hi all!pliz help me in answering this questions.thankyou.send the answers to
Debt collection Agencies
Position in Kenya .
Value to business community
Value to the economy
Future of debt collection Agencies in Kenya
Role of the debt collection Agencies in the Credit departments.
What to look at if you are to put a debt collector on board.
Lawyers/Auctioneers and the debt world
What do you look at before you consider a lawyer in debt collection?
Commercial courts? What do they have to offer in enforcement of debts in Kenya ?
What is the way forward of the professional credit manager regarding the legal system and debts.
Marketing and credit
How do we marry marketing and credit to improve quality of debtors
Government and credit
Does the Government have any role to play in improving credit in Kenya and if so in which areas.
Credit Act
What are the areas to cover?
How will the credit act help in improving credit in Kenya ?
Credit Reference Bureaus and Credit Rating Agencies
What do they have to offer in the credit industry
What is their future in Kenya ?
What are the effects of treasury bills/bonds in credit industry and the Economy of a country?
Pyramid schemes and Credit in Kenya ! Did they have something on Credit?
Micro- credit in Kenya
The input of the Credit professional.
The credit crunch
what is a credit crunch
what are the causes
what are the effects to the economy,public,business
what are the remedies
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