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Osama was a hero
#61 Posted : Friday, May 06, 2011 9:42:58 AM
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Russia Today TV (RT) has this on the same

By inference, the man is all that Mr Phantom is not: an untrustworthy radical, divisive, too many enemies, a dictator, and a persistent liar...
Gaitho dialogues.

#62 Posted : Friday, May 06, 2011 12:27:31 PM
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Kumbe the americans did not do serious investigative work or spy job. They are lazy and illusioned. Oil thieves and homos. Osama was too clever for them. read this one from a saudi paper.

Dubai: Al-Qaida chief Osama bin Laden was betrayed by his deputy Ayman al-Zawahiri who led US forces to his hideout as the two were involved in an intense power struggle, a Saudi newspaper has reported.

The two top al-Qaida men had differences and the courier who led US forces to bin Laden was working and had more loyalties for Zawahiri, al Watan newspaper reported quoting Arab sources.

"The Egyptian faction of al-Qaida led by Zawahiri was de facto running the militant group, after bin Laden was taken ill in 2004 and they were trying to take full control," the paper said.

The courier was a Pakistani national and not a Kuwaiti as the US suspected and the man knew he was being followed but disguised the fact.

The paper claimed it was Zawahiri's faction which had persuaded Osama to leave tribal areas close to Afghanistan-Pakistan border to take shelter instead in Abbottabad, where he was finally killed by US Seals on Monday.

The plan to dispose off bin Laden had been hatched by a prominent al-Qaida commander Saif al Adel of Egyptian descent, who returned to Pakistan from Iran, last autumn.
By inference, the man is all that Mr Phantom is not: an untrustworthy radical, divisive, too many enemies, a dictator, and a persistent liar...
Gaitho dialogues.

#63 Posted : Friday, May 06, 2011 12:35:26 PM
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By inference, the man is all that Mr Phantom is not: an untrustworthy radical, divisive, too many enemies, a dictator, and a persistent liar...
Gaitho dialogues.

#64 Posted : Friday, May 06, 2011 2:45:11 PM
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No use arguing with Osama orphans. They are too fixated in their hero worship and are mostly living in denial.
Great men are not always wise, neither do the aged understand judgement...
#65 Posted : Friday, May 06, 2011 7:15:13 PM
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kamurigo wrote:
Insurgent wrote:
The Obama administrating is flip-flopping on an earlier claim that Osama Bin Laden used one of his wives as a human shield in an attempt to save his own life.

Shame on to those who claimed he was a coward for using his wife as a human shield. You take in any shit originating from uncle sam.


Are you a disciple of Jones?

On May 1 US President ordered a kill operation, sending in US Special Forces and Navy Seals to target and kill Osama Bin Laden – but is there more to the story?

Radio host Alex Jones argued all major terrorists, including Osama Bin Laden, were trained by the CIA. They are friends with US military leaders and serve as double agents. He further argued terrorists are created by governments with the purpose of scaring the people into submission.

“Osama Bin Laden was needed to be the boogeyman and that’s why we were in Afghanistan and Pakistan we were told,” he said. “At a time when were Pakistan is saying get your troops and drones out of here, at a time when they’re talking about extra-judicial assassinations attempted against Gaddafi, which are illegal, this is a way to sell it.”

The timing, he argued, is key. Not only did the government need to propel US support for efforts overseas, Obama also needed the boost for his reelection campaign and to help support the upcoming administration staffing changes with CIA Director Leon Panetta and Afghan Commanding General David Petraeus.

“They needed to give us a big win,” he added. “The internal police state needs an excuse to crack down on the public.

Governments need outside threats to control the population with fear – terrorists are created for this purpose.

“Guantanamo is really a training school for a lot of terrorists,” contended Jones. “They have sent some of the people to lead the rebellion against Gaddafi.”

The US government is reminding the world that even with Bin Laden dead, terrorism remains and cooperation and security must remain in affect.
"Continued cooperation will be just as important in the days ahead, because even as we mark this milestone, we should not forget that the battle to stop al-Qaida and its syndicate of terror will not end with the death of bin Laden. Indeed we must take this opportunity to renew our resolve and redouble our efforts," said Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

“They use terrorism as a diversion,” Jones said, alleging President Bill Clinton once bombed an aspirin factory in Africa and blamed it on terrorists to distract for an extramarital affair. “They are now hyping 160 nuclear bombs buried by al-Qaeda under federal buildings. That’s like saying leprechauns have been burring bombs, totally made up.”

The CIA lies, the government lies, Jones said. They use fear to control the population into reacting. American government is run by a globalist foreign banking cartel that create terrorist and then use it to control the world.

