Graduate Salaries in Kenya : A Review
Rank: Member Joined: 4/2/2011 Posts: 629 Location: Nai
alma wrote:I think the problem is that graduates from Kenyan universities think they are very bright and are owed something for their "expertise".
I find it shocking that Kenyan graduates can't type to save their lives. Yet they are on facebook.
I was in a Kenyan college and also been in a college "out there". I have to say, I have never met as many self important people as Kenyan graduates....One had the audacity to tell me that he was so bright, I could not afford him. So I told him to go to where he could be afforded. 2 yrs later, he's still tarmaking.
For about 2 yrs I worked as an intern. With a masters degree to boot. And no, I was not paid peanuts, I was paid nothing!
You try get a Kenyan graduate, even the one who's tarmacking to work as an intern. The guy will go start a riot in Tao.
Sorry, Mr/Ms graduate, the world owes you nothing. You are insignificant and no one needs you as much as you think.
You need to prove to the world that you are worth your boss asking the BOG to increase your "personal" salary. Not set up a website to tell people exactly why you are considered a bad person to employ in the first place. In my case, I would rather have worked for free in an organization that offers good experience, (even as a volunteer) than to get bogged down working in a job that has no growth potential. There were companies that I would simply not send application letters to which may sound arrogant to some people but I had my reasons and with time I have been proved right. There is nothing wrong with some graduates agreeing to work for 10k as they may have sponsors to house them and they have a game plan on how to advance themselves. For some graduates, the first job is a matter of life and death. What I find annoying is having to confront fresh graduates who have no idea of what kind of jobs they want. Again the education system may have failed them.
Rank: Member Joined: 9/29/2010 Posts: 216 Location: Kenia
Simple matter - low wages are a result of supply and demand. Why name and shame employers? Why not shame job seekers as well for not accepting to grow patiently ??
I pity those earning 15K a month in this day and age , whether certificate, diploma, or degree holder. That money is little, but vumilia and 'use your brains' to survive. Here's how ...
in 2000 I was employed as a computer technician earning 12K a month! It was little (as a computer science GRADUATE!!), but I persevered for 6 months. Once I felt skilled enough, the clients of my previous employer became mine.. the rest is history
come 2007, my wife was employed @ 25K which she felt was too low for a graduate. I told her to accept the job and work hard at opportunities. She looked at the mass of thousands of colleagues and saw business...she sold them bags,shoes, wallets etc. She was laughing stock for many of her 'graduate' friends...but today she has a shop of her own.
The key to success is to turn unnatractive situations into victory by perserverence!!
Rank: Elder Joined: 10/9/2008 Posts: 5,389
From the discussion going on here, it appears that the govt is one of the best employers. I didn't know that the private sector could pay a graduate 15k, since from what I hear fresh graduates working for GoK get at least 20k for house allowance in Nairobi. Add that to an entry basic pay of about 30k and 6k transport, 4k medical, and govt pension, and the freshman working for GOK gets about 60k. And the graduate will still get at least 500bob each day as 'chai' to hasten the movement of files, signing of cheques etc, in the govt offices. And it's a job guaranteed for life!
Rank: Elder Joined: 10/9/2008 Posts: 5,389
new investor wrote:@ tom boy... if I had to pay rent in Ngara ( close to town) It would be a minimum of 9k for a single room...
Fare to and from Ngara (off peak) is 50/= daily making around 1k
Daily food budget (280 *30)= 8400 2pkts Milk 70 1/2 kg Meat 180 Cabage/spinach 20 Tomatoes 10
Lunch 100 ( Minimum in town)= 2500 Shopping = 5k Electricity and water bills = 1k
Anyway where is one meant to get the deficit?
