1. Operate from a virtual office. Its a new concept to many but it helps you concentrate on your business/core priorities while letting the virtual office provider take care of your non-core work such as;
- office management
- receptionist
- call answering
- capital expenditure on IT systems
- book keeping
- secretarial support
- human resources
- tax return filling
- and online marketing
If your work is marketing, focus on it rather than get occupied with office cleaning, attitude of the receptionist to you customers, payroll, tax returns, e.t.c. Virtual office providers such as www.vosoffice.com can help you in this areas.
Virtual offices around the world can help you become one of the smallest multinationals like www.smallestmultinational.com
2. Get the right people. Get employees not business partners who don't understand clearly your business idea or share same value.
3. Financial literacy......