@marty..thats where we get in as architects,valuers ,planners e.t.c The land shortage due to Speculation requires higher technical skills e.g constructing high-rise designs.
We can either profit from this or advocate for a long term solution in terms of Land Value Tax to gain everyone.
Nairobi as it is has most of the employment opportunities so the Kangundo guy still need to transport himself to Nairobi.
The cost of transport is too high hence the need for high-rise projects closer to Nairobi.
Banks roped people in with low interests of 10% then hiked to over 20% hence squeezing Kenyans to their last drops.
The developers,architects,QS, e.t.c have also gained from this industry when banks lowered interest rates to pool in Kenyans into housing.
The only looser is the Kenyan public.
The only viable solution for this mess is the Land Value Tax-see other threads on this.
In the advocating for LVTax, its more of a moral issue:
Consultants in the construction industry will gain in the current situation where bankers gain the most and home buyers loose the most.
In the LVTax situation, consultants still gain whlie Bankers/Speculators loose abit and home owners gain abit.
As Iron Sharpens Iron, So one Man Sharpens Another.