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Is Monogamy Natural?
#41 Posted : Tuesday, June 14, 2011 10:56:33 PM
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@jasonhill good reasoning, but a few issues:

- By intellect, I referred to basic human reasoning not an intellectual
- Over 90% of our modern urban lives are inherited from Western way, including our current understanding of God
- Polygamy as a social issue is quite distinct from abortion or gayism.
- Monogamy is not synonymous with Western, nor Polygamy equal to African, as history shows.

So from a modern African culture, you are within your right to choose polygamy, presuming your spouses choose it to. It makes you more traditional, but definitely not more African.

#42 Posted : Wednesday, June 15, 2011 1:24:49 AM
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muganda wrote:
@jasonhill good reasoning, but a few issues:

- By intellect, I referred to basic human reasoning not an intellectual
- Over 90% of our modern urban lives are inherited from Western way, including our current understanding of God
- Polygamy as a social issue is quite distinct from abortion or gayism.
- Monogamy is not synonymous with Western, nor Polygamy equal to African, as history shows.

So from a modern African culture, you are within your right to choose polygamy, presuming your spouses choose it to. It makes you more traditional, but definitely not more African.

@Muganda, I agree with your statements here. There is nothing wrong or Western-leaning with monogamy if that's what one chooses- but there is a Western-slant if one denounces polygamy, because only Euro-culture and the agenda-leaning Euro-interpretations of religion has.

And polygamy isn't inherantly African. It's inherantly human.

I think that the 90% Western statement is especially important and key. We need to see what part of that 90% is serving us well, and what part isn't, we need to re-evaluate and either adjust to our needs or outright reject, without feeling any shame or shortcoming, without any explaination to, or exemption from, others.

This means setting our own destiny- good or bad, right or wrong, it should be OURS, without the side-line cheerleading and Monday-morning quarterbacking from organizations and nations that have their own interests at heart, and not ours. We welcome investment, NOT interference.

And this entire disussion thread is a major statement and movement into that direction.

You're right Muganda... it is dangerous. It's the rise.

But we are no longer afraid of heights.


#43 Posted : Wednesday, June 15, 2011 7:12:30 AM
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Polygamy and romantic love are incompatible.
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#44 Posted : Wednesday, June 29, 2011 11:36:08 AM
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Can anyone tell me the "proper" type of marriage to have in Kenya in order to avoid breaking the "Bigamy" laws? I heard that it is called a "customary" marriage and that you must not celebrate in a church or it converts to a "Christian" marriage. But "Christian" marriages cannot be converted to customary. That's punitive, in my opinion. It's wrong to not allow a Christian to celebrate their wedding in a church for fear of becoming a criminal if they choose to exercise their God-given right (and God-given request) to be fruitful and multiply.

Does such a law REALLY exist? And how has Katiba affected it?

It doesn't make much sense to me since Christianity does not in any way forbid polygamy (for non-deacons and non-bishops), but I respect the law, so if anyone has any knowledge about Kenyan family law, please speak up now, as one would like to avoid the same fate as that rich German guy that is in court as we speak over "bigamy" allegations, and, one would likely want to avoid stepping foot into a church on their wedding day, thus to avoid possible charges of criminality in the future.

And how does this apply to naturalized Kenyans from overseas?

Such a punitive violation of the right of an African man to BE a REAL African man is a perfect example of Western cultural holdovers that should be done away with and Africanized in the same fashion as the new CJ has done with the UK's judicial powdered wigs and robes- NOT FOR US.


#45 Posted : Wednesday, June 29, 2011 11:53:47 AM
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Tebes wrote:
Solomon had 700 official landing rights and another 300 for away matches. David saw it not to jump from the balcony but ordered Bethsheba, the wife of Uriah, be brought to him.

@Tebes, wewe ni wazimu. Applause Applause Applause Applause Applause

Monogamy is not natural. Maybe we need to define nature: NATURE is everything that was not made by man.

So, since marriage was not made by man, but by God, then it is natural. But the question will be, Why didn't God specify how many men and women form a marriage (or did he, but the writers of the scripts chose to add/minus so as to favour themselves?).

My answer to this will be, assuming that he did not commit himself, NYAKUA WENYE WANAKUTOSHA. Have as many as you can service, and that's natural.

Or can we learn something from animals behaviours, so as we can try to understand God?
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#46 Posted : Wednesday, June 29, 2011 12:28:04 PM
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Lolest! wrote:
Polygamy and romantic love are incompatible.

The are quite compatible, as long as you have impeccable timing.


