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How Pastors Get Rich
#1 Posted : Friday, August 05, 2011 7:16:24 PM
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Joined: 5/3/2011
Posts: 559
Hyped Conference

The hype for these conferences start months before hand. Other church members look at you strangely if you are thinking about not going. What, you can't afford the huge entry fee? What's wrong with you, don't you love God? Don't you want to be blessed? Don't you want to be successful and wealthy? Don't you want to be part of us? Because you won't be, unless you go to THE CONFERENCE!
Each speaker is completely amazing. The next best thing to the second coming.

He's built a church up from nothing to one with thousands of people. She's the most Godly woman in the universe who is the best wife ever with the best kids and the best lifestyle, and she's the pastor's wife too.

The spiritual reward for going is implied to be life changing. The conference fee is nothing, compared to the fire-fighting-bomber worth of blessings and wealth God will dump on your head from upon high. And Jesus had conferences too, don't forget, like the Sermon on the Mount, where He charged, oh, he didn't charge anything for that spiritual teaching. In fact it was free wasn't it? Hmmm. Well, often the first-movers can't figure out how to monetize their success, we can't blame Jesus for that, can we? Gosh, if only He had some books to sell at the back...

The Christian Speaking Circuit

If you have a big market (congregation) and are willing to let others come and sell there, then your fellow pastors will invite you to come and sell into their markets (congregations) too. The bigger your own market, the larger the markets that will open their doors to you - as long as you are willing to reciprocate. Quid pro quo.

There is a Christian speaking circuit, just like there is a motivational speaking circuit. The circuit has no formal structure like say a football league, but rather is like an exclusive network or an old boys club.

Young speaking-cubs sweat blood to be allowed into the circuit. These wannabes practice hard and desperately seek in-circuit patrons because the financial rewards are significant. Revenue flows in four ways: from sales of products, from special "love offerings" taken for the speaker, from various perks, and from the formal payments (honorariums) for speaking.

Not all visiting church speakers are on the circuit, the difference is in the amount of money their visit extracts. There is nothing wrong with a speaker's flights and accommodation being paid for, along with the speaker receiving a fair payment for his time. Some speaker's egos are so ripe that they demand business or first class flights, expensive chauffeured cars, five star hotel accommodation, gourmet dining, and the right to bring a small entourage along with them (at the church's expense). Their fees can be enough to buy a family car, and then they have the audacity to expect a special "love offering" to be made for them. The sales of their books and DVD's are carefully planned, and the hosting pastors are expected to hype their products. Of course the hosting pastor will then get the same treatment later at the visiting speaker's church, including his own big fat love offering. If the visiting speaker does not have a church, then the hosting pastor will expect a cut from the speaker's product sales.

These Sunday service speaking engagements are the bread and butter, to the glamour and super-liquidity of the hyped conferences. Only the true speaking-circuit superstars get to keynote at these hype-fests. The speakers at these conferences are like sharks in a feeding frenzy, seeking to boost their profit margins with the over inflated prices of their products. Their speaking fees and perks are why these conferences cost so much, and can sometimes even run at a, ahem, cough, "loss".

Pastor Owned Businesses that Feed Off the Flock

Another way bad pastors extract money from their captive market is to set up a business, and then get their congregation to patronize their business.Businesses like: bookshops, counseling, gyms, production firms, computer consulting, cinemas, business coaching services, supermarkets, building firms, music festivals, music studios, real-estate firms, and many more. The bookshop is the most common, often located inside the church itself.

Members in the church who show loyalty to their pastor's businesses are rewarded, often with increased standing in the church. Members who refuse to use the pastor's businesses are frowned upon.

The Honor The Pastor Scam
Money focused churches tend to be run on cultic patterns. One of these cultic patterns is the division of the church into exclusive rings: the all-powerful pastor perched at the center, the inner-ring of sycophants around him consisting of the pastor's lieutenants and the church's privileged class (the rich, the famous and the very pretty), and the outer-ring of the ordinary folk who would love to be in the inner-ring, but are not.

