Club SK
Weddings: The newest form of exploitation
Rank: Elder Joined: 6/17/2008 Posts: 23,365 Location: Nairobi
Luttz, you got it.......give and take, period!!!! ..."Wewe ni mtu mdogo sana....na mwenye amekuandika pia ni mtu mdogo sana!".
Rank: Member Joined: 6/21/2009 Posts: 292
Got involved in a wedding committee where the lady was not working and the jama had to foot their part of the contribution for the wedding. One of the issues agreed upon was for the lady to hire a wedding gown - shock on us when she withdrew funds that had been raised and bought a gown at Ksh 45K!
She even insisted on an evening party at a city hotel where we were being charged 1,500 per person. Confirmed a number of her friends were to turn up - which they didn't and we had to settle a bill of 30k for the no-shows.
This was before my wedding and it taught us quite a lesson - we saved for it and did not demand contributions from friends though they gave what they could. But the greatest contibution was the logistical support offered which ensured everything flowed smoothly. After the wedding we were able to host all our friends to a party at our cost. For those friends I participate and contribute during their weddings.
Rank: New-farer Joined: 3/31/2011 Posts: 49
famooz wrote:Wendz wrote:Kwanini wrote:feel cheated... having contributed to so many weddings. are majority of wazuans already wedded hence the fait accompli? by same argument should we attend burial arrangements- people should have insurance? , harambees for the sick [why dont they have medical cover?] rushing a sick neighbour to hospital at night- shouldn't he call an ambulance?
Aren't social norms ingrained in us, as we grow... no man is an island, what we should be against is sheer exhibitionism. Lets not get issues mixed up..... you can live without a "400-invited-guests" wedding, but you cant live with a dead body not sent off, or a sickness, or force a baby not to be born..... so burial, sickness, a pregnant neighbour who needs lift to hospital, a child who needs education etc is a must... wedding? why should i fund your pleasures? but i can buy you a beer! @burning... what's up with the "wendings"? @ Wendz,i agree with you but even with the burial send off,i think peeps are talking it to far. What is the point of budgeting for a casket worth 30K if you do not have the money then ask the burial committee to pay? In my village,there is dude who died after a long illness.So people had changad for his hospital bill but then he passed on:(. So during the committee,there was a list of mpaka clothes for the family too wear,budget was huko juu like 100K ( this is little money,i know burials cost almost kama hizo weddings i see on the wedding show)but bottom line is that the burial committee was expected to raise this cash. Guess what happened one month after the funeral? The widow went and bought a car Experienced something similar. Was involved in a friends wedding committee 3 yrs ago; the couple claimed they only had 80K saved and their budget was 500K. Being the couples very close friends, as a commitee we did our best to meet most of the expenditure. A month after the wedding, guys got themselvese a new car, yet we'd never heard any talk of them buying a car. The same guys who only had 80K saved. I got so mad after this, siku hizi hizo committee siendi.
Rank: Elder Joined: 4/9/2008 Posts: 2,824
@jahman.... wedding is for the families involved and their closest friends, end of story. All those other reasons being advanced here for setting con-committees are all vague and will remain that way for ever. Nothing can ever ever change that. So if i am your close family member / friend you can put me in your committee for logistics and MAYBE a little financial assistance. And it should be about KUPANGA harusi, not KUCHANGIA harusi. Kuchangia harusi kazi yenu na familia zenu. There is too much abuse of this whole thing.. imagine now a guy suggesting "if all here just get 10% of people on your phone contacts contribute we shall be able to meet this budget deficit" How now do you even think of that? Kama wewe na mpenzi wako na familia zenu hamna pesa ya kufanya hiyo harusi hapana sumbua watu bure. When I have money, I get rid of it quickly, lest it find a way into my heart.
Rank: Veteran Joined: 7/22/2008 Posts: 1,139
The majority here are of the view that if you cant afford 3/4 of your wedding cost,leave it. No confusion here ! Dont disturb all the people in your contacts book and demand they give you finances where you even put the minimum.Its not a must. No one is against committees but people taking advantage to gain at the expense of friends.Its is not only immoral but thievery ! Maybe those who have benefited in this illegal stealing may support the extortion ! "You're not supposed to be so blind with patriotism that you can't face reality. Wrong is wrong, no matter who says it". Malcolm X
Rank: Elder Joined: 6/17/2008 Posts: 23,365 Location: Nairobi
kingfisher wrote:@jahman.... wedding is for the families involved and their closest friends, end of story. All those other reasons being advanced here for setting con-committees are all vague and will remain that way for ever. Nothing can ever ever change that.
