On why the three (HFCK,ACESS,EQ) ; I understand the housing market is explosive and demand will continue once the financial crisis passes,but,is HFCK capable of taking advantage of it? (Read management) never been impressed by them,maybe,Equity can inject better management.
ACCESS,I agree,only we need visionaries at the gov. infrastructure end to bring stuff like WIMAX to ALL Nairobi Metros (all the way to Athi River,Thika,Ngong,Ndumberi,Limuru...),that perhaps is the most direct way to bring Internet universally to Nairobi & Metro,ACCESS could be partners in such projects... even if we grind our way towards broadband access,ACCESS is still well positioned,they jut need to be resourceful and embark on strategic projects… agree on that one.
On EQ,I don’t know much about banking,but,they do have a very sharp CEO ... EQ seem to have gone up quite a bit,I sort of liked NBK before it went up from mid twenties ... my order at 25 never got filled... for some reason,I had KCB,Barclays,NBK as better investments than EQ,I thought they had more elbow room to pop