The power of those in the inner-ring is determined by the amount of favor the pastor bestows upon them.To get more favor the inner-ring will employ many favor-currying measures, one of which is a scam called "Honoring the Pastor". It works this way, the inner-ring will figure out what the pastor would like, say for his birthday. Then the inner-ringers will squeeze the outer-ringers for the money to buy this item.

Using this method pastors have been "given": diamond rings for their wives, cash gifts, jet skis, luxury cruises, motorbikes, cars, holidays, boats, and a myriad of other expensive luxury items. Are the pastors complicit in this game? Of course they are. They couldn't demand the gift openly themselves, but seek plausible deniability by having their inner-ring lieutenants do the work. Of course they could refuse the gift when it is presented, and make it clear that they don't want the Lord's money spent on such things again, but they never do. These pastors exchange their favor, for cash from their congregation.

High Pressure Offerings
Another way the pastor uses his inner-ring to extract cash, is via high pressure offering talks in the church services. One of the church's inner-ring will take the Sunday offering, which in these money focused churches can turn into a mini-sermon. These inner-ring members are competing against each other's past high scores. At stake is their standing with the pastor and hence their standing in the church. If they rake in the cash then their position is secure, but if they score low then no matter what excuses they have they know the pastor will blame them.

Cathedral Building Wars
Like the cathedral building wars in the middle ages where cities and countries vied against each other to build the most impressive cathedral. The pastors of these money focused churches fight to own the most impressive church to top their rival pastors - their egos demand that they are the king of the heap.

The most impressive churches require the most magnificent buildings, the most professional entertainment in their services, the best church programs, and the best conferences, the best websites, the best radio and TV programs, and the most members. All this costs a lot of money.

And just like in the days of old these self anointed church kings seek to tax their subjects to fund their private war.

Understand that these cultic churches ultimately exist to serve their pastor's insecure egos, and their congregation suffer under their madness. This type of church culture breeds a harsh environment where people are discarded as soon as they are no longer useful.

Siphoning Cash into Property
Is it ethical for the pastor (or his company or trust) to own property that the church is paying for? Of course not.

Another variation on this scam is the church trust being controlled by the pastor and his family, so they control both the church's cash and property.

Some of these pastors are very clever in how they hide the money trail. But ultimately if church money is paying for an asset the pastor owns, except via his wages of course, then it is almost certainly wrong. Imagine the furor if a politician was caught siphoning off government money into property or assets owned by himself.

#2 Posted : Friday, August 05, 2011 7:51:07 PM
Rank: Veteran

Joined: 10/11/2009
Posts: 1,223
I knew they had upped their game with M-CHURCH
Anybody experienced this phenomemon?
History will not remember you for your IQ. It will remember you for what you did. “Genius is 1 percent inspiration, 99 percent perspiration.” Thomas Edison
#3 Posted : Friday, August 05, 2011 7:59:21 PM
Rank: Elder

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Some 'pastors' also engage in activities that follow a path like, buy an object p(the raw material)at x shillings, pray for it, then sell it at (x+y).

But then even while the 'church fathers' were trying to keep the spirit of Christ alive, Paul of Samosata was waving handkerchiefs and raking huge profits.

At least in our present times there are those clergy that committed to poverty, chastity, and obedience.
#4 Posted : Friday, August 05, 2011 8:28:27 PM
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The world is made up of 1 good, 2 confused and 3 evil people. Majority of the pastors are God's messengers and are good and might be the only people who will tell a King what no one else can.
Ask yourself, which is the one place where the devil would love to conquer? If you believe in God then you'll look at the bigger picture.

BBI will solve it
#5 Posted : Friday, August 05, 2011 8:33:21 PM
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2012 wrote:
The world is made up of 1 good, 2 confused and 3 evil people. Majority of the pastors are God's messengers and are good and might be the only people who will tell a King what no one else can.
Ask yourself, which is the one place where the devil would love to conquer? If you believe in God then you'll look at the bigger picture.