“I don’t believe a word they [the government] say,” he said. “Osama Bin Laden, according to two White House sources, and I’m on record with this, and another State Department source in 2002 saying he [Bin Laden] died, he’s frozen – literally frozen – and that he would be rolled out in the future at some date,” Jones said. “Madeline Albright, and so did Walter Cronkite and Mrs. Kerry, Hines-Kerry, said yes, we have been told by intelligence we’ve got him.”

He added, “I have been told directly by former Bush administration officials when he was in office here in Austin, many of them live here, that this was going on, very high level.”

The government can fake anything, he alleged. They make fake videos, images and other evidence. The recently announced operation and killing of Bin Laden is fake, “it’s all fake,” Jones said.

that i agree with @jones 150%.
#66 Posted : Tuesday, May 10, 2011 9:18:14 AM
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This is from one of the most respected review magazine that has a moral standing in religious, public affairs, literature and arts.

That Americans are "addicted to oil," relying increasingly on imports from what the president delicately called "unstable parts of the world," is manifestly true. The admission qualifies as noteworthy only in that it took Bush so long to acknowledge the problematic implications of this dependency.

Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld's extravagant depiction of the war on terror may also be true--but only so long as the United States persists in the very addiction that the president laments. End American dependence on Middle Eastern oil and the very notion of Islamic radicals posing a serious threat to our way of life becomes preposterous. End our dependence on Middle Eastern oil and the notion that the United States should take it upon itself to forcibly change their way of life becomes absurd. Terrorism won't disappear, but it will become a nuisance rather than a dire threat.

Can someone out there in America please let us know how much fuel costs in US dollars or Kenya Shillings? 40 shillings per little while the kenyan pays 111 for the same little. Hallo, why do we pay dearly for a crisis that we did not start while the activators are having it easy?

If you still can't get the story behind the attacks on oil producers in the middle East, then you are a true African Brother.


"One man gives freely, yet gains even more; another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty. A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed." Rev Canon Karanja.

Kaka M
#67 Posted : Tuesday, July 26, 2011 4:53:35 PM
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I was a member of Opus dei for a period of 4 years and I choose to leave out of my own will. Before I joined it was compulsory that I inform my parents about my intention and I was interviewed to establish if I understood what I was getting into. After the first 6 months I was inteviewed again to confirm if I was still interested in continuing and if I was understanding the lessons I was getting. I would then become a member for a year before another interview (evaluation) After those 1.5 years I was supposed to voluntarily renew or discontinue my membership every year for a period of five years before deciding to become a member for a lifetime. When I decided to leave I communicated to the persons responsible of my intention to leave and since I had 5 months before the next renewal, I prayed about my decision I was counselled and eventually I left in peace. I still treasure the time I was being prepared to be a member and the 4 years as a member. It has contributed positively to who I am today. Before we go condemning lets have in mind that at least every Faith has it's strong believers and those who vehemently deny it. Even the very existance of God (Supreme Being) is denied by so many people so these kinds of protests and nothing new.
#68 Posted : Thursday, July 28, 2011 12:14:32 PM
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The Journal said many of China's Netizens expressed regret at the Al Qaeda founder's death.The Rumors of Bin Laden's death, at least an hour before Obama's speech, began to spread on Sina Weibo with messages of shock and disbelief giving way.

"Another anti-American hero is lost," wrote Weibo user Jiajia Nuwu in comments echoed widely across the site.

However, another wrote, " Excellent!, now the only terrorist left is the United States!"


So far so good for Western monkey see monkey do believers.

Kaka M, if you are an African and do not marry to pass on life which was freely given to you or propagate your clan and family name, you are as good as deed, wasted seed and a witch. God gave you various gifts of life, it is your duty to pass the same on to your descendants.

"One man gives freely, yet gains even more; another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty. A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed." Rev Canon Karanja.

#69 Posted : Thursday, July 28, 2011 1:13:15 PM
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"Bin Laden killed 3000 on 911," Another reader Jack wrote, responding to the event that the U.S. killed Bin Laden. "How many people have been killed by the US since 911? One million or two million? Who is the bigger terrorist?"

"One man gives freely, yet gains even more; another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty. A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed." Rev Canon Karanja.

#70 Posted : Tuesday, September 13, 2011 3:14:59 PM
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DUBAI (Reuters) - New al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahri voiced support in an Internet video for popular revolts sweeping the Middle East, saying Arabs were no longer afraid of the United States, 10 years after the country was targeted by the militant network.

"Ten years have passed since the blessed attacks on New York and Washington and Pennsylvania: that mighty event which shook and continues to shake the pillars of the global crusade," Zawahri said in the video posted on Islamist websites on Tuesday to mark the anniversary of the September 11, 2001 attacks.
Zawahri, an Egyptian who took up the reins of al Qaeda after the killing of Osama bin Laden in June, hailed popular uprisings that have toppled leaders in Egypt, Tunisia and Libya this year, and urged other Muslims to overthrow their own rulers.

