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President Jomo Kenyatta was born in Ukambani!
#21 Posted : Friday, October 21, 2011 12:25:32 PM
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majimaji wrote:

The Kikuyu is an amalgamation of many tribes eg. the extinct: the Ngumba, the Athi, the Dorobo etc that were basically hunter-gatherer communities. Others include the Maa speaking people, tharaka, mbeere, chuka, embu, kamba.
Kikuyu is a language, not DNA.

You mean Gumba?smile

There was an original Kikuyu population but guess this was diluted by the expansion of the tribe and search for more land.

The Gikuyu migrated southwards only to find the Dorobo occupying most of what is now Kiambu county. They tricked them out of their land and also assimilated some of them. By the time the mzungu came there were still Dorobo populations in the forests but they were fully assimilated into the Kikuyu population by the end of the colonial period.

I do not think this overlap is only found among the Kikuyus as the same is there among the Luo/ Luhya, Luhya/Kalenjin, Kisii/Luhya etc.

BTW talking about the Kisiis there is this theory by historians linking them to the Mt Kenya tribes esp the Meru. They argue that the Gusii found fertile land and settled in the western part of Kenya as their brothers moved on. Interesting to ote that some Mt. Kenya names are found in Gusiiland with the slight variation of an 'o' instead of 'U' eg Moturi, Mogambi, Moraro.

So here we are, not so sure of our tribes. You could be insulting yourself when you insult another tribe!
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#22 Posted : Friday, October 21, 2011 12:30:36 PM
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Lolest! wrote:
majimaji wrote:

The Kikuyu is an amalgamation of many tribes eg. the extinct: the Ngumba, the Athi, the Dorobo etc that were basically hunter-gatherer communities. Others include the Maa speaking people, tharaka, mbeere, chuka, embu, kamba.
Kikuyu is a language, not DNA.

You mean Gumba?smile

There was an original Kikuyu population but guess this was diluted by the expansion of the tribe and search for more land.

The Gikuyu migrated southwards only to find the Dorobo occupying most of what is now Kiambu county. They tricked them out of their land and also assimilated some of them. By the time the mzungu came there were still Dorobo populations in the forests but they were fully assimilated into the Kikuyu population by the end of the colonial period.

I do not think this overlap is only found among the Kikuyus as the same is there among the Luo/ Luhya, Luhya/Kalenjin, Kisii/Luhya etc.

BTW talking about the Kisiis there is this theory by historians linking them to the Mt Kenya tribes esp the Meru. They argue that the Gusii found fertile land and settled in the western part of Kenya as their brothers moved on. Interesting to ote that some Mt. Kenya names are found in Gusiiland with the slight variation of an 'o' instead of 'U' eg Moturi, Mogambi, Moraro.

So here we are, not so sure of our tribes. You could be insulting yourself when you insult another tribe!

@Lolest, I thought the kisii were originally fishermen until the luo community forced them up the hills and that is how they became farmers?
#23 Posted : Friday, October 21, 2011 12:30:40 PM
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Many, many theories!

Reminds me of a certain guy from coast telling M 0 1 that he came from Sudan and should go back!.

Cultural diversity should be a tool for peaceful co-existence. Kenyan tribe- one and same, difference same.
#24 Posted : Friday, October 21, 2011 12:47:25 PM
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nostoppingthis wrote:

@Lolest, I thought the kisii were originally fishermen until the luo community forced them up the hills and that is how they became farmers?

not heard of this one but this theory by Prof William Ochieng' makes sense to me. There are lots of common words between Kisii and central Kenya communities. There is less similarity between them and the Western Bantus.
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#25 Posted : Friday, October 21, 2011 12:57:50 PM
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I once met a Brazilian: a mix of japanese, mzungu and her great great great grannie was a Bantu woman slave from maybe South West Africa.
One question from her that I could not answer: why did Africans sell Africans into slavery?
#26 Posted : Friday, October 21, 2011 1:01:47 PM
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majimaji wrote:

I once met a Brazilian: a mix of japanese, mzungu and her great great great grannie was a Bantu woman slave from maybe South West Africa.
One question from her that I could not answer: why did Africans sell Africans into slavery?

Yes. Very shameful and regrettable. We can blame the whites but they did not force Africans to raid villages to abduct fellow blacks.

GREED. PURE GREED. We are still doing it today but in other forms.
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#27 Posted : Friday, October 21, 2011 2:11:45 PM
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Finally, consolation for Kaos because I can't see a kao being president in my lifetime or the next.

But that said, there's no way Kenyatta was a Kao, his behaviors were kyuk to the bone. No amount teaching could achieve that.

BBI will solve it
#28 Posted : Friday, October 21, 2011 6:14:26 PM
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And while at it. i had a lecturer who used to tells that moses married a LUO. Consult google and you will find that moses married an ethiopian.
#29 Posted : Friday, October 21, 2011 8:12:16 PM
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In the DRC, there are native Luos n Kikuyus. The most puzzling are the kyuks, they are extremely lazy! Probably explains why they were left behind lol!
#30 Posted : Saturday, October 22, 2011 8:51:33 AM
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2012 wrote:
Finally, consolation for Kaos because I can't see a kao being president in my lifetime or the next.

