StatMeister wrote:selah wrote:I was searching for the eastafrican standard online and guess what came up on top of the search
I my opinion SG is sleeping on the Job they must be loosing online traffic to this site.If I was the management I would acquire it and Lock out the competition which is predominately displayed in the site.
Good observation. Are website names not protected like trade marks?
Not really.At times you may raise a claim which will cost time and money. The best bet is to be safe. When you register a business name or a trademark, get its .com/ and .org. Follow the case of Daly figis on and They got to an agreement at last but after a costly struggle. Facebook INC had to buy for $8M, Find out how much they spent for
On the other hand, cybersquatting and domain name thefts are punishable crimes.
Basically the thing is unnecessary lawsuits where from the available records, you are not guaranteed success.
Keep it simple