Club SK
another bomb scare in Kayole
Rank: Chief Joined: 1/13/2011 Posts: 5,964
Shoot to kill highly encouraged.
Rank: Member Joined: 10/8/2010 Posts: 281
Njung'e wrote:Bomb detonated....and jinga Kenyans were all round gawking at the bomb....bure kabisa.Meanwhile Elgiva Bwire,the "man" arrested with several hand grenades has been charged and pleaded guilty of being an Al-shabaab.More reports indicate that the fellow who died during the OTC grenade was actually the attacker.Police to release his identity later today. ...This Bwire fellow possibly from Chamahoho just confirms that al thababu can be anyone!!
Rank: Elder Joined: 5/24/2007 Posts: 1,805
Rank: Elder Joined: 2/7/2007 Posts: 11,935 Location: Nairobi
@Bwenyenye, Hata kama natumia condom ya masho  ,the meaning does not change.Na tuhechimiane  .... usiniharibie tarehe yangu na Rhoda  ... http://www.capitalfm.co....nate-car-bomb-in-kayole/Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.
Rank: Elder Joined: 7/22/2009 Posts: 7,478
Njung'e wrote:@Maich,
Idiot!!....The explosive was set off.
By remote control or by robots? Or are you telling us the policemen who detonated it/set it off are now dead? Or was it detonated by Rudisha? I understand he is a policeman. With his speed he could DETONATE it and run all the way to Komarock before the big bang! Again in my "Elimu kwa wazee" spirit, here is the meaning of 'set off'Never count on making a good sale. Have the purchase price be so attractive that even a mediocre sale gives good returns.
Rank: Elder Joined: 6/17/2008 Posts: 23,365 Location: Nairobi
Savages, tutawatwanga mpaka wanede mbali kabisa!!! ..."Wewe ni mtu mdogo sana....na mwenye amekuandika pia ni mtu mdogo sana!".
Rank: Elder Joined: 7/22/2009 Posts: 7,478
@guka - Please don't rely on Kenyan journalists for your English lessons. Visit the link below: Bomb in KayoleNow you tell us, was the bomb defused or detonated? Never count on making a good sale. Have the purchase price be so attractive that even a mediocre sale gives good returns.
Rank: Veteran Joined: 12/23/2010 Posts: 1,229
@ Maichblack they should have used the word "neutralized" if they werent sure about how it was rendered impotent.
Rank: New-farer Joined: 10/13/2011 Posts: 67 Location: Kenya
The problem with many of us in Wazua is diverting from the original topic and concentrating on non issues like grammatical errors. A good number of topics are wasted when we start making comments that do not either compliment the initial topic or add much value.
@Njung'e, do not worry much about the grammar,you have given the info and as someone said "English came in a ship and some took the wrong container."
Rank: Member Joined: 12/17/2009 Posts: 121 Location: Nairobi
THe bomb was NOT diffused; it WAS detonated - by opening the trunk through remote control. On Christ Alone
Rank: Elder Joined: 3/2/2007 Posts: 8,776 Location: Cameroon
Nkt! Sasa mumenishanganya. Imeripuriwo ama imeturiswo ni porisi?? TULIA.........UFUNZWE!
Rank: Veteran Joined: 12/23/2010 Posts: 1,229
simonkabz wrote:Nkt! Sasa mumenishanganya. Imeripuriwo ama imeturiswo ni porisi?? tuseme tu haijaua mtu
Rank: Veteran Joined: 10/17/2008 Posts: 1,234
Guka - be careful. Even your bijuti will be blown up by cops since its boot doesn't open 
Rank: Elder Joined: 7/22/2009 Posts: 7,478
simonkabz wrote:Nkt! Sasa mumenishanganya. Imeripuriwo ama imeturiswo ni porisi?? Kurigana na hambari moto moto sa wasua, inasemekana aro sambab warikuwa wanataka kuripuwa rakini porisi wakaripuwa. Sasa kuripuwa, ikaripuka. Sasa kuripuka... rakini jabo la kusagasa ni kwaba, kama hiyo bomu irikuwa iripuke kwanini porisi waripue? si igeripuka free of sharge (charge). Never count on making a good sale. Have the purchase price be so attractive that even a mediocre sale gives good returns.
Rank: Elder Joined: 3/2/2007 Posts: 8,776 Location: Cameroon
MaichBlack wrote:simonkabz wrote:Nkt! Sasa mumenishanganya. Imeripuriwo ama imeturiswo ni porisi?? Kurigana na hambari moto moto sa wasua, inasemekana aro sambab warikuwa wanataka kuripuwa rakini porisi wakaripuwa. Sasa kuripuwa, ikaripuka. Sasa kuripuka... rakini jabo la kusagasa ni kwaba, kama hiyo bomu irikuwa iripuke kwani porisi waripue? si igeripuka free of sharge (charge). Hawa maripuaji ni bonoko sana, ni bure. TULIA.........UFUNZWE!
Rank: Chief Joined: 3/24/2010 Posts: 6,779 Location: Black Africa
As it has been said Al-Shabaab can be ANYONE. Kayole was previously known as a Mungiki den, kumbe their 'base' has now been taken over! GOD BLESS YOUR LIFE
Rank: Member Joined: 4/7/2010 Posts: 130
It doesn't make sense- a Kenyan born citizen turning against his own country! Still even puzzling....how Kayole fits in this theory?
Rank: Chief Joined: 3/24/2010 Posts: 6,779 Location: Black Africa
Injere, money makes sense to some people Today's incident was just a hoax. But Njung'e was right though, there was detonation  GOD BLESS YOUR LIFE
Rank: Elder Joined: 8/4/2008 Posts: 2,849 Location: Rupi
MaichBlack wrote:Kaka M wrote:Njung'e wrote:Bomb detonated....and jinga Kenyans were all round gawking at the bomb....bure kabisa.Meanwhile Elgiva Bwire,the "man" arrested with several hand grenades has been charged and pleaded guilty of being an Al-shabaab.More reports indicate that the fellow who died during the OTC grenade was actually the attacker.Police to release his identity later today. Wazuans on behalf of Kenyans, please lets try to tame our curiousity and ask those we can to do the same. Last Monday at OTC rescuers reportedly had a rough time doing their work because of curious on lookers getting in the way. Under such circumstances the onlookers would make a good target for another attack. Lets learn to flee from gun shots not towards them. In most bomb attacks, especially by organized/experienced(?) terrorists there is always a second bomb which is normally detonated when security officers, rescue workers, good samaritans and idle onlookers start gathering around the scene. These second bomb normally causes more deaths and injuries than the first one. Kenyans need to wisen/style up! True. Al Kebab did this to Bulundian soldiers in Mogdisho. 2 suicide bombers - one standing at the main gate and the other in the compound. A "small" bomb exploded with the bomber at the gate as the soldiers were getting into the compound. So they all ran further into the compound and the "bigger" bomb exploded. The casualties were many. Lord, thank you!
Rank: Veteran Joined: 11/12/2009 Posts: 925
.....I saw the guy laughing yesterday on tell,wait till he reaches shimo la Tewa....he will be the 7th virgin !
Club SK
another bomb scare in Kayole
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