So if i am your close family member / friend you can put me in your committee for logistics and MAYBE a little financial assistance. And it should be about KUPANGA harusi, not KUCHANGIA harusi. Kuchangia harusi kazi yenu na familia zenu.
There is too much abuse of this whole thing.. imagine now a guy suggesting "if all here just get 10% of people on your phone contacts contribute we shall be able to meet this budget deficit" How now do you even think of that? Kama wewe na mpenzi wako na familia zenu hamna pesa ya kufanya hiyo harusi hapana sumbua watu bure. King, najua wewe hapana panga hii kitu......now that you are my close friend, I wonder how I forgot to tax you during mine.... ..."Wewe ni mtu mdogo sana....na mwenye amekuandika pia ni mtu mdogo sana!".
Rank: Member Joined: 4/7/2010 Posts: 130
bwenyenye wrote:... ninunulieni suti'.. Very useless idiot, we give you our sister, we organize the wedding ( his people did jerk), then we buy you the suit?? Iko watu shenzi type kabisa! This got me rocking the office! If you were born after 1980, you may not understand this.....watoto wa siku hizi wameharibika!
Rank: Elder Joined: 11/19/2007 Posts: 2,047
This blogger has 'beef' with weddings...but for a different reason http://jeffseventhorizon.wordpress.com/ :)
Rank: Elder Joined: 11/19/2007 Posts: 2,047
kingfisher wrote:@jahman.... wedding is for the families involved and their closest friends, end of story. All those other reasons being advanced here for setting con-committees are all vague and will remain that way for ever. Nothing can ever ever change that.
So if i am your close family member / friend you can put me in your committee for logistics and MAYBE a little financial assistance. And it should be about KUPANGA harusi, not KUCHANGIA harusi. Kuchangia harusi kazi yenu na familia zenu.
There is too much abuse of this whole thing.. imagine now a guy suggesting "if all here just get 10% of people on your phone contacts contribute we shall be able to meet this budget deficit" How now do you even think of that? Kama wewe na mpenzi wako na familia zenu hamna pesa ya kufanya hiyo harusi hapana sumbua watu bure. ala @ King umekasirika ?!! 
Rank: Member Joined: 8/11/2009 Posts: 302
I once attended one such commitee where the budget was 550K and when I asked the devil's question of how much the couple was going to contribute, I was met with unspoken fury. Pressed, they said their contribution was 70K. I never returned to the subsequent meetings and waited for the wedding day where I brought my gift of a rather highly priced duvet as my gift. I didn't have any problem buying the gift but wouldn't have contributed any amount of money to this monkey-business-wedding-commitee.
I need to mention that this wedding eventually took place at a cost of Kshs. 195,000 (minus the costs of cars, which were donated by friends. In fact since I arrived at the girls home the night before, I also offered my car's back seat to carry some of those small kids that carry flowesr and what have you. The couple increased their cash contribution to 150k. It wasn't a glossy wedding, but it was by all means decent, well attended (the church was full) and the happiness was real. 2 and three quarter years later, the wife shows avery sign of happiness. Don't know so much about the guy but I bet he is too.
What people miss is that a marriage is not the wedding.
McReggae, even if you insist, these "bloodhounding" committees are morally inapproporaite and socially unacceptable and this will still remain true even if they continue to exist in the year 2030.
Rank: Elder Joined: 4/9/2008 Posts: 2,824
McReggae wrote:kingfisher wrote:@jahman.... wedding is for the families involved and their closest friends, end of story. All those other reasons being advanced here for setting con-committees are all vague and will remain that way for ever. Nothing can ever ever change that.
So if i am your close family member / friend you can put me in your committee for logistics and MAYBE a little financial assistance. And it should be about KUPANGA harusi, not KUCHANGIA harusi. Kuchangia harusi kazi yenu na familia zenu.
There is too much abuse of this whole thing.. imagine now a guy suggesting "if all here just get 10% of people on your phone contacts contribute we shall be able to meet this budget deficit" How now do you even think of that? Kama wewe na mpenzi wako na familia zenu hamna pesa ya kufanya hiyo harusi hapana sumbua watu bure. King, najua wewe hapana panga hii kitu......now that you are my close friend, I wonder how I forgot to tax you during mine.... @jahman... Now you got it. thats what we are saying. tax your closest friend/family if you must and if they are willing. hao wengine watumie invitation kama ni lazima. @famooz.. mimi hapa kasirika, just trying to use words that some of us in here must be told in order to understand. When I have money, I get rid of it quickly, lest it find a way into my heart.
