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Hardtalk: state funerals
#41 Posted : Wednesday, February 29, 2012 12:00:28 AM
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masukuma wrote:
And no one has answered my question on whether the time from independence is some sort of metric to judge on how developed you are...who said so?

1963 is only a reference point,
#42 Posted : Wednesday, February 29, 2012 12:19:28 AM
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masukuma wrote:
Jaluo wrote:
@ Masukuma

''And no one has answered my question on whether the time from independence is some sort of metric to judge on how developed you are...who said so?''

We attained ‘’independence’’, the so called ‘’Self Rule’’ in 1963. We (Africans) are ‘ruling’ ourselves using the former white colonial master’s religion, constitution, education system and even ‘mimicked’’ culture to ‘’develop’’. We are judging how far we have come or ‘’developed’’ to a ‘’westernized –first-world-country’’ and 1963 is the ground zero since that’s when they ‘left’

e..g Have we built any railway network, bridge, dam or major highway since ‘they’ left in 1963? That can be a metric to measure our transport ‘development’. We built Turkwell Gorge – that is our ‘development’- A white elephant riddled with corruption.

Pia the Japanese can use the Hiroshima Atomic Bombs as a metric on how far they have come. Au sio?

In truth, are we really independent? We replaced one colonial master with another rabid homegrown monster.

Economically, we are still colonized; When the Dollar sneezes in Washington, our Shilling gets pneumonia and huffs and puffs like an arthritic Gorilla huko Congo forest where nasikia Okuyo’s were spotted in another thread.

In the African Context, is ‘Development’ really achievable without the Whites? Maybe the Black Man is inherently and genetically ‘anti-development’?

Look at our black brothers in Haiti- they are as ‘developed’ as any other rural African village deep in Lubumbashi. Ditto the New Orleans blacks, wanasukumwa mbele by thorax through accident of Geography.

Racist? No.

I don’t need to borrow Makau Mutua’s crystal ball to predict that our next major ‘’development’ project; The Lamu Port and Lamu Southern Sudan-Ethiopia Transport Corridor (LAPSSET), will be riddled with GRAND CORRUPTION, THEFT and endless POLITICKING. It is a Sh 2 trillion port project; In an election year, with our MPIGs in charge- The same Y2K 92’, Goldenburg, Anglo Leasing lot…….Think

Everyone has their culture and culture is not stagnant! the white man's religion was previously a Jewish sect and now has become ours as the whiteman heads towards Wicca. Culture like any other thing moves around. Geometry from Egypt, calculus from Greece e.t.c. there is nothing wrong with finding something that works from other cultures and taking it - that's called being wide! read your history, our black brothers in haiti we dehumanized by the French - same thing as congo (Lubumbashi) it takes time for people to recover (look at our black brothers in the US or even the American Indians - right within the greatest nation in the world but still failing to 'click'). The Japanese cannot use Hiroshima as a starting point, since they were a powerful nation way before that its only that Nagasaki and Hiroshima were flattened, they had jets and torpedoes that pelekad the US mbio, they had colonies in south east asia. So unless the bomb had the effect of wiping their culture and education and all their technology - then maybe we could consider that point. The Japanese also for quite sometime had their backs covered by the US and thus did not have to spend on defence. Africa in the 60's as far as western educational systems are concerned was no where near any of those countries you are talking about. We have still not yet reached those levels of education now. A tree must be climbed from the bottom!
Is the African mind 'anti-development' - no!, Why do I say so? Do we as individuals improve our own lives? Yes. Do poor people improve their lives? yes. but somehow we have been lied to that if it doesn't work there its someone else's fault.
Read my signature, during colonialism we were conditioned to produce stuff that we did not drink (tea and coffee), Liberia was conditioned to make rubber for cars they did not drive. we have been conditioned to buy the best of the cars in Europe and the US as status symbols, while the Indians pride themselves with a 1 Lahk Ruppee car! Can Kenyans buy Kenyans ama we have accepted the lie that 'cheap is expensive' lets buy BMWs and remain in the control of the white man. until we believe that its only us who can change our fate and that we have what it takes and that there are no hard and fast rules to development nor a single superior model to copy then...otherwise we will be on this forum 50 years from now blaming people.
What was colonialism? Kenyans have misused that term without knowing the meaning. During colonialism many things happened including the killing of culture by a 'superior' culture. The same thing is happening now (and not only to us but world wide) - our English is more like the US (based on our programming) in the 80s it was more like the British (due to the programming).
What is independence? Independence is simply being able to make your own decisions whether wise or otherwise. We are independent! are some of those decisions forced - yes, but we make them. what happened in 1963 was exactly that - make your own decisions - you have no one else to blame but yourself.
about the Lamu port - wacha ijengwe, wacha pesa iibwe! so that we take a step forward.

