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The East will save Africa, not the West
#21 Posted : Tuesday, September 13, 2011 1:39:04 AM
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jasonhill wrote:
Secondly, one has to appreciate the fact the Chinese aren't prancing around the country with guns, enslaving people, building country clubs, looking down on Kenyans, putting Asians in economic power seats above us, trying to force their language, culture, and government on us, and worse of all, destroying our concept of self-worth and national pride... and then making a movie and museum about it.

Great word play...Applause Applause
"All intelligent investing is value investing -- acquiring more than you are paying for. You must value the business in order to value the stock." - Charlie Munger.
Cde Monomotapa
#22 Posted : Tuesday, September 13, 2011 6:43:08 AM
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20mapenzi wrote:
I am appalled by this kind of thinking!! Why do we need anyone to save us? Over 200 years post slaverly and 43 years post colonialism, we are debating who is a "better" slave master?

I think Kenyans need to kill this mentality and believe in themselves more. It needs to start at an early age. We subconsciously teach our children to become slaves right from birth. Our names, school system, food, our hair , religion and language all glorify the white man. How then are our children supposed to shed this slave mentality? How are they expected to believe nothing is immpossible?

East or west cannot save us, only we can save ourselves. And more importantly Jesus or religion will not save anyone!! One must make a choice, to have a better life or wallow in poverty.

Cde Monomotapa
#23 Posted : Tuesday, September 13, 2011 6:45:10 AM
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dunkang wrote:
fantony wrote:
I have not read your posts. I detest that someone thinks we need to be saved.


That kind of thinking is the same that has guys in the slums saying tunaomba serikali.

As usual i think its an idle journalist promoting his articles.

Applause Applause Applause Applause

Cde Monomotapa
#24 Posted : Tuesday, September 13, 2011 6:48:55 AM
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Down with the Coconuts - Black on the outside, White in the inside. (couple Wazuans come to mind) - Only Africa can save itself!!
#25 Posted : Tuesday, September 13, 2011 8:09:04 AM
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Cde Monomotapa
#26 Posted : Tuesday, September 13, 2011 8:13:40 AM
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Dash wrote:

Sufficiently Philanga....thropic
#27 Posted : Tuesday, September 13, 2011 9:18:29 AM
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20mapenzi wrote:

East or west cannot save us, only we can save ourselves. And more importantly Jesus or religion will not save anyone!! One must make a choice, to have a better life or wallow in poverty.

How about Mohammed?
Sufficiently Philanga....thropic
#28 Posted : Tuesday, September 13, 2011 9:22:06 AM
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We look neither East nor West. We look Forward! - Kwame Nkrumah!
Applause Applause Applause
#29 Posted : Tuesday, September 13, 2011 1:08:54 PM
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Neither the east nor the west will save africa only africa can save africa. Look no further.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even the dull and the ignorant; they too have their story.
Imp unity
#30 Posted : Tuesday, September 13, 2011 1:15:47 PM
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tony stark wrote:
You must be a journalist who is baiting wazua to get views and opinions for their next piece.

Sure is not a journalist, she is a property dealer

Here is mine. You should first do you research there are several projects of grander scale that were done by the west pre and post colonial period example the railway(pre colonial) and all roads in the post colonial period were more or less built with western aid. The westerners did not build the same to benefit Africans or Kenyans, they built the transport lines in order to loot the resources from the interior with speed and efficiency. Are you an 8-4-4 system by product?

The total amount given by western aid still does not compare to what BRICs have contributed And that is the point Sure was making, the Mzungus continued to give Kenya more loans while they knew very well that the money was being siphoned to individuals pockets. Why give someone more loans when he has failed to utilize previous loans properly? Simple, the donor funds were being channelled back to Britain into individual pockets. Its a way of stealing from your government without being caught. .

Now since we have established we are comparing apples and oranges we have to put in perspective what the benovolent donors aim to get. It is not Oranges and Apples, It is Mutual friends versus Parasites or the Imps. The westerners are Imps.
The western aid has conditions that does not favor our corrupt governments.

Actually I should not proceed from here cauze you seem to be seriously ignorant of the facts on the ground. Western propaganda has gotten the better of you.

Just read this before going back to the drawing room.

"“I remember the first handing over of funds in Mr Villepin’s presence. The money came from Marshal Mobutu (Sese Seko), president of Zaire (now Democratic Republic of Congo).”

“It was in 1995. He had given me 10 million francs that Jacques Foccart gave to Chirac,” Mr Bourgi said, referring to his predecessor who was president Charles de Gaulle’s pointman for Africa and then briefly also for Chirac.

Mr Bourgi said the money handed over amounted to “several million francs a year. More during elections”.

“In the run-up to the 2002 presidential campaign (won by Chirac), Villepin asked me outright ‘what steps to take’.”

Mr Bourgi said five African leaders came to Villepin’s office: Senegal’s Abdoulaye Wade, Burkina Faso’s Blaise Compaore, Ivory Coast’s Laurent Gbagbo and Congo-Brazzaville’s Denis Sassou Nguesso and Gabon’s Omar Bongo. There, they handed over around 10 million dollars for the 2002 campaign, he alleged."


Do you have any doubts that the same happened between Kenya & Britain, apart from guaranting the Mzungus easy market for their expensive Land Rovers etc.

Fight corruption, democrazy the country etc etc. But that is not to say the BRICs dont have conditions the only difference is the BRICs conditions favour the politicians and not the people. They get cheaper resources, land to grow heir crops, commodities at cheaper rates, employment of their people etc etc.
This brings us to the more important question "which conditions are better for the common man western conditions or the East's conditions?"