Rank: Elder Joined: 5/1/2010 Posts: 3,024 Location: Hapa
heheheheh, i dont know if it is the BEEF that is big or his WORDS  . good read though Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee. - Muhammad Ali🐝
Rank: Member Joined: 7/11/2008 Posts: 401
Before I got married, my wife and I attended marriage classes. In our class was a couple that had lived together for 25 years (civil marriage) and were now going to have a wedding after all those years.
Society is creating pressure on young couples to have bigger and better weddings with each passing year and television programmes help to add to this obsession which someone aptly described as "keeping up with the Macharias".
I'm not sure how true this is, but a radio presenter invited folks for his wedding, then after the photo session outside the church, he waved goodbye and they went to have lunch with the best couple! (yes just the 4 of them) The invited guests were shocked. There was no reception or evening party. Habari ndio hiyo.
Rank: Elder Joined: 3/18/2011 Posts: 12,069 Location: Kianjokoma
Burning Spear wrote:
No one is against committees but people taking advantage to gain at the expense of friends.Its is not only immoral but thievery !
Maybe those who have benefited in this illegal stealing may support the extortion !
Who is supporting thievery? Are you totally against committees for fundraising? If not then tuko pamoja. I'm not married and not even close to. I do not think I will do a big wedding but that does not mean I will not attend my friends' committees. Most guys do this: they set a budget which they know they can meet at least 2/3. e.g buy shares. They will then ask the comm to cotribute hoping that the help they get from friends will help them save on their cash and use that cash for another project. Never seen that as immoral, it's a societal merry-go-round, as I said earlier. Leo kwangu kesho kwako. It is absurd to set a wedding you clearly can't afford 2/3 of the cost. It is also unfair to set targets for members ati 10k. In fact, I always set ceilings for my friends depending on closeness and do not adjust it regardless of the coaxing that happens in the meetings. For many men, the wedding day (and other unnecessary stresses like dowry)is a thing we would love to avoid but you do it for your sweetheart and family.
Rank: Elder Joined: 3/18/2011 Posts: 12,069 Location: Kianjokoma
theman192000 wrote: I'm not sure how true this is, but a radio presenter invited folks for his wedding, then after the photo session outside the church, he waved goodbye and they went to have lunch with the best couple! (yes just the 4 of them) The invited guests were shocked. There was no reception or evening party. Habari ndio hiyo.
You guys are giving me nice ideas!! Sasa wacha nitafute dame. I can wed by end of next year!!
Rank: Elder Joined: 3/18/2011 Posts: 12,069 Location: Kianjokoma
luttz wrote:Life is about "give and take". This applies to my friends and even relatives and weddings are no exception. I can contribute if I believe its a worthy investment. Next time, it will be your turn; not to contribute to my wedding but to my other life needs (not necessarily financial. As long as one is able, contribution to Sickness, & fees, should not be counted. Yep, all one needs to do is set a maximum beyond which they won't contribute. Say you want to give 2000 bob. Do not give more than this even if the wedding is for 800k. The couple will sort themselves out on the bal.
Rank: Member Joined: 11/24/2009 Posts: 130
Rank: Elder Joined: 8/11/2010 Posts: 1,588
Lolest! wrote:theman192000 wrote: I'm not sure how true this is, but a radio presenter invited folks for his wedding, then after the photo session outside the church, he waved goodbye and they went to have lunch with the best couple! (yes just the 4 of them) The invited guests were shocked. There was no reception or evening party. Habari ndio hiyo.
You guys are giving me nice ideas!! Sasa wacha nitafute dame. I can wed by end of next year!! Lolest! Lolest! Lolest! Dearest Lolest! You want to get married because of a wedding? Sigh......
Rank: Elder Joined: 3/18/2011 Posts: 12,069 Location: Kianjokoma
YW, wedding keeps me away from marriage.
Rank: Elder Joined: 5/24/2007 Posts: 1,805
My two pence on why weddings are unnecessarily expensive. Men live beyond their means to impress women. Women live beyond their means to impress other women.You agree with your fiance that your wedding will cost 300K. And she is good with it. Then she meets her friends and tells them that she is about to get married....boy, your chic comes home and shrieks every time you mention a 500K wedding. She wants a 1M wedding..( Someone posted on another thread 'when two women talk, the devil sita aside and listens and learns..) I Think Therefore I Am
Club SK
Weddings: The newest form of exploitation
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