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now in the promised land!!!
#1 Posted : Tuesday, March 17, 2009 7:41:00 AM
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Joined: 4/16/2008
Posts: 157
SK mpo?


It’s a great morning,the sky’s blue and the air fresh.

I have been having an entrepreneurship mind as long as I can remember. It’s more than a passion to me. I have so far engaged in several businesses. The first one,while in class 5,was selling fruits and vegetables in the main market. Soon after,I opened a Jambo junior account at the Narok branch of National bank. I continued with this trade until the time I cleared primary school. Immediately after,I started farming Kales (Sukuma Wiki) at our small shamba by the En’gare Ngiro River. In time,I was able to sell the Kales at the market at a profit of about 300 daily. I continued with the practice until the time I cleared high school. My savings from the trade really boosted my financial muscle to pay for my secondary education.

After high school,I decided to do another form of business; dying leather jackets and faded jeans in Narok town. This went on well,though with humble profits. Alongside,in order to develop the entrepreneurial skills of the other youths in the district,I founded the Maasai Youth Development Foundation (MAYDEF) and joined an existing youth club known as Health Awareness Peer Education Programme (HAPEP). With these two clubs we empowered the youth in business skills and health matters through such activities as puppetry,open forums,workshops and seminars.

By the time of joining the University in late 2007 to date,both clubs were and are very vibrant having established working relationships with the government and NGO’s in the country and grown in membership and activities . In campus,the enterprising spirit has still been burning. I do typing,typesetting,copying and writing music,movies and soft wares. This business has been bringing in very meager profits and has no growth opportunities.

That was some lengthy background information which may help you see my unique situation. The challenge I’m facing right now is that I’m working really hard to establish a business that will give me some good returns that can somehow guarantee a comfortable life after university. I have read widely from Financial post to Business daily,Nation’s Money magazine and Smart company to Standard’s Financial journal and several E-books and websites.



#2 Posted : Tuesday, March 17, 2009 11:36:00 AM
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Joined: 8/21/2008
Posts: 3
your experience resonates with mine.

all you need is to work hard in campus,get a good job that will enable u get capital and go back to Narok and do wheat/barley/potato farming and blend it with transport and cereals buying business-maintain the consistency,keep focussed and u'll see after a few years.

#3 Posted : Tuesday, March 17, 2009 1:12:00 PM
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Posts: 152
How did you open a jumbo junior account ( a product of co-operative bank) in National bank branch?

I would advice you to concentrate on what the lecturer is saying and stop thinking about money in class,you might miss both. Otherwise if you are a genius (like bill gates) just drop out of school and make money.
#4 Posted : Tuesday, March 17, 2009 1:52:00 PM
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Don't worry so much about money now. Focus on improving your Accounting,Financial,and management skills. Join and run some student groups,learn to public speak,to run meetings,and to add value in teams using your already God given business mind.

Read widely,and sorround yourself with friends from all over the country. Travel widely and always analyze things. Visit companies at your leisure time if youre allowed. Attend business forums in other universities.

In short expose yourself... Don't worry about potatoes,God may have a greater vision for you...


Much Know
#5 Posted : Tuesday, March 17, 2009 1:58:00 PM
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Joined: 12/6/2008
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I used to sell hot samosas and sausages to fellow students at night...there are several ways to make money at university....and scoring good grades all the same...avoid unga

Ninajua Yote!
Meru Holiness
#6 Posted : Tuesday, March 17, 2009 4:47:00 PM
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You need an idea,which will enable you to run a successful business after campus? Well,Archimedes got his idea when taking a bath and there it was Eureka for him. He discovered Archimedes principle: An object immersed in a liquid displaces its own volume( I hope i got it right: Form 4 is now 10 years behind me)

Newton got his idea when resting under a tree( mango tree or something?) and there he discovered the Law of Gravity!

Back to you! Nobody will give you an idea. You have to search for it. You'll get it just in a flash. Keep thinking: Thinking is the hardest thing to do! We can't think for you! It would be unfair men! Remember top management in big organizations are paid hefty salo 'because they are suppose to think'

But you shall remember the LORD your God,for it is He who is giving you power to make wealth,that He may confirm His covenant which He swore to your fathers,as it is this day. Deu 8:18
#7 Posted : Tuesday, March 17, 2009 4:47:00 PM
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Joined: 3/6/2009
Posts: 172
usual kenyan drible. Nation,bdafrica,standard and even sk are not what you can call sources of business information........You need to grow up a bit.....Sorry!
#8 Posted : Tuesday, March 17, 2009 9:04:00 PM
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@ Sankjack,
thank you for sharing your piece of mind. I’m very focused and hard working in campus,the key reason being I’m doing an economics and communication degree which are very applicable in business.

I have my parents and very close relatives as living testimonies on the hardships and challenges that face the employed and I have promised myself,with due respect to all the employed,never to follow this path towards my financial security and freedom.

Your idea about farming is genius though I know it’s easier said than done. Early this year,I tried to secure a farm in Mau Narok district but ended up being conned my hard earned cash by a rogue broker,the chief wasn’t of much help as he said I await the next season and ask the broker to do me right this time.

Also,my uncle,who after a buoyant harvest in 2007 decided to dig back his profits by leasing more land for wheat farming,got his fingers terribly burnt when the rains failed,he is still a very broke guy as I write this.

With that said,I’m determined to engage in farming,persevere all storms and come out successful. The problem is,as per with my current situation,I think its too much of risk to start up with especially when I cannot afford to loose my seed capital.

@ Sankjack et al,What do you think of that?

Thanks indeed.

