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fire at kenya pipeline
#81 Posted : Thursday, September 15, 2011 2:05:09 PM
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Njung'e wrote:
majimaji wrote:

Kenya Pipe line should accept full responsibility. I'm sure they have insured against such though I don't know if any insurer will pay as they knowingly discharged fuel into open drains and sewer lines.

Was it overflow from their tanks or a blown jointing (Gasket) along the pipeline?....If it was an overflow,NEMA should be all over their sorry selfs for discharging pollutants to a live river.

From the people of mashinani, some 'not-so-innocent-kenyans' living in Sinai are alleged to have been siphoning fuel from the pipeline and selling to trucks and other interested parties. Apparently, the "watering hole" is even known by the police who go to collect 'kitu kidogo' from the "entrepreneurs". I bet this makes KPC totally innocent in this case. As the word is going, there are those who knew of the leak/burst or whatever it was early enough and they moved their families.

What is unfortunate is that they caused all this to their neighbours who had little or completely nothing to do with the 'accident'. One of the most touching story was that of a teacher who had to let the children "run" after the fire broke out. needless to say, some ran "home" where they know is the only 'safe' place in the slum only to be met by balls of fire.... and the 3,4,5 year olds' lives were no more.
#82 Posted : Thursday, September 15, 2011 2:05:54 PM
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Kaigangio wrote:
majimaji wrote:

Kenya Pipe line should accept full responsibility. I'm sure they have insured against such though I don't know if any insurer will pay as they knowingly discharged fuel into open drains and sewer lines.

And they should be telling the public what measures they are taking to prevent such spillage from leaving their plant untreated and flammable.

KPC should not be blamed for the fire...

reason...KPC made an attempt some time back to get the dwellers from the line to acceptable zone of safety, only to be met with hostile resistance...

what do you mean..they knowingly discharged fuel into open drains and sewer lines.? i thought this was an accidental leak from a bust pipe!!

INAITWA INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITY - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pxEkBnzwypI&feature=grec_index People saying - "Hakuna Hatari", KPC pleaded with these fellows for their lives hawakusikia - sasa wamechomeka!
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#83 Posted : Thursday, September 15, 2011 2:08:47 PM
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All Mushrooms are edible! Some Mushroom are only edible ONCE!
#84 Posted : Thursday, September 15, 2011 2:33:13 PM
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The truth might lie elsewhere and if this is confirmed by investigations,KPC is dead meat.

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#85 Posted : Thursday, September 15, 2011 2:49:50 PM
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A reminder to us all......

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13 Now listen, you who say, “Today or tomorrow
we will go to this or that city, spend a year
there, carry on business and make money.”
14 Why, you do not even know what will happen
tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. 15 Instead,you ought to say, “If it is the Lord’s will, we will live and do this or that.” James 4:13-15
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#86 Posted : Thursday, September 15, 2011 3:06:21 PM
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Very unfortunate no one will ever accept responsibility in kenya. Even those who "step aside" usually continue to draw full salaries -ask Mygoon Mygoon - as they wait co come back wielding even more power, na 'mta do?'.
"Never regret, if its good, its wonderful. If its bad, its experience."
#87 Posted : Thursday, September 15, 2011 3:51:48 PM
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i hear some guy had said that he used to draw petrol worth 2k daily from the leaking pipes inside his rented house....dont know if the story is true or false,so if thats the case he used to earn 60k tax free money monthly !
#88 Posted : Thursday, September 15, 2011 4:07:42 PM
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Kenya Pipeline is culpable. What Sinai people need is a good lawyer for a class action suit.
Consider this: The company evacuated their people from the plant when the leakage was detected. Whatever the measures they hard to warn people living downstream at sinai were clearly not sufficient. This is negligence. It may not matter to some that it is slum dwellers who perished and not Buruburu residents.
Consider this: In a plant like theirs, fuel pipes are running all over the place. Pipes leak and burst anywhere due to age, stress, wear and tear etc. Knowing this, any operators in their right mind should know how to contain fuel safely within their plant and neutralize it. I would not be surprised to hear them say that they are ISO certified, what a laugh.
Consider this: It is not the first time they are draining leaked fuel thro' sewers and drains passing Sinai. Did someone say NEMA? NEMA is a toothless bulldog just like KACC, who have they taken to court and won?

