:06:27 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 11/15/2011
Posts: 4,518
nope.I only need to find out if shes been a defaulter all along.Maybe she pays and she may not need to adjust.
In the meantime,I wait for the moneyed fellows to lead the way,fight it out with the manyalas/kaigangios and win then they will use that as precedent 4 the benefit of wanjiku.

"The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.
Jus Blazin
#74 Posted : Wednesday, June 20, 2012 1:15:13 PM
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Joined: 10/23/2008
Posts: 3,966
essyk wrote:
I wait for the moneyed fellows to lead the way,fight it out and win the case then they will use that as precedence.
That will open the door for us.smile

Really? d'oh! d'oh! d'oh!. Do you think lease agreements are the same?? Yash Pal Ghai fafa! Brick wall Brick wall Brick wall
Luck is when Preparation meets Opportunity. ~ Lucius Annaeus Seneca
#75 Posted : Wednesday, June 20, 2012 1:21:11 PM
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Joined: 11/15/2011
Posts: 4,518

You know what? I hate anything to do with courts, I would rather bear the cost than have an old torn file bearing my name and gathering dust somewhere.
So at this point am ready for anything.hike or not.

"The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.
#76 Posted : Wednesday, June 20, 2012 3:59:46 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 2/27/2007
Posts: 2,768
essyk wrote:

You know what? I hate anything to do with courts, I would rather bear the cost than have an old torn file bearing my name and gathering dust somewhere.
So at this point am ready for anything.hike or not.

there has never been a win-win situation in landlord vs tenant conflicts...99.95% of the time the tenant looses...what is the point of participating in a suite where you know that your chances of winning are next to nil?
...besides, the presence of a safe alone does not signify that there is money inside...
#77 Posted : Wednesday, June 20, 2012 4:53:35 PM
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Location: Kianjokoma
Kaigangio wrote:
essyk wrote:

You know what? I hate anything to do with courts, I would rather bear the cost than have an old torn file bearing my name and gathering dust somewhere.
So at this point am ready for anything.hike or not.

there has never been a win-win situation in landlord vs tenant conflicts...99.95% of the time the tenant looses...what is the point of participating in a suite where you know that your chances of winning are next to nil?

A recent study has proven that 103% of all people like exaggerating.
Laughing out loudly smile Applause d'oh! Sad Drool Liar Shame on you Pray
#78 Posted : Wednesday, June 20, 2012 5:05:24 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 8/11/2010
Posts: 1,588
essyk wrote:

You know what? I hate anything to do with courts, I would rather bear the cost than have an old torn file bearing my name and gathering dust somewhere.
So at this point am ready for anything.hike or not.

Giving up the fight? Kaa ngumu!
#79 Posted : Wednesday, June 20, 2012 5:10:58 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 11/28/2006
Posts: 1,799
essyk wrote:

You know what? I hate anything to do with courts, I would rather bear the cost than have an old torn file bearing my name and gathering dust somewhere.
So at this point am ready for anything.hike or not.

tangaza IPO.. kwangu rent will be free...Drool Drool

lakini hiyo energizer bunny upunguze...Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly
#80 Posted : Thursday, June 21, 2012 5:20:31 PM
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Location: Nairobi
GFF, passing through Buru; was that you I saw relocating? Ama bado hujapewa notice?
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