But that said, there's no way Kenyatta was a Kao, his behaviors were kyuk to the bone. No amount teaching could achieve that.

....how does it help you whether a kao or maasai becomes president.......get a head cleaner and move on.
#31 Posted : Saturday, October 22, 2011 10:27:27 AM
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callaspade wrote:
2012 wrote:
Finally, consolation for Kaos because I can't see a kao being president in my lifetime or the next.

But that said, there's no way Kenyatta was a Kao, his behaviors were kyuk to the bone. No amount teaching could achieve that.

....how does it help you whether a kao or maasai becomes president.......get a head cleaner and move on.

...Does not help at all. But it is good to correct history.
#32 Posted : Saturday, October 22, 2011 11:43:13 AM
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Magigi wrote:
callaspade wrote:
2012 wrote:
Finally, consolation for Kaos because I can't see a kao being president in my lifetime or the next.

But that said, there's no way Kenyatta was a Kao, his behaviors were kyuk to the bone. No amount teaching could achieve that.

....how does it help you whether a kao or maasai becomes president.......get a head cleaner and move on.

...Does not help at all. But it is good to correct history.

Hearsay is not = Facts

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#33 Posted : Saturday, October 22, 2011 11:54:42 AM
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@simo..how did you get that??which part of the drc do we get the kiuks n luos??
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#34 Posted : Saturday, October 22, 2011 11:05:39 PM
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simonkabz wrote:
In the DRC, there are native Luos n Kikuyus. The most puzzling are the kyuks, they are extremely lazy! Probably explains why they were left behind lol!


wacha mchezo, ati kiuks n luos in drc?
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#35 Posted : Tuesday, December 29, 2015 6:56:34 AM
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The man who sold Jomo, some West African George Williams

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#36 Posted : Tuesday, December 29, 2015 9:15:04 AM
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Lolest! wrote:
nostoppingthis wrote:

@Lolest, I thought the kisii were originally fishermen until the luo community forced them up the hills and that is how they became farmers?

not heard of this one but this theory by Prof William Ochieng' makes sense to me. There are lots of common words between Kisii and central Kenya communities. There is less similarity between them and the Western Bantus.

not necessarily - I have spent sometime with the Maragoli and their similarity in words with Kikuyu are quite many and it has always been quite interesting to just seat in the middle of it and hear stuff. Of course you know by now that there is nothing like Luhya. it was a supertribe created by the colonialist. My theory based on the patterns I have seen across africa - the Bantu people always wanted to go east wards but their forays were hampered by the nilotic people - if you notice the 1st bantu migration eastwards was around the maasai people in Tanzania as they headed eastwards and then northwards past kilimanjaro and later some eastwards. what we call the western bantus moved eastwards early in UG but if you notice they uniformly stopped on the western escapments of the rift valley and this has always been a flashpoint. This has happened even in south sudan where the Dinka stopped the forays eastwards of the azande.
The story of migration has always been seen to be a story of a single man with his wife walking Abraham style towards the unknown and deciding to stop at a certain place (now what we know as their home place) but it's far from it. I think the bantu moved not as a single group but as many distinct groups who were initially related So the idakho, the maragoli, the isukhas, the Kabras, the Wangas, the banyala, the bukusu, the tachoni, the tiriki e.t.c. were small groups of people who arrived at slightly different times. The Kisii must have been in this band of bantus that went eastwards with the rest across UG but also further south (or were forced south) by the Omogere! it's interesting that in Kisii culture the mistrust of the Omogere has been almost cultural - this could be a hint to them possibly being tricked... but this is just a guess. This mistrust is not the same as that of the say... Idakho or Maragoli people.
It's practical to think of a small band of people traversing westwards from the larger so called eastern bantus managing to cut through the maasai and the nandi/kipsigis and leaving no trail behind.
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#37 Posted : Sunday, February 25, 2018 10:56:33 AM
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Too many theories on the origin of Jomo Kenyatta. This article should settle the matter once and for all.

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#38 Posted : Monday, February 26, 2018 11:25:32 AM
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Interesting that the kikuyu (and meru cousins) are the most north easterly bantus. They must have migrated from the south round the maasai (nilote) territory.

#39 Posted : Monday, February 26, 2018 11:33:25 AM
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hardwood wrote:
Interesting that the kikuyu (and meru cousins) are the most north easterly bantus. They must have migrated from the south avoiding the nilotes - maasai.

They did!! I postulated that no bantu group easily permeated the nilotic belt heading eastwards... There are bantu people in South Sudan (West Equitoria) who moved from Congo and CAR but couldn't permeate the Dinka!
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#40 Posted : Monday, February 26, 2018 11:37:04 AM
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