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Should Safaricom acquire Seven Seas Technologies or AccessKenya?
#1 Posted : Tuesday, October 18, 2011 9:53:58 AM
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Access Kenya rated as a speculative buy

Guys read this article by Kestrel

the deal
#2 Posted : Friday, October 21, 2011 8:50:27 AM
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As far as i'm concerned AK is a 'going concern' for starters look at the balance sheet of this Company and I believe any bidder coming for this company won't pay beyond Sh5!
#3 Posted : Friday, October 21, 2011 10:57:36 AM
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So the Green Elephant is at it again, this time positing to acquire Seven Seas Tech (good for them). I note the Business Daily story attributes a whopping 7% of Safaricom revenues to acquisitions? Which ones...

I'm not an expert but I fail to see how acquiring spectrum from shell companies (OneCom, PacketStream, Igo etc.) grows client base or builds expertise. Safaricom is only a leader in mobile data; the leader in corporate data is Access Kenya.

Hence my reasoning that acquiring Seven Seas Tech, a company who's largest client is Safaricom, company that doesn't own any tangible asset or create anything (consumate middleman) doesn't make sense.

Now an acquisition of majority stake in Access Kenya, the largest player in Corporate data with a metro-fibre to boot, and with a demonstrated in-bred knowledge of how to run the data business (around 34% EBITDA FY anticipated) at a market capitalization of Kes 1b at today's prices....

Here Safaricom would create shareholder value and assume leadership of data in Kenya. But the catch would be to tie in AccessKenya dominant shareholders and ensure the "stay hungry" culture of AccessKenya was preserved separate from the bloated Safaricom Enterprise structure.

What say you?


#4 Posted : Friday, October 21, 2011 12:23:46 PM
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Bob Collymore has denied the story on Twirra.
the deal
#5 Posted : Friday, October 21, 2011 12:35:06 PM
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@KenyanLyrics Bob went hard on BDLaughing out loudly Laughing out loudly just shows how crap BD is!!!
#6 Posted : Friday, October 21, 2011 12:44:45 PM
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KenyanLyrics wrote:
Bob Collymore has denied the story on Twirra.

ofcourse he's supposed to deny . Or you wanted him to accept the story and lay out all the company's strategy for all to see....?????????????????
#7 Posted : Friday, October 21, 2011 12:51:40 PM
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Ladies and Gents, doesn't the QUESTION still beg, what is a better acquisition target?

The story by Mark Okuttah reveals a lot about Seven Seas Tech. It seems to be a public relations gaffe, in SST's favour - author writes frequently about Telecom, so he is not naive, paid perhaps but not naive.

#8 Posted : Friday, October 21, 2011 1:00:09 PM
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M-Pesa now
processes more transactions domestically within Kenya than Western Union does globally.
This from Aly Khan Satchu
#9 Posted : Friday, October 21, 2011 1:16:00 PM
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youcan'tstopusnow wrote:
M-Pesa now
processes more transactions domestically within Kenya than Western Union does globally.
This from Aly Khan Satchu

with his bias for safcom incheck i amnt suprised it came from him ..lol
#10 Posted : Friday, October 21, 2011 2:14:38 PM
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youcan'tstopusnow wrote:
M-Pesa now
processes more transactions domestically within Kenya than Western Union does globally.
This from Aly Khan Satchu

Here's the link:

Set out to correct the world's wrongs and you will most certainly wind up adding to them.
#11 Posted : Friday, October 21, 2011 2:18:31 PM
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Access Kenya is an ISP. Seven Seas is an enterprise level IT services company. If I were Safaricom, I'd buy Seven Seas FIRST.
Set out to correct the world's wrongs and you will most certainly wind up adding to them.
#12 Posted : Friday, October 21, 2011 2:27:14 PM
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youcan'tstopusnow wrote:
M-Pesa now processes more transactions domestically within Kenya than Western Union does globally.
This from Aly Khan Satchu

Please note that processing doesn't mean more profits. The difference is in the value of transaction and charges.

BBI will solve it
#13 Posted : Friday, October 21, 2011 2:32:06 PM
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2012 wrote:
youcan'tstopusnow wrote:
M-Pesa now processes more transactions domestically within Kenya than Western Union does globally.
This from Aly Khan Satchu

Please note that processing doesn't mean more profits. The difference is in the value of transaction and charges.


It would be better if such statistics were provided by an independent party; so that we can remove sensationalism, bias, media-interference & be able to compare apples to apples.

Can't we have figures?

#14 Posted : Friday, October 21, 2011 3:12:46 PM
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Another 244m turnover!say what you say but this counter has potential.
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#15 Posted : Friday, October 21, 2011 3:44:21 PM
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mlennyma wrote:
Another 244m turnover!say what you say but this counter has potential.

I'm still trying to judge the volume moves on this counter. Since August a lot of volume is turning here... Very crypt, but I think another supply test is in the making to confirm 2.90 is a solid floor or down to 2.50 to 2/-
$15/barrel oil... The commodities lehman moment arrives as well as Sovereign debt volcano!
#16 Posted : Monday, October 24, 2011 10:07:12 AM
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Same infor. content..


According to this article there seems to be many suitors courting AccessKenya,and in the writers opinion;

“For investors, -this might be a good time to buy the ISP’s shares trading at the NSE”.

“Access Kenya’s shares, which are trading at US cents 5 — down 63 per cent since the beginning of the year — offer an opportunity for a speculative buy, the stock is a speculative buy.
#17 Posted : Monday, October 24, 2011 3:33:45 PM
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Hey guys, Safaricom transacting more cash that Western Union happened way back in Dec last year, and was first announced by World Bank as they appointed MJ to be the Mobile Money transfer Fellow - or something like that.
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#18 Posted : Monday, October 24, 2011 5:44:16 PM
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muganda wrote:
Ladies and Gents, doesn't the QUESTION still beg, what is a better acquisition target?

The story by Mark Okuttah reveals a lot about Seven Seas Tech. It seems to be a public relations gaffe, in SST's favour - author writes frequently about Telecom, so he is not naive, paid perhaps but not naive.

I think there is confusion here. I read the article by Okuttah Mark in DN and it says that Safcom Board has not yet okeyed the acquisition. Instead, the two companies (SST and Safcom) are to form a partnership that will last until 2013 after which SAFCOM can excercise the option to buy a controlling stake in the SST. I think this is a smart move by SAFCOM as it wants to 'see how things work out' before taking the pludge with this new age company. The article also says that SST specialises in cloud computing which may be the reason why SAFCOM is targeting it for acquisition. I think we have smart people in SAFCOM and our interests as shareholders are being taken care of, lets stop being suspicious. I just love SAFCOM
Keeping it all in the family
#19 Posted : Friday, October 28, 2011 11:28:57 PM
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Safaricom has secured a contract to store government electronic materials.
The mobile telephony firm will store State documents such as birth certificates, land registration certificates, company registers and court papers in a deal that will earn it millions of shillings annually, and open the way for it to tap the lucrative private sector storage market

The deal has been made possible through a Sh2 billion joint venture between Safaricom and IT services firm Seven Seas Technology (SST).


#20 Posted : Saturday, October 29, 2011 9:48:45 AM
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Fortunately safcom beat K.D.N hands down as both struggled to outweigh each other in winning the fat tender...buy buy
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