@masukuma i agree with everything you say, it all boils down to a proper leadership, as you rightly point out, a quick example is how our culture is being drowned in US culture hugely through holiwood. It does not take a genius to imagine that the effect would have been less significant if we had a historical culture of local programming in the mass media which brings me back to where we started -a responsible leadership

A good leader can easily turn around Kenya's fortunes in two decades. Look at what Kagame is doing, if that can be done for Kenyans with a firm hand consistently for a generation we d be on a different level altogether.

#43 Posted : Wednesday, February 29, 2012 8:45:11 AM
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@ masukuma

Great Points !! Applause

I have just Googled Barbado's.....wako mbele, lakini pia naona total population is only 284,589, less than Eastlands. Can that success be extrapolated to a country as vast as Congo?
'' The European condemns the Africans for having two wives yet he keeps two mistresses'' - Jomo Kenyatta
#44 Posted : Wednesday, February 29, 2012 8:59:31 AM
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Jaluo wrote:
@ masukuma

Great Points !! Applause

I have just Googled Barbado's.....wako mbele, lakini pia naona total population is only 284,589, less than Eastlands. Can that success be extrapolated to a country as vast as Congo?

exactly my point, smaller populations are easier to manage and develop. look at Botswana, they hit diamonds in the 90s and now the per capita income is almost 15 times kenyas...but for a population that is less than the number of Kisiis.

the bottom line is, Africa will not develop into some other continent, Africa will win by being Africa and the first step is to actually acknowledge that THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH US!
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#45 Posted : Wednesday, February 29, 2012 9:17:09 AM
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@ Masukuma

"........actually acknowledge that THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH US!..."

Let me mention just one- We are deeply tribal !!

Your point on colonization has got me thinking outside the box kiasi

Hi Berlin Treaty of 1884-1885 ( Berlin Link ) that divided Africa into our so called ''countries''....Do you think it was cast in stone or do you think we as Africans should have another conference and revisit it?

Would it make economic , cultural and geographical sense to consider re-drawing these borders so as to stimulate our 'development' in a more coherent manner?
'' The European condemns the Africans for having two wives yet he keeps two mistresses'' - Jomo Kenyatta
#46 Posted : Wednesday, February 29, 2012 9:35:38 AM
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Jaluo wrote:
@ Masukuma

"........actually acknowledge that THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH US!..."

Let me mention just one- We are deeply tribal !!

Your point on colonization has got me thinking outside the box kiasi

Hi Berlin Treaty of 1884-1885 ( Berlin Link ) that divided Africa into our so called ''countries''....Do you think it was cast in stone or do you think we as Africans should have another conference and revisit it?

Would it make economic , cultural and geographical sense to consider re-drawing these borders so as to stimulate our 'development' in a more coherent manner?

What is a tribe? its just grouping! there is nothing wrong with being tribal its about origin, when moved at a higher level its called patriotism (especially by countries that have a single tribe i.e. England, france e.t.c). The biggest challenge is negative ethnicity, we need to appreciate that we are different! but when these differences are turned into means of division -we are in problems. However, as mentioned before - we are peculiar in this. the so called developing world has been divided on these grounds. the kingdoms of Spain belonged to the Spaniards, the Germans in Germany , France to the French, the occupants of the island of Great Britain have been sorting each other out for millennia until 1987! We simply have to work it our on our own - there are no templates to follow. back to definitions - we a 42 nations struggling to become 1 nation. it will take time, but we are doing much better than the rest of the world did as far as 'national cohesion' is concerned. Africa has over 3100 different language groups in Africa spread over 52 countries. Redrawing boundaries won't work now, that's water under the bridge. We simply need to work harder on it!
I appreciate the African mind, its very docile and can survive and change. I know not of another that has over a short period of time, re-evaluated, picked up things from other cultures that are superior to its own and embraced change. the rest had millennia to do it. We were isolated and we are doing things 'double time'
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#47 Posted : Wednesday, February 29, 2012 10:55:14 AM
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@mathukuma, I like your thoughts. Very similar to Fmr Zambian President Chilubas arguments. Btw, whats your background?
Laughing out loudly smile Applause d'oh! Sad Drool Liar Shame on you Pray
#48 Posted : Wednesday, February 29, 2012 12:44:00 PM
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Lolest! wrote:
@mathukuma, I like your thoughts. Very similar to Fmr Zambian President Chilubas arguments. Btw, whats your background?