#31 Posted : Tuesday, September 13, 2011 1:50:11 PM
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Drunkard wrote:
.....Lastly, China has close to Zero technology at the moment, their economy depend entirely on low skill manufacturing and dumping low quality products in developing countries!

@Dunkag ever heard of the Huawei',ZTE's kindly google them, they have cutting edge stuff that has made the Europeans and American's up their game.
My 2cents would be to engange with both east & west as partners and cut out the crappy attitude as if we don't repay the debt..
Imp unity
#32 Posted : Tuesday, September 13, 2011 2:07:36 PM
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jasonhill wrote:
We are talking about two different things here that both need good governance.

1. Who/where the money comes from, and if the conditions of receiving the money are favorable, long term, to Kenya, and

2. Once the money is received, if it is properly managed and invested in the country.

The money is never intended at any time to be managed and invested in the country. The Wazungus use the elitist African governments to swindle their own citizens in the name of donor funding but the money is channeled back to Politicians running the government. Citizens of Kenya then pay back the same loan via Taxation. That is what many anti IMF Aid matrix have never realised. That is how the Westerners sucks us dry

It is fair to say that past dealings with Western aid and loans, WB and IMF included, have not been on terms favorable to Kenya. There is also a conflict of interest because of past colonialism, which leads to current economic colonialism. This is not to say that the East is an angel, no, they have their own agenda, but so far, there is no prolonged, slanted, abusive bad history, conflict of interest, or known, global conspiracy, so, we should give them a chance to partner with us, and at the same time, strive for good governance. The advantage so far is that we are seeing marked advances in infrastructure that benefits Kenya, when dealing with the East, which we only saw from the West when they themselves were here enjoying it as colonial masters, and even then, only in a very limited capacity. The rails were built for them, by them, not for us.

We should wring more out of this arrangement by demanding that planning, training, and R&D take place in Kenya, by a high percentage of Kenyans for projects meant to be started in Kenya.

For service-based companies that are now beating down the door to get into Kenya, we should require, as the EU does, that all data created in Kenya should be stored in the EAC, and not overseas. It's these kinds of "soft" requirements that get us the necessary training and operational capabilities to support our own business growth. In this case, it would force the creation of strong, stable power, fiber, datacenters, and power infrastructure investments by the multinationals wanting to enter the market.

All this said, remember that "good governance" is not defined by the West. Listening to them one could think that good governance means doing what they say, as they say do it, when in reality, they themselves don't practice it. What I will say that we need is "effective governance"... that is effective at keeping money in Kenya by way of jobs, re-investment, and exports, stoking foreign investment into the Kenyan economy, and providing a progressive, supportive business climate for Kenyan businesses, etc.

To sum up what is wrong with aid:

Just because I am broke this month and need to borrow money from my neighbor, doesn't give him the right to sleep with my wife and beat my kids.



#33 Posted : Tuesday, September 13, 2011 8:10:24 PM
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$15/barrel oil... The commodities lehman moment arrives as well as Sovereign debt volcano!
#34 Posted : Tuesday, September 13, 2011 8:42:52 PM
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erifloss, the Western citizens will also get fed up with their systems
#35 Posted : Tuesday, September 13, 2011 8:43:55 PM
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Cde Monomotapa wrote:
Down with the Coconuts - Black on the outside, White in the inside. (couple Wazuans come to mind) - Only Africa can save itself!!

I'm a field negro - Malcolm X
Cde Monomotapa
#36 Posted : Tuesday, September 13, 2011 8:54:05 PM
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Over the coming decade the world will appreciate Zim's Indegenization & Empowerment laws. African economic renaissance @ its best.
Cde Monomotapa
#37 Posted : Tuesday, September 13, 2011 8:56:18 PM
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youcan'tstopusnow wrote:
Cde Monomotapa wrote:
Down with the Coconuts - Black on the outside, White in the inside. (couple Wazuans come to mind) - Only Africa can save itself!!

I'm a field negro - Malcolm X

Real talk.
Cde Monomotapa
#38 Posted : Tuesday, September 13, 2011 8:59:36 PM
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youcan'tstopusnow wrote:
erifloss, the Western citizens will also get fed up with their systems

The Greek & UK riots were just a trailer. The austerity measures will set in full blown next year and they'll be more primitive than they've labelled Africans before.
#39 Posted : Tuesday, September 13, 2011 11:11:33 PM
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LOL CDE, breathe in, breathe out, umekasirika hivi na hujafika America, ukikuja si utablow!!By the way I think its funny how Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece and Spain have now been given the acronym PIIGS Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly smile
My take, dont choose, play both of them, let capitalism work!
Read Dambisa Moyo's Dead Aid.
#40 Posted : Tuesday, September 13, 2011 11:13:37 PM
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20mapenzi wrote:
I am appalled by this kind of thinking!! Why do we need anyone to save us? Over 200 years post slaverly and 43 years post colonialism, we are debating who is a "better" slave master?

I think Kenyans need to kill this mentality and believe in themselves more. It needs to start at an early age. We subconsciously teach our children to become slaves right from birth. Our names, school system, food, our hair , religion and language all glorify the white man. How then are our children supposed to shed this slave mentality? How are they expected to believe nothing is immpossible?

East or west cannot save us, only we can save ourselves. And more importantly Jesus or religion will not save anyone!! One must make a choice, to have a better life or wallow in poverty.

This should be cut out and given to all parents and parents to be.'Posh' English names are the craze, hardly any kids can speak or write their 1st languages.Parents look down on their language.Nduuma vs bread, which is healthier? Our ancestors, before any white man came, used to slaughter goats under mugumo tree just like Moses, Abraham et al.They said we didn't know God and we believed them.
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