#47 Posted : Wednesday, June 29, 2011 3:25:43 PM
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Despite all arguments to prove that Man is polygamous by nature,I think its all a matter of choice..man is different from other animals because he has the ability to make a choice.Its upto you to choose the kind of life you want.The bible and other religious books are guidelines.I am no supporter of Polygamy and I also know that the bible does support monogamy

Genesis 2:24..'For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh...(note:wife not wifes)

Malachi 2:15..Didn't the LORD make you one with your wife? In body and spirit you are his. And what does he want? Godly children from your union. So guard your heart; remain loyal to the wife of your youth.(again note:wife not wifes)
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#48 Posted : Wednesday, June 29, 2011 3:50:10 PM
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sanity wrote:
Despite all arguments to prove that Man is polygamous by nature,I think its all a matter of choice..man is different from other animals because he has the ability to make a choice.Its upto you to choose the kind of life you want.The bible and other religious books are guidelines.I am no supporter of Polygamy and I also know that the bible does support monogamy

Genesis 2:24..'For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh...(note:wife not wifes)

Malachi 2:15..Didn't the LORD make you one with your wife? In body and spirit you are his. And what does he want? Godly children from your union. So guard your heart; remain loyal to the wife of your youth.(again note:wife not wifes)

@Sanity, Then why did He give Men wives (plural), tell them to be fruitful and multiply, and why where His chosen, Godly men polygamists many times?

In Christianity, one has a choice either way, monogamy or polygamy, depending on whether it is appropriate- lawful and expedient for the person. The bible says directly that homosexuality, fornication, and adultery is wrong, among other things, and also shows examples of punishment for other sins, and it says this DIRECTLY and succinctly. It never said polygamy is wrong, and like I said, Godly men were given wives. You have given us a few verses out of context, instead of considering the whole bible and the overall instruction.

Until you can show me where it says that polygamy is sin or perversion and God's word condemns it, you have no case to condemn it- but if legalism works for you as an individual, so be it.



Ms Mkenya
#49 Posted : Wednesday, June 29, 2011 6:53:18 PM
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Monogamy is not natural i believe, but possible and that is one of the things that distinguishes us from animals. Self-control..
....above all, to stand.
#50 Posted : Wednesday, June 29, 2011 10:52:24 PM
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Ms Mkenya wrote:
Monogamy is not natural i believe, but possible and that is one of the things that distinguishes us from animals. Self-control..

Ms Mkenya, let me ask you this: having admitted that you don't believe monogamy is natural, would you find it within yourself to forgive your man if he were to cheat on you with a woman who was undeniably more beautiful than yourself?
#51 Posted : Thursday, June 30, 2011 3:35:29 AM
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Is this thread an attempt to explain why men cheat? I am no expert in the Bible or Anthropology. I know this, it is not fair to go sleeping with other women when you have committed yourself to one (by church or legal marriage) - if you do, you are being cruel to your wife.
If you feel monogamy is unnatural, tell your wife/fiancee from the very first, (and see if she will agree to get into that union). What men want is to get a wife, and since no sensible modern woman will agree to a polygamous arrangement, we go down the monogamy route with its strictly binding terms, then midway somewhere, we expect women to understand and forgive away quietly if we develop a roving eye, foisting upon them arguments such as 'monogamy is not natural' and 'men are visual animals'. No one will stop you from cheating, its a free country, but if you do, its cause of a moral character fault and inability to keep promises. It really is that simple.
#52 Posted : Thursday, June 30, 2011 4:56:26 AM
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@quicksand, It's not cheating if you are up front and honest that you will seek more than one wife. In addition, you have no basis to say that a sensible modern woman will not accept the arrangement. Are you saying that Jacob Zuma's wives, along with the wives of other leaders, including ones in Kenya, are not sensible? What makes a monogamous person, with the very high modern divorce and infidelity rates, any more or less "sensible"? And, does your own personal fortune and value of your estate equal or exceed that of, say, Akuku Danger, who clearly gained economic strength and success from his marital arrangement?

Why can't you make your arguments without taking a personal shot at the "sensibility" of women who are in polygamous relationships?


#53 Posted : Thursday, June 30, 2011 12:30:29 PM
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@jasonhill: I agree with you on being honest upfront. If you read my post again, you'll see I wrote "If you feel monogamy is unnatural, tell your wife/fiancee from the very first". My problem is when it starts as a monogamy in the understanding of the man and the woman, then the man marries other wives. In most of the cases of current polygamous families, the guy most likely didn't tell the first wife he will take other wives;The first wife decides to live with it.
On the modern sensible woman, perhaps I over-generalized. My mistake. You might just find a woman who can accept such an arrangement. Here in KE things are still a bit grounded. I would like to hear just one voice from a man who told his appropriately matched (ideal, no other factors such as money, the ticking biological clock etc etc) fiancee that he intends to be a polygamist (perhaps also told that council of ruracio), and succeeded to go on and marry that woman.
#54 Posted : Sunday, August 28, 2011 10:48:40 PM
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@quicksand, I agree with you that you must be honest and up front with your first wife. You have to tell her that you are an "old-school" guy that believes the bible, and will have his wives. That's only fair. I think that if you don't make this clear up front, or if you tell a woman this after you marry her, you shouldn't practice it without agreement from your first wife. It wouldn't be fair to her to not seek her permission on such a dramatic change in the marital arrangement.