Theft, robbery, terrorism etc
Anyway fellow wazuans, if you have no response to my question about the site, please stop spamming my post......... 15k per month is ridiculous and one would not survive in the city (unless you want live in the slums). It's shameful, inhuman and immoral that companies declaring billions in earnings per year can pay their skilled workers peanuts. I have amended your budget to show what a graduate should earn as a minimum in Nairobi. I wish corporates could adhere to this. Rent for 2brm flat Kasarani/Kinoo/Kitengela etc - 15000 Fare to and from work is 200/= daily making around 4000 Daily food budget (390 *30)= 11700 2pkts Milk 70 1/2 kg Meat 180 Cabage/spinach 20 Tomatoes 10 Unga - 70 Bread - 40 Lunch 200 ( Minimum in town)= 4000 Shopping/school fees = 10000 Clothing - 3000 Medical care - 2000 Mututho - 1000 per weekend i.e 4000 pm Electricity bills = 2000 water bill - 1000 Telephone - 1500 HELB repayment - 3000 TOTAL MONTHLY REQUIREMENT = 61,200
Rank: Elder Joined: 3/2/2009 Posts: 26,329 Location: Masada
Rank: Veteran Joined: 5/18/2008 Posts: 796
Rank: Member Joined: 3/24/2010 Posts: 677 Location: Nairobi
@mozenrat maybe spending too much time on wazua is what would make you think and write that last paragraph. Seriously dude that was uncalled for.
Rank: Member Joined: 9/29/2010 Posts: 216 Location: Kenia
@ Mozenrat Post payslip yako ama weka link to confirm 400k p.m...
@ Mozenrat as Dash mentioned, your last statement was uncalled for
Rank: Veteran Joined: 5/18/2008 Posts: 796
I apologize if I caused offence.. This is what I should have said."I find it laughable that a "whole graduate" has sired two kids while earning 26K..and then has the audacity to complain about it.." Having children is your choice not your employer's, so any related expenses are purely your problem.. I certainly chose not to have any kids until I could give them the quality of life I desire.. if you desired for them to live in Ngara in a 9K hau, thats your decision. @Sihingwa, I know what I earn, what I aimed for and what I got.. I don't have to prove anything to you.
Rank: Member Joined: 10/26/2008 Posts: 380
1. Live within your means. 2. Increase your means. 3. Stop whining, and do something about the situation - look for alternatives.
By the way, you can make money in anything, its more about attitude, self belief and passion for what you do. Being a graduate just gives you the skill, when you are raw - you are of no value. Get that 15k, show your value, then demand for a pay increase. If no increase, then quit, and look for something else, you will have some little experience. Else, sit back and continue whining.
Agree with Monzerat, wrong priorities- if you have to eat nyama everyday with that salary, you are living beyond your means.
Rank: Member Joined: 4/2/2011 Posts: 629 Location: Nai
Just to be clear to anyone looking for a job, each job has a value and the pay is commensurate to the value of the job. It is quite possible that a PHD holder targets a low value job and consequently feels cheated.
Rank: Elder Joined: 10/9/2008 Posts: 5,389
It's shocking how wazuans are quick to justify a salary of 15k pm and blaming the employee for being paid peanuts. Perhaps her bosses should be asked to survive on the 15k for a month and see how motivated and productive they would be. If the govt has even set the minimum pay for househelps at 7500bob (exclusive of free housing, food), how can one justify a salary of 15k for a graduate?
Some are even suggesting that she should wait until she earns '400k' before she starts a family or buys some 1/4kg meat for her kids!
If these heartless wazuans are the kind of bosses littering the corporate scene, then I pity the employees. Mind you 15k is what the bosses are spending on dog food each month!
The fact that there are few jobs available doesn't mean that we result to slavery.
Rank: Member Joined: 4/26/2011 Posts: 759
alma wrote:I think the problem is that graduates from Kenyan universities think they are very bright and are owed something for their "expertise".
I find it shocking that Kenyan graduates can't type to save their lives. Yet they are on facebook.
I was in a Kenyan college and also been in a college "out there". I have to say, I have never met as many self important people as Kenyan graduates....One had the audacity to tell me that he was so bright, I could not afford him. So I told him to go to where he could be afforded. 2 yrs later, he's still tarmaking.
For about 2 yrs I worked as an intern. With a masters degree to boot. And no, I was not paid peanuts, I was paid nothing!
You try get a Kenyan graduate, even the one who's tarmacking to work as an intern. The guy will go start a riot in Tao.
Sorry, Mr/Ms graduate, the world owes you nothing. You are insignificant and no one needs you as much as you think.