#9 Posted : Tuesday, March 17, 2009 9:24:00 PM
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@ luxel,my mother helped me to open the account. I was given an elephant shaped green piggy bank upon this-the reason I reffered to the a/c as jumbo junior.
I concentrate on what the lecturer says all the time and think about entrepreneurship only when outside the class. I have been handling them both (schooling and entrepreneurship) comfortably and with astounding success ever since primary school. I never downplay the importance of the formal education because I know it’s of immense help in my enterprising journey,as it has proved so far. I’m planning to get my first degree and an MBA from Harvard and leave at there. Meanwhile,I ought to have developed businesses of my own,starting from now.
What’s your opinion after the additional information?

#10 Posted : Wednesday, March 18, 2009 5:59:00 AM
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Joined: 2/12/2008
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before i give my 2 cents.. please answer the QN - how did you mum open a coop account in National bank? the rest might add up.
Tony Oz
#11 Posted : Wednesday, March 18, 2009 6:23:00 AM
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Posts: 13
so your business idea..is us to give you a business idea????mmmmhhhh if only it was this easy!

#12 Posted : Wednesday, March 18, 2009 5:05:00 PM
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@ Caesar –never before have I ever received such a wonderful advice. It’s been very helpful and has made me reflect and rethink my strategies for success. For this,I say thank you.

I have got and continuously get exposure in to life skills and personal development avenues. I feel what I have learnt so far is enough to establish a business now and learn the rest ‘on-job’.

Honorable members,by replying to this mail you are helping many other promising Kenyans who are facing,more or less,similar challenges. LETS BUILD THE KENYA WE WANT.

#13 Posted : Wednesday, March 18, 2009 5:20:00 PM
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@ MuchKnow,that’s a nice one.

Hapa U.o.N.,some very enterprising women and men bring sukari nguru,mabuyu,ngumu,peanuts,smokies,ndaoz and chapatti at 5am every. To say the list,the business is flooded and the margins minimal. I also tried selling fresh juice from my room in the hostels but wasn’t viable-getting fruits from ngara market and distribution wre very taskng my last blow was when I got into trouble with school authorities.

What other idea did you have back then? Maybe you can share with us.

#14 Posted : Wednesday, March 18, 2009 5:53:00 PM
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Posts: 157
@willin2learn, here is your answer. my mum opened an a/c for me at NBK for 'under 18's'. there was no co-op bank in our district at that time. i may have erronously used the word jumbo account and that's subject to research. i'll let you know as soon i establish the name of the a/c.

#15 Posted : Wednesday, March 18, 2009 6:00:00 PM
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@TONY OZ,getting an idea is n't all that it takes to build a prosperous business. i find your reply demoralizing,retrogressive and dampening the spirit of enterprise and collective reasoning.i'm sure many other upwardly mobile youths facing similar challenges echo my sentiments. you can do better than this and transform many lives.

#16 Posted : Wednesday, March 18, 2009 6:46:00 PM
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@NANFOR, it's true that I need to grow up a bit and get (or by getting) real sources of business information. Any references please? We would gladly accept them. If they are private and confidential,drop me a line at jsaitoti@gmail.com. Help us get out of the usual Kenyan drible

#17 Posted : Wednesday, March 18, 2009 8:11:00 PM
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An idea: what about mobile phone accessories like funky covers and other add ons that campus people might be interested in?

#18 Posted : Thursday, March 19, 2009 4:35:00 AM
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Joined: 3/6/2009
Posts: 172
Hi Saitoti,

I apologise for that. I was in a foul mood.

If you want to go into business,then forget what people who are working in an office are telling you. They don't know what they are saying. That is why I call it Kenyan dribble.

Case in point,someone here wanted to run a matatu business. He got advice from everyone that it would never work. Notice that everyone who adviced him was working in an office. A few days later,someone who actually ran his own matatus showed that he could do it.

Forget about motivational speeches. If you need to be motivated to run your business,then you are in the wrong business.

My advice and reference is once you know what you want to do,forget thinking about it and just do it. That should be your motto. Fired Up,Ready to Go! can start tommorow.

Just do it! Now.

I can assure you that the best business people are those mama mbogas in Marikiti. Trust me,they make more money than all those on this site who are sitting working for someone else with a dream to one day make it.

#19 Posted : Thursday, March 19, 2009 5:07:00 AM
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@ saitoti!

Fired up : Ready to go!!

Well,start now! I guess you are full of energy,full of potential,adrenaline is pumping and men you cant just sleep. The desire is intense and you are consumed with passion.

Well,Nike,The shoe manufacturer has a slogan,'Just do it'. Please follow the advice! But first you've got to find a business you are passionate about.

Me for example,I run a business,Doxa Interactive Studio,www.thedoxa.net and men,I am passionate about web design,graphics design,Flash Animations. I also run a business called Doxa Capital. Now is this is the speculators playground! I am passionate about stocks! Too passionate men! So I get cash from websites,and I take it to stocks and aim at doubling it! Passion is what drive me! I love these two!

Now,to tell you to start the same,could be suicide! I dont know what you are passionate about! I dont. The desire in man is God given! The bible puts it that 'He who started the good work( I believe desire) will bring it to accomplishment'.

What are you passionate about? Farming? Art? IT? Finance? Stocks? Cars? Boxing? Politics? What ? Men,the desire is inbuilt. For sure,I am sincere,we cant think for u!

But you shall remember the LORD your God,for it is He who is giving you power to make wealth,that He may confirm His covenant which He swore to your fathers,as it is this day. Deu 8:18
#20 Posted : Thursday, March 19, 2009 5:42:00 AM
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Joined: 9/5/2007
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@saitoti: Forget what everyone else has said! Just read, reread and reread again what nanfor has written! Then stop there and do exactly as he says!

Brilliant advise nanfor! Kudos!

Immorality: The morality of those who are having a better time!
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