"The Arab people have been freed from the chains of fear and terror, so who is the winner and who is the loser?"

Many analysts say al Qaeda lost relevance as a result of the political upheaval across the Middle East and North Africa, where hundreds of thousands of people called for democratic reform and the militant group often played little or no role.

In the hour-long recording, titled "The Dawn of Imminent Victory," Zawahri expressed hope the fall of Arab rulers he said were in thrall to the West would usher in an era of true Islam and sharia-based governance.

"The blessed rebellious Arab earthquake has turned America's calculations head over heels," he said. He said the United States had lost key regional allies in the upheaval.

The video also included a message from Osama bin Laden (Blessed be his name), which Zawahri said was being aired for the first time. The exact date of the clip was not clear.

In it, bin Laden warned Americans of the "tyranny" of capitalism and big corporations, which he said were a main cause of war and had brought the United States to the brink of bankruptcy. He did not mention the "Arab Spring."
(Reporting by Isabel Coles a

"One man gives freely, yet gains even more; another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty. A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed." Rev Canon Karanja.

#71 Posted : Tuesday, September 13, 2011 3:22:17 PM
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Osama must have given the Americans proper medicine. Read this copy paste from one of their papers.

"I want to know everything," said Liz Alderman, whose son, Peter, was last seen at a breakfast conference in the north tower. Peter Alderman sent out an e-mail at 9:25 a.m., reporting intense smoke on the 106th floor. What happened after that remains a mystery.

"The most important thing I will never know," Ms. Alderman said. "I won't know how much he suffered and I won't know how he died. I travel back into that tower a lot and I try to imagine, but there is no imagining."

Still others say they have learned to live with such uncertainties. They are not convinced that exploring the question of who jumped, and from where, is likely to produce anything more than sorrow.

Bill Doyle, the outreach director for WTC United Family Group, whose son Joseph died in the north tower, said many people cannot bear the topic. "A lot of them are still suffering," he said. "They don't want to be reminded that someone might have jumped."

Its a case of jumping from the fire to the concrete to make instant tomato puree.

"One man gives freely, yet gains even more; another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty. A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed." Rev Canon Karanja.

#72 Posted : Tuesday, September 13, 2011 3:26:36 PM
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But a decade after the atrocities, the impact of September 11, 2001 endures. Here are some of the ways the events of that day have reshaped the world. Courtesy of one Osama the Hero.


"One man gives freely, yet gains even more; another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty. A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed." Rev Canon Karanja.

#73 Posted : Tuesday, September 13, 2011 3:35:11 PM
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In Summary

Many would rather believe that those who fell from the World Trade Centre were forced from their offices as saying they jumped connotes suicide; a few, however, see courage in their decision to take charge of the manner of their dying.

I doubt these jumpers were courageous. What is more courageous, facing the fire or jumping out of a window?

Every dog has its day.

By inference, the man is all that Mr Phantom is not: an untrustworthy radical, divisive, too many enemies, a dictator, and a persistent liar...
Gaitho dialogues.

#74 Posted : Wednesday, September 14, 2011 8:36:22 AM
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Kihangeri wrote:

I doubt these jumpers were courageous. What is more courageous, facing the fire or jumping out of a window?

Kahengeri, the problem is that when these guys jumped out of the 93rd window, they became human missiles. Many Firemen were killed by falling bodies. OSAMA was thus killing three birds with one stone, those in the plane, in the building and those knocked out by falling bodies. Am sure Satan has refused to accommodate him in hell, just in case he causes terror there.

Thus who jumped were not patriotic nor courageous, they were cowards. They should have been willing to sacrifice a little by facing the fire instead of attempting to sky dive without a parachute.

All in all, pole for them, but what about the mothers, children and old men in Iraq, palestine, libya..... Did they deserve terror exported from uncle Sam?

"One man gives freely, yet gains even more; another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty. A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed." Rev Canon Karanja.

#75 Posted : Wednesday, September 14, 2011 9:02:40 AM
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Human missile traveling at over 200KPH.

Ultimately, they were choosing not whether to die but how to die. Nobody survived on the floors from which people jumped.

Victims who jumped had a profound influence on the evacuation. Firefighters moved their command post away from the building to avoid them. A falling body killed a firefighter. Fire Commissioner Thomas Van Essen, rushing out of the north tower to meet Mayor Rudy Giuliani, was nearly killed when a body landed 15 feet away.


"One man gives freely, yet gains even more; another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty. A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed." Rev Canon Karanja.

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