hahaha..I am an IT Guy!
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#49 Posted : Wednesday, February 29, 2012 4:26:39 PM
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B.Timer wrote:
I am a firm believer that Uhuru was granted by the Brits - no such thing as winning it through armed struggle.

If anything, the Mau mau business actually served to delay uhuru.

YOU MONKEY!!!!Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you
#50 Posted : Wednesday, February 29, 2012 5:41:25 PM
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fantony wrote:
B.Timer wrote:
I am a firm believer that Uhuru was granted by the Brits - no such thing as winning it through armed struggle.

If anything, the Mau mau business actually served to delay uhuru.

YOU MONKEY!!!!Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you

while it strikes at the core of the collective narrative we have been told...@B.Timer is right!
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#51 Posted : Wednesday, February 29, 2012 10:26:44 PM
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masukuma wrote:
fantony wrote:
B.Timer wrote:
I am a firm believer that Uhuru was granted by the Brits - no such thing as winning it through armed struggle.

If anything, the Mau mau business actually served to delay uhuru.

YOU MONKEY!!!!Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you

while it strikes at the core of the collective narrative we have been told...@B.Timer is right!

Well its true Brits finally gave us Uhuru ..true ..it was given.However,the fact still remains that we fought hard for it..blood was shed for our land...its too sad that this history was/is not taught well in our schools.neither was it recorded well enough...Our weapons and strategies may not have been as sophisticated as the british..but my friend we fought and blood was shed...lots of it..many poor,innocent kenyans died in concentration camps in tana river and the likes...My father was a little boy those days and whenever he tells the stories during the fight for independence ,his eyes are filled with tears.They died so you can be free...and now you claim that Uhuru was given on a silver plate....damn you for even suggesting that.If you cant understand that then you have no business calling yourself a Kenyan.
#52 Posted : Wednesday, February 29, 2012 11:38:40 PM
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patcho wrote:
masukuma wrote:
fantony wrote:
B.Timer wrote:
I am a firm believer that Uhuru was granted by the Brits - no such thing as winning it through armed struggle.

If anything, the Mau mau business actually served to delay uhuru.

YOU MONKEY!!!!Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you

while it strikes at the core of the collective narrative we have been told...@B.Timer is right!

Well its true Brits finally gave us Uhuru ..true ..it was given.However,the fact still remains that we fought hard for it..blood was shed for our land...its too sad that this history was/is not taught well in our schools.neither was it recorded well enough...Our weapons and strategies may not have been as sophisticated as the british..but my friend we fought and blood was shed...lots of it..many poor,innocent kenyans died in concentration camps in tana river and the likes...My father was a little boy those days and whenever he tells the stories during the fight for independence ,his eyes are filled with tears.They died so you can be free...and now you claim that Uhuru was given on a silver plate....damn you for even suggesting that.If you cant understand that then you have no business calling yourself a Kenyan.

we understand that blood was shed and a resistance put up. but the resistance was quashed and it was not fruitful. and thus the statement..."tulipigania uhuru" is correct but incomplete. "tulipigania uhuru, tukashindwa baadaye wakatupatia uhuru" is now correct and complete.
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#53 Posted : Thursday, March 01, 2012 12:30:10 AM
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uhuru was fought for but als running colonies was not a very profitable venture anymore, there was tremendous pressure at home (UK) by the liberals to let the colonies govern themselves... so both of you are right to an extent, taking one side is missing the point
#54 Posted : Thursday, March 01, 2012 10:02:57 AM
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pariah wrote:
uhuru was fought for but als running colonies was not a very profitable venture anymore, there was tremendous pressure at home (UK) by the liberals to let the colonies govern themselves... so both of you are right to an extent, taking one side is missing the point

More to the point!

Just like Slavery and slave trade was frowned upon in the west earlier, and abolished by the same west, colonisation was the next evil that the west had chosen to rid themselves of.

Suppose we didnt engage in armed struggle (Mau mau-ism), would we have gotten independence?

