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Your first car
#61 Posted : Thursday, June 25, 2009 6:29:00 AM
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Joined: 6/16/2007
Posts: 36
I have been fortunate not to have a jalopy as a first car tho i am sure they provide many opportunities for great laughter later on. Anyway,my first car was a 1991 legacy GT (but a hand-me-down from my folks). While it was a truly terrific car,It drove me broke after a short while coz of my low income. I had to sell it and used a mat for quite a long time!! After many years,i bought a Nissan Sunny,which i still got to-date (tho i am planning to upgrade to a newer version GT :).

Rule No 1: NEVER Lose any Shareholders' money.
Rule No 2: NEVER Forget Rule No 1!!!
#62 Posted : Thursday, June 25, 2009 7:27:00 AM
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@ Luttz

Kindly re-read my post.

Look at the word in bold. I put it like that cause i knew someone will write what you have writen. ;-)

Want to be a millionaire.... plant a million cabbages and sell them at a bob...
#63 Posted : Thursday, June 25, 2009 7:27:00 AM
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someone is selling to me a VW Golf.i think its a MK 2.not seen it yet.Red in colour.Carburettor.1300 cc.A KZ Smthg.I have never owned a car before and i decided to utilise SK contributor's advice i.e start with an old vehicle then upgrade with time.Anyone here with experience of VW Golfs.pls share.thanks.

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#64 Posted : Thursday, June 25, 2009 7:40:00 AM
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Golf is a fantastic almost hussle free car.Go for it if the price is fair.

Yombo dhier....!!
Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.
#65 Posted : Thursday, June 25, 2009 9:16:00 AM
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VW is super car,very good reliabilty,parts are expe. but caburator aka kafraita,is a dont touch in this day.
#66 Posted : Thursday, June 25, 2009 9:47:00 AM
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I know a guy who owns a golf MK 2.The ka-thing is fabulous,fuel economy around 17km/l better than most efi's.Reliability is excellent though you must take care of it.What surprised me is the mechanical quality and handling,the car rides better than most new cars,the seats are still as good as the day they left the factory,20yrs ago!
The utimate goal of investing is to buy low sell high;if we re-write this core equation in psychology terms it becomes buy fear sell greed.
#67 Posted : Thursday, June 25, 2009 10:07:00 AM
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Guys,I just got my 'dream' car delivered just moments ago. It is a Nissan Wingroad,metallic blue. Very cool interior comfy on the road. I love the way the engine humms as I drive.

@ Eli,this one is good for a first car get a wingroad!

Zama za Kengen IPO.... zama za mali
#68 Posted : Thursday, June 25, 2009 1:39:00 PM
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@leona (what they mean...).

FORD- Fix Or Repair Daily

Nissan - Never In Season,Simply a No-show

KIA - Keep It Away! / Korean Industrial Accident.

And when the Golf Mk2 GTi first came out it was 'hot' hence GTi - Guaranteed Theft Item.
#69 Posted : Thursday, June 25, 2009 4:37:00 PM
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Was looking to surprise Wify with the new model Mitsubishi Cedia (fully loaded) which she had fallen in love with for the last 3 months. Just when the car is hitting the port she starts talking of the A180. What to do? I've been so exited at the prospect of not sharing my Forester,what do ladies really want!?
#70 Posted : Thursday, June 25, 2009 8:58:00 PM
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At some point (near the begining),Woman had all of earth,including all named and unnammed items. They were all hers,just holla at Adam and he will tell you,even diamonds wount do it...
#71 Posted : Friday, June 26, 2009 8:49:00 AM
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Is the 1300cc the smallest VW Golf engine? And what is the smallest Jetta engine. Am contemplating a VW.

@ Nyari give her the cedia. She will still love it.
Lord, thank you!
#72 Posted : Friday, June 26, 2009 8:28:00 PM
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First car - VW Golf Mk2 (1800CC GTI and this is where the trouble begins)

Bought from a muindi living in south c. first test drive was with girlfriend then (Wife now). Was very loud (The car i mean ...actually even the chap)and the chap took us on a test drive to msa road very quickly we were impressed. Committed to paying the chap a depo and the rest after 2 months....

Yes we paid as agreed BUT on collecting the vehicle firstly the chap had removed many things and i think he sold them! To be honest he was a con ! I confined myself to taking the vehicle to CMC for thorough servicing and just for that peace of mind (Before that actually it had overheated)....i did have CMC look at it and 50-60K later i drove off with it...later in evening decided to take my gal to village market with my new ride....limuru road just before we got to the aga khan turning the damn electricals in the vehicle failed... i mean everything went dead..... on our right was this forest staring at us...i quickly pushed vehicle to the mobil petrol station behind us and parked.... several miraa chewing youth would occassionally come and pretend to offer us advice on what to do...in the end we gave up and left the vehicle their and took a cab near aga khan hosp (an old volvo) went back home and returned to get the vehicle the following day....

To cut the story short what followed next was money spending,breakdowns that would equate to some number to the power of n and total unbelievable unreliability not to mention spending all satos fixing the damn thing in some garage in south c..... we even had to get some parts from the UK to overhaul the damn thing ! anyway after fitting a new engine it somehow normalised..but my galfriend then and i were tired of this and we had to call it quites we sold and settled for a modest small japanese vehicle..... you guy and lady i probably see the garage nowadays as many times as lucy sees wambui !!!!!!!!!!!!