You need to prove to the world that you are worth your boss asking the BOG to increase your "personal" salary. Not set up a website to tell people exactly why you are considered a bad person to employ in the first place. I personally think and have always said in this forum that Kenyans are mis-educated, I didn't go to college in Kenya but where I went to school you're suppose to work hard for everything, what you get paid is how much you're worth, if someone offer 15k a month, sorry you're worth 15k. However, when a doctor is paid 65k I find that offensive and I don't agree with it, so I think there should be a middle ground because no matter how market forces dictate, if a company pays less, it affect productivity, maybe that explain why Kenya companies are worth peanuts!
Rank: Veteran Joined: 7/8/2008 Posts: 947
@ Monzerat thanks for making my day. Your point was very direct and logical without the sugar coating! @ new investor there are several site doing what you suggest but it is not for naming and shaming. Glassdoor is a good example of a site that gives info on what to expect. Naming and shaming wont work and if he aim is to have companies pay more you will surely fail. Site like glassdoor are useful to help you determine if a company you might be interested in is worth your time. So if you do want to start the site go for it but not with your useless aim of naming and shaming but with an aim of making money. So as monzerat said you need to get your priorities right. Do you want to make money through advertising? do you want people to pay for access to information? How do you source for the information? Etc! Madam ...think! @ all the other people complaining about ohh employers are bad .... do something about it because it is better than whining and complaining!
Rank: Member Joined: 3/25/2010 Posts: 111 Location: Nairobi
Is a college degree worthless? - MSN Money^^ I'd recommend people to read that.It's The U.S but the dissatisfaction ekes third world issues. Quote:Degrees are poor proof of learning
Students want jobs and respect. Degrees bring both. Employers, meanwhile, want smart, capable workers. A degree is a decent enough proxy for intelligence, but we want it to be more than that. We want degrees to mean that students have learned the foundations of human knowledge: literature, chemistry, physics, composition, metaphysics, psychology, economics and so on. If we didn't, we'd replace degrees with inexpensive vocational exams.
Also. Quote: An educated citizenry is healthier, more tolerant, more politically engaged and more fulfilled than an ignorant one. But I refer above to degrees, not education. The two are not the same, even if policymakers talk as though they are.
I mean the situation that you and so many other graduates are in is sad.For the investment you put in,at least you have to expect something good in return,that you are entitled to.Personally I just put the blame squarely on the system.8-4-4 is doing nothing but creating entire generations of zombies.Like the guy I've quoted above has so well put it,having a degree doesn't necessarily mean you are educated and I think you should start from there. Like where you are now,are you easily dispensable?Or you have such mad skills your employer would trade his left nut to keep you.
Rank: Elder Joined: 10/9/2008 Posts: 5,389
Interesting to note that 'jamaa wa mjengo' are earning more than graduates. Fundis are currently earning 700 bob a day or 21k a month. Sad.
Rank: Elder Joined: 3/18/2011 Posts: 12,069 Location: Kianjokoma
@new investor, so when do we get to see your website? I suggest you call it Saloleaks. On 2nd thought I think it is a great idea. But I shudder when I think how many of us employees would make better bosses than our bosses. Would you even pay minimum wage? Would you adhere to best(not just legal) practices?
Rank: Veteran Joined: 4/16/2010 Posts: 906 Location: Nairobi
Are we complaining about corporates or SMEs?
Rank: Elder Joined: 10/9/2008 Posts: 5,389
KenyanLyrics wrote:Are we complaining about corporates or SMEs? The complaint is about the corporates as you can see from the author of the thread below. The same companies that splash millions for social causes while their employees are starving! new investor wrote:Fellow Wazuans,
I am suprised that all of you have turned my question about how to shame low paying big companies like Equity, Kcb, UBA, etc into a discussion of how people get their salaries.
This thought was born out of a realistion that as a graduate earning Kes, 15,000 I depend on my husband for my fare and lunch and sometimes (Like when he's away), I almost miss work.
I tried to put myself in shoes of some of my single friends, and especially, the guys. Who gives them fare when they run out?
Before I got married, my parents encouraged me to take the job and continued supporting me with rent, food etc
What about those whose parents are unable to asist them?
Is it normal for an employed/working graduate to be living on his parents/ spouse?
Rank: Member Joined: 6/23/2010 Posts: 182 Location: Kenya
I once worked for a company where the boss used to tell us you are a cost and you should justify why i should not cut costs but if it's an essential cost even if it goes up i will pay. So every body had to work really hard to prove s/he is an essential cost. The rewards were good.
Graduate Salaries in Kenya : A Review
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