It is foolish to scoop spilled fuel, but Pipeline owes a duty of care to those who live and transact business within their vicinity. The fire next time will be from those trucks they allow to park and cue for fuel all over Lungalunga and Nanyuki road. Pass this roads any time of day and you will see people busy buying and selling siphoned fuel from the tankers.
#89 Posted : Thursday, September 15, 2011 4:13:50 PM
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[quote=Njung'e]The truth might lie elsewhere and if this is confirmed by investigations,KPC is dead meat.


you see guka NEMA is just doing some uncalled for PR trying to appease whoever it is that it is trying...to start with, this pipeline has existed long before NEMA and sinai came into existance...the sinai slum is just about 20 years old...the truth is KPC did try but the same people whom it was trying to protect fiecely fought that...no admin or regular police would get the dwellers out!!! whom was KPC supporsed to turn to???

by the way another disaster is waiting to happen in githurai and zimmerman...not fuel burns but electricity itself...developers have been building their multistorey buildings just about 2 metres and in some cases 1 metre from 3 phase power lines...NEMA knows this...should it go after the KPLC or the developers???
...besides, the presence of a safe alone does not signify that there is money inside...
Ms Mkenya
#90 Posted : Thursday, September 15, 2011 5:09:51 PM
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I do not want to sound callous but please remember that these people were given notice to leave from 2008. So they also have a share of responsibility to carry.

Poverty is not an excuse. In the NTV tape one of them said he will not move they have never seen a disaster..

I hope the families living next to the railway line are moving.. or do we wait until some of them are run over by a train?

Serikali haiwezi saidia hapo. its time we took responsibility for our actions too.
....above all, to stand.
#91 Posted : Thursday, September 15, 2011 8:51:32 PM
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majimaji wrote:

Kenya Pipeline is culpable. What Sinai people need is a good lawyer for a class action suit.
Consider this: The company evacuated their people from the plant when the leakage was detected. Whatever the measures they hard to warn people living downstream at sinai were clearly not sufficient. This is negligence. It may not matter to some that it is slum dwellers who perished and not Buruburu residents.
Consider this: In a plant like theirs, fuel pipes are running all over the place. Pipes leak and burst anywhere due to age, stress, wear and tear etc. Knowing this, any operators in their right mind should know how to contain fuel safely within their plant and neutralize it. I would not be surprised to hear them say that they are ISO certified, what a laugh.
Consider this: It is not the first time they are draining leaked fuel thro' sewers and drains passing Sinai. Did someone say NEMA? NEMA is a toothless bulldog just like KACC, who have they taken to court and won?

It is foolish to scoop spilled fuel, but Pipeline owes a duty of care to those who live and transact business within their vicinity. The fire next time will be from those trucks they allow to park and cue for fuel all over Lungalunga and Nanyuki road. Pass this roads any time of day and you will see people busy buying and selling siphoned fuel from the tankers.

Have you seen that video? considering those people refused to move from KPC's land after being warned - how is it KPC's fault?
KPC did the following:
- Asked people to hama (as early as 2008) from KPC's Land (hawakusikia), ati "hakuna hatari!"

hii mambo ya kuwa kaka sungura halafu when things go haywire you are refuse to take responsibility and shift it to KPC lazima ikwishe. Kenyans need to take INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR CRIME/WRONGS THEY DO - not blaming others yet u know u are the one who cut a corner. Kila mtu ana akili zake don't expect others to always be thinking for you.
All Mushrooms are edible! Some Mushroom are only edible ONCE!
#92 Posted : Thursday, September 15, 2011 9:09:42 PM
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Joined: 4/13/2011
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masukuma wrote:
majimaji wrote:

Kenya Pipeline is culpable. What Sinai people need is a good lawyer for a class action suit.
Consider this: The company evacuated their people from the plant when the leakage was detected. Whatever the measures they hard to warn people living downstream at sinai were clearly not sufficient. This is negligence. It may not matter to some that it is slum dwellers who perished and not Buruburu residents.
Consider this: In a plant like theirs, fuel pipes are running all over the place. Pipes leak and burst anywhere due to age, stress, wear and tear etc. Knowing this, any operators in their right mind should know how to contain fuel safely within their plant and neutralize it. I would not be surprised to hear them say that they are ISO certified, what a laugh.
Consider this: It is not the first time they are draining leaked fuel thro' sewers and drains passing Sinai. Did someone say NEMA? NEMA is a toothless bulldog just like KACC, who have they taken to court and won?

It is foolish to scoop spilled fuel, but Pipeline owes a duty of care to those who live and transact business within their vicinity. The fire next time will be from those trucks they allow to park and cue for fuel all over Lungalunga and Nanyuki road. Pass this roads any time of day and you will see people busy buying and selling siphoned fuel from the tankers.

Have you seen that video? considering those people refused to move from KPC's land after being warned - how is it KPC's fault?
KPC did the following:
- Asked people to hama (as early as 2008) from KPC's Land (hawakusikia), ati "hakuna hatari!"

hii mambo ya kuwa kaka sungura halafu when things go haywire you are refuse to take responsibility and shift it to KPC lazima ikwishe. Kenyans need to take INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR CRIME/WRONGS THEY DO - not blaming others yet u know u are the one who cut a corner. Kila mtu ana akili zake don't expect others to always be thinking for you.

Well said couldn't have put it better!
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