Moral of the story - Ask around,Because its your first car you obviously may not have a mech so get one of your pals who owns a decent reliable vehicle to get their mech to advice,DON'T BUY YET,look around establish the models you want...... don't commit...zero down to 3 of them and have them all checked by a mech properly...need i say you need to ensure that the docs are cross checked with KRA..always best to buy from a renowned dealer...(Obviously more expensive) .... please don't rush...... its not an emergency to get a vehicle..... please please just because its beautiful don't mean its that much pretty inside !
#73 Posted : Saturday, June 27, 2009 3:07:00 PM
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@ Eli,not sure if the amount stated above would get you a car, for minimum,get a figure above 350K,and if your not that good on choosing cars,use the old rule of taking the most common brand .. that's what i do with electronics..

My first car was a VW (Beetle),gave me problems,then finally landed a Toyota 100 (KAL..),and have had it for one and half years,and has served me perfectly,i have not had any extra costs apart from the expected service,replacement of tyres,springs etc . 9 months ago i moved to another country to work,and currently use the car each 2 weeks after 3 months away . I have been tempted more than twice to sell it. but since i know what it is.. i just turn away any interest. Just a good car.

All the best in your hunting.

#74 Posted : Saturday, June 27, 2009 4:25:00 PM
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My 1st and the one i still have is a daihatsu charade 1280 cc,auto,efi. bot it from a muhindi and av had it for one yr now. done one service,last week was when i gave it a thorough check up. the parts are not easily found but they are there in kirinyaga rd.

i went to naivasha with it and was doing 120kph and i only spent 1k on fuel. i fuelled on reaching westi when i was coming back 200 bob but i still used it the next day.

so far the car has not been problematic at all. i bought it for 205k but wouldnt sell for less than 250k (av done a few upgrades) If you want,i can hook you up with the muhindi who sold it to me. He is not a bad chap. I have been saying i will sell but have never gotten around to it.

The only thing that would make me sell is if i got a nice Peugeot 405. I just luv that machine. Any ideas where i can get one?
#75 Posted : Monday, June 29, 2009 9:02:00 AM
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@CLK - '1989 w126 benz' - hands down the BEST Mercedes ever - ahead of its time - in 1983 with the 126 series Mercedes pioneered ABS in this car,by 1989 it has more features than some cars produced 10 years later - heated seats,airbags,seat belts that tightened when sensing a collission,a crumple zone such that even if you hit a stationary locomotive (i.e. 120 tonnes) at 180kph,the engine would slide harmlessly under the car and not into the driving cabin - sheer genius - I'd sooner own a 126 series than 10 prados and 10 hummers.

The problem with equality is that we desire that it be with those that have more than us rather that those that have less
#76 Posted : Monday, June 29, 2009 9:40:00 AM
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does the mhindi guy still sell cars.I am interested in a car costing not more than 200k.

There Is No Virtue So Trully Great And Good Like Justice!
#77 Posted : Tuesday, June 30, 2009 7:00:00 AM
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@Djinn,i told the guy,the day he wants to sell it,he shud ask me first before any1 else,we once had a puncture and didnt know we had one,we realised wen other Motorists kept flashing lights at us,thats how comfy the car is,and u can do crazy speeds without feeling it until u open the window,the only thing is tat u can call it a guzzler compared to the newer mercs.

The real measure of your wealth is how much you'd be worth if you lost all your money. ~Author Unknown
#78 Posted : Tuesday, June 30, 2009 10:56:00 AM
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I recall the very 'first' car in our family,my dad's 1966 Peugeot 204,a 1300 cc (or therabout) estate. The thing had an alluminium engine and was front drive. The thing was so old but so robuste a car that could sloowly but surely do Nairobi-Kitale-Nairobi without a fuss,except for the always present jerrycan of water for occasional overheating. It was front wheel drive with PVC seats and very comfortable suspension. My dad bought it around 1994 and I later it was mailnly for purposes of securing a car allowance.

five years later he sold it for 19K but I remember hearing and seeing the car mobile laden with vegetables in Eastlands sometime in 2005. The car had an annoying chriiiiilll that always announced it's approach from as far as 300 metres away.

I bet I could now get one such or a 304 if I found one in good condition just for collectors purposes.-it was more car than most of the ex-Japanese toys on our roads today.

What a bam bam?
#79 Posted : Tuesday, June 30, 2009 1:15:00 PM
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Mine was a 1998 Subaru Imprezza 1500cc .Got it so cheaply,305k,from a yard in industrial Area. Apart from the initial repair costs (about 15K),never had a problem with it until I off-loaded it 1year later at 400k.

Verdict: Superb Car

Am now doing rounds in a Toyota Sprinter,which is a remarkable car (I used to hate Toyotas with a Passion). Hopefully in a few Months,I'd have saved up enough to get a decent Mercedes C-200 (Heck: If i could run a Subaru Comfortably for one year,why not a Merc?)
#80 Posted : Wednesday, July 01, 2009 6:11:00 AM
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@ Benzin,

you can never ever compare a subs and a Merc!
two worlds apart.

The real measure of your wealth is how much you'd be worth if you lost all your money. ~Author Unknown
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