bwenyenye wrote:bkismat wrote:Quote:bwenyenye wrote:thuks wrote:[quote=bwenyenye
Some careers are meant to be vocations not professions.It should not be about the money. You cannot be a good doctor if you are hungry and you are looking at your patient as your source of next meal. You should have other sources of sustenance. Sad but the hard truth.
No problem here, the vocational doctors in public sector will not be going on strike. lets count how many they will be
Guys, unfortunately 99% of our doctors are there for the money. Big money. And when they don't touch it.... they behave like nursery school kids or the Kenya Powerless idiots!
All I am saying is that they are no better than the govt that is not providing them with the required facilities. Hospitals are run by doctors who should know what is needed to run a hospital. If they go fixing lifts and forget buying the gauze, who do you blame? Let me ask the docs here, would you prefer excellent working facilities or the pay? I did not hear anyone striking coz of the lack of facilities.
![Laughing out loudly](/Images/Emoticons/msp_lol.gif)
Excellent working facilities? In which Government hospital?
My point exactly. What moral do you have to ask for more pay knowing very well you will still do jerk due to lack of facilities. How much better are you compared to the Chief Inspector? Well at least he has a uniform and white cap on and we see him making traffic move every evening. What about you, the last time I visited public hospital you never did your rounds, I saw guys dying at the reception coz you were missing or did not care. I dread having to see you than to see the inspector. At least I can count on him to get home this evening. As far as the public doc is concerned, I will meet him at the private hospital. As tax payer, I would rate a cop's services more expensive than yours coz you got no tools of trade and you want more pay![/quote]
the guy with a uniform and a white kofia bribed to get his posting in traffic for obvious reasons - no vocation whatsoever! he can supplement his peanut excuse of a salary with huge side takings on the road....
If you are going to be thinking only one thing, you might as well be thinking big. -Donald J . Trump