Not all pastors are bad but the list above could help anyone indicate which pastor is good and which one could be the bad messanger... I am not agaist pastors living well but we all know the difference between living well and exploiting, don't we?
#6 Posted : Friday, August 05, 2011 9:02:11 PM
Rank: Elder

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Location: Nairobi

We must surely talk about this issue.

How are we to understand the clergy? How should the clergy live?

Who is doing the prescribing? Why the prescription?

Or should we be indifferent?

Is truth objective; or is it subjective?

This whole matter has given me disquiet for long . . . help me! Oh drunkard!
#7 Posted : Friday, August 05, 2011 9:09:19 PM
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Joined: 3/18/2011
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Interesting read. I believe, like @2012 we should be vigilant. The Good Shepherd already has laid down his life for us but the thief has come to kill, STEAL and destroy. We should know God through the Word not pleasing some humans.
Laughing out loudly smile Applause d'oh! Sad Drool Liar Shame on you Pray
#8 Posted : Friday, August 05, 2011 9:24:38 PM
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Religion in Kenya is generally a fear mongering, get rich quick and scamming business.
Pastors who scare their flock then charge them to comply to their selfish no good wishes all the time playing on their flock's greed.

Perhaps to a large extent, the followers too are greedily hoping for some divine intervention or so low in self esteem that they fall headlong for the scams.
#9 Posted : Friday, August 05, 2011 9:34:48 PM
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Is it only me or is this thread, though as eye-opening as it's, is in the wrong forum???
We Will Either Find a Way or Create One - HANNIBAL
#10 Posted : Friday, August 05, 2011 9:38:13 PM
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They employ a Multilevel Marketing Pattern.We've all been approached at some time by a friend caught up in the hope of multilevel marketing. The business they are pushing is simple, sell toothpaste or web sites or whatever, and then recruit people under you doing the same, taking a cut from their sales. Soon you will be so rich that you can buy a flash European car and give stacks of money to Godly causes.
That is the dream. The proof the dream works is embodied in the wealth of the dream's leaders. Do you see how rich our leaders are? They made all their money by following the dream, proving that you can too. Except, that it's a lie. These leaders did not become wealthy by following the dream, instead they became wealthy by building up a group of people who believe passionately in the dream, and then selling dream-promoting wares to this captive audience.

This same pattern is practiced by some Christian leaders and their churches. The dream is the prosperity. Their captive market is their congregation. The products are, well you guessed it: books, tapes, DVDs, and conferences, and t-shirts, and most ominously spiritual rewards and the prevention of spiritual punishments.
These leaders use their faked "success" to promote a distorted gospel which basically says: "tow the line obeying the leaders buying whatever we tell you to buy, and donate money whenever we tell you to donate, and then God will pour riches into your life." They tell us that they became successful by following this dream, but in reality they became rich by sucking money out of those caught up in the buzzing environment where this distorted gospel seems real.

#11 Posted : Friday, August 05, 2011 9:41:27 PM
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If you think Kenyan pastors have money, you clearly haven't met their Nigerian equivalents




Brother young, where you at smile
Cde Monomotapa
#12 Posted : Friday, August 05, 2011 11:30:23 PM
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Do you want a revolution?!? Woop! Woop!
#13 Posted : Saturday, August 06, 2011 5:02:42 AM
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Bettertry wrote:
Is it only me or is this thread, though as eye-opening as it's, is in the wrong forum???

It should clearly be over in SME, small medium enterprise, at least until someone gets the stones to take a church public on a stock exchange.

Looking at the direction that things are going, it just might happen someday.


Cde Monomotapa
#14 Posted : Saturday, August 06, 2011 10:04:25 AM
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In these times of financial uncertainity, they'll make even MORE!!
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