I think so, in fact it would probably have come earlier than it eventualy did.

Mau mau struggle was not necessary, period.

All we needed to do was engage the British in an organised civil campaign devoid of barbarism.

There was no Mau mau equivalent in TZ nor UG but they got their uhuru before us.

Dunia ni msongamano..
#55 Posted : Thursday, March 01, 2012 10:14:13 AM
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sudan - 1955
tunisia - 1956
morocco - 1956
ghana - 1956
guinea - 1958
cameroon - 1960
togo - 1960
mali - 1960
madagascar- 1960
DR congo - 1960
Somalia - 1960
benin - 1960
niger - 1960
bukina faso - 1960
ivory coast - 1960
chad - 1960
central africa republic - 1960
congo brazzaville - 1960
Nigeria - 1960
Sierra leone - 1961
Tanzania - 1961
Rwanda - 1962
burundi -1962
Algeria -1962
Uganda - 1962
Kenya -1963
Malawi - 1963
Zambia - 1964
I ASK AGAIN - Uhuru tulipigania ama tulipewa?
All Mushrooms are edible! Some Mushroom are only edible ONCE!
#56 Posted : Thursday, March 01, 2012 10:32:48 AM
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Was Kenya going the way of Ug and Tz or was it going the way of Zimbabwe where settlers declared independence in 1965? I find similarities with Zim than with our EA neighbours. Both settler grps were vichwa ngumu. Mau mau did not win the war just like the 80s and 90s second liberation failure to remove Moi.
Laughing out loudly smile Applause d'oh! Sad Drool Liar Shame on you Pray
#57 Posted : Thursday, March 01, 2012 10:39:49 AM
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masukuma wrote:
sudan - 1955
tunisia - 1956
morocco - 1956
ghana - 1956
guinea - 1958
cameroon - 1960
togo - 1960
mali - 1960
madagascar- 1960
DR congo - 1960
Somalia - 1960
benin - 1960
niger - 1960
bukina faso - 1960
ivory coast - 1960
chad - 1960
central africa republic - 1960
congo brazzaville - 1960
Nigeria - 1960
Sierra leone - 1961
Tanzania - 1961
Rwanda - 1962
burundi -1962
Algeria -1962
Uganda - 1962
Kenya -1963
Malawi - 1963
Zambia - 1964
I ASK AGAIN - Uhuru tulipigania ama tulipewa?

what about South Africa and Zimbabwe?
#58 Posted : Thursday, March 01, 2012 2:08:37 PM
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For effective effort deployment one needs to analyse their situation correctly then direct their energies towards a path that brings the desired results - in the most cost effective way.

Our situation was that we were directly under the Queen in England, as represented here by the Governor.

It is the Queen's hand that we wanted off our back.

Hence the person to negotiate/fight - (in Mau mau case) with, was the Queen or her appointed representative.

Opting to engage in armed conflict with the Queen's Govt was a huge mistake given their warfare might.

If we had negotiated with UK and convinced them that we needed and were ready to run our affairs (as patronising as it sounds), and they agreed and pulled out, then some nondiscript settlers attempted to ride rough shod on us, you can be sure they wouldnt have got anywhere without the support of the UK govt.

Dunia ni msongamano..
#59 Posted : Thursday, March 01, 2012 2:29:27 PM
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pariah wrote:
masukuma wrote:
sudan - 1955
tunisia - 1956
morocco - 1956
ghana - 1956
guinea - 1958
cameroon - 1960
togo - 1960
mali - 1960
madagascar- 1960
DR congo - 1960
Somalia - 1960
benin - 1960
niger - 1960
bukina faso - 1960
ivory coast - 1960
chad - 1960
central africa republic - 1960
congo brazzaville - 1960
Nigeria - 1960
Sierra leone - 1961
Tanzania - 1961
Rwanda - 1962
burundi -1962
Algeria -1962
Uganda - 1962
Kenya -1963
Malawi - 1963
Zambia - 1964
I ASK AGAIN - Uhuru tulipigania ama tulipewa?

what about South Africa and Zimbabwe?

South Africa 1931 (or 1910)
Zimbabwe 1965
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#60 Posted : Thursday, March 01, 2012 2:37:10 PM
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Masukuma, it appears we were given. The dominos were already falling. It was just a matter of time before the kenyan one was arrived at. But lets be kind to the veterans. They sincerely believe they fought for it. This news will break their hearts.
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