If you are current and correct in your duties of being the spiritual leader in your home, not "outsourcing" the job to a local pastor, then it's a subject that you would have already broached, and she would have likely given her clear feelings on.

That's why it's important to study the bible and pray with your family- so that you can discuss it in a way that is most appropriate for you and your personal walk, and without the influence and agenda of others and their "denominations".

Whether that be denominations of shilling notes within the church, or denominations (divisions) of doctrine within the church.


#55 Posted : Sunday, August 28, 2011 11:04:33 PM
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The following book makes a very persuasive case to the effect that Monogamy is abnormal: Sex at Dawn: The Prehistoric Origins of Modern Sexuality by:
Christopher Ryan & Cacilda Jethá

According to the authors, polygamy is the default setting for....men and women, both.
"The opposite of a correct statement is a false statement. But the opposite of a profound truth may well be another profound truth." (Niels Bohr)
#56 Posted : Monday, August 29, 2011 12:12:00 AM
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Looking at the lives of polygamists one comes to one conclusion ,these men can only cherish one woman as their wife at any given time or probably in their lifetime.

This is according to anthropologists such as Desmond Morris.

1.Take Solomon for starters He could only cherish one person out of his harem for him to write:

Let thy fountain be blessed; And rejoice in the wife of thy youth. Proverbs 5:18

not wives.

2.David ,probably Bathsheba.

3.Kenyatta -Mama Ngina Kenyatta (maybe)

Monogamy predates christianity or western civilisation


The bible clearly teaches against polygamy.It's the teachings that are importance not the nature of lives portrayed by the characters.Remember Jesus said:

The disciples said to him, "If this is the situation between a husband and wife, it is better not to marry."
Jesus replied, "Not everyone can accept this word, but only those to whom it has been given.

For some are eunuchs because they were born that way; others were made that way by men; and others have renounced marriage because of the kingdom of heaven.
The one who can accept this should accept it." Matt:19:10-12
#57 Posted : Monday, August 29, 2011 12:30:12 AM
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@scout_boy, you have not provided any biblical evidence at all that teaches against polygamy. In addition, you are making up dreams in your own mind about how you "feel" these men "felt" about their wives, when you really have no idea. If you are incapable of loving multiple women, then that is your issue, not that of other men.

Though it is a different form of love, one can love their children equally; one can love their wives equally. Sometimes one needs more attention than others.

If you look earlier in this thread, you can find several examples which I have provided that DO support polygamy, carried out by God's chosen men that were blessed BY GOD with wives.

The new testament came to fulfill the law, not to get rid of it. The essence of the new testament is that Christ shed blood for the remission of sin; the ransom has been paid for us; so where in the bible exactly does it do away with polygamy in favor of monogamy? This has nothing to do with remission of sin.

You would be well advised to do away with what some "man" or some "denomination" has told you, and work with what sayeth the Lord. A denomination or a man has no heaven or hell to put you in.

Please advise.


#58 Posted : Monday, August 29, 2011 9:31:34 AM
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JasonHill apart from the scriptures ,I posted a wikipedia link.I will advise polygamy would go against such fundamental concepts such as:

1.Adam and Eve became One Flesh
2.Christ comes for One Bride(Church) to become One and live forever(That is why also the church doesn't endorse divorces easily.)Thus ,if one finds himself already in a polygamous situation
the Church cannot tell you to divorce.
3.The Father and The Son are One.

Why did David and Solomon practice polygamy and were not condemned for their actions.

IMHO,the last two revelations had not been clarified.

In addition ,Jesus who came to fulfill the Law himself not necessarily his teachings.

Though it is
a different form of love, one can love their children equally;
one can love their wives equally. Sometimes one needs more attention than others.

Absolutely not true.African polygamists will have a bigger hut for the woman they actually cherish as their wifesmile
#59 Posted : Monday, August 29, 2011 3:37:31 PM
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Dia wrote:
bkismat wrote:
Are you sure Adam had only one wife?

God created only one wife for Adam. In fact, when considering creating her, He said ' let us create a helper', not helpers.

Am not so sure. The bible was not written in English
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#60 Posted : Monday, August 29, 2011 4:24:23 PM
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StatMeister wrote:
Dia wrote:
bkismat wrote:
Are you sure Adam had only one wife?

God created only one wife for Adam. In fact, when considering creating her, He said ' let us create a helper', not helpers.

Am not so sure. The bible was not written in English

but the parts that suit your position r in English too!
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