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Unemployed Graduates.. Proactive response?
#1 Posted : Wednesday, July 20, 2011 12:45:24 PM
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An ad in the daily nation posting job vacancies yielded close to 300 applications within a week.. all youth..with excellent academic records.. posts available were just 6

...applications still coming in..vetting is becoming a herculean task..subsequently outsourced to a recruitment firm ]

but nagging thoughts.. what to do for all these guys?
Any proactive ideas?
Don't use this to vent please.. just give ideas/options/opportunities we could offer to improve, empower..offer a way out to all those to be rejected.

..after all, the sum total of our purpose in life is to make another's life better.
..Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven...Matt5:16
- 1769 Oxford King James Bible 'Authorized Version
#2 Posted : Wednesday, July 20, 2011 1:51:18 PM
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ProverB wrote:
An ad in the daily nation posting job vacancies yielded close to 300 applications within a week.. all youth..with excellent academic records.. posts available were just 6

...applications still coming in..vetting is becoming a herculean task..subsequently outsourced to a recruitment firm ]

but nagging thoughts.. what to do for all these guys?
Any proactive ideas?
Don't use this to vent please.. just give ideas/options/opportunities we could offer to improve, empower..offer a way out to all those to be rejected.

..after all, the sum total of our purpose in life is to make another's life better.

I agrre with you things are getting thicker and thicker,the problem lies with people wanting to get employed which in itself isnt wrong but tends to limit there thinking capability,we need to work with new business models that are out of the box come up with new ways of thinking and doing business that in themselves will be productive,there are a lot of untapped areas of business which can be worked on resulting in jobs to scores of the unemployed graduates...
possunt quia posse videntur
#3 Posted : Wednesday, July 20, 2011 2:04:15 PM
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maka wrote:

+problem lies with people wanting to get employed which in itself isnt wrong but tends to limit there thinking capability,

+we need to work with new business models that are out of the box come up with new ways of thinking and doing business that in themselves will be productive,

+there are a lot of untapped areas of business which can be worked on resulting in jobs to scores of the unemployed graduates...

One thing of note though.. most are fresh graduates ..this is the first time they have encountered "No Job" in real life.
Most also have totally no clue on business and are averse to risk.
if you had a chance to meet them.. how'd you handle them?
..Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven...Matt5:16
- 1769 Oxford King James Bible 'Authorized Version
Obi 1 Kanobi
#4 Posted : Wednesday, July 20, 2011 2:17:38 PM
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Joined: 7/23/2008
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The problem for the CEO today is retaining top talent. In your case, you will only appreciate the talent pool when you shortlist your preferred candidates and experience the rejection rate, and their mobility once they gain some experience.

At my work this is a real nightmare for us, despite the fact that the salaries in our industry are without question amongst the highest in Kenya.
"The purpose of bureaucracy is to compensate for incompetence and lack of discipline." James Collins
Ric dees
#5 Posted : Wednesday, July 20, 2011 3:41:47 PM
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This seems to be the bain of many companies in Kenya and it's been long overdue before it has been addressed.

First and foremost i think we need to steer away from this "paper society" mentality not every-one can get a degree and NOT all jobs require a degree ie Cashiers in banks,Sales, Customer service roles etc, these can be filled by the numerous guys coming out various colleges armed with diplomas/certificates.

Secondly we need to streamline the so called blue-collar sector and make their salaries atleast at par with the so called white collar jobs ie auditors in the Big 4 here in the UK earn roughly the same as nurses, Hotel workers are not worse off than guys working in manufacturing!!

Thirdly the employers need to be trained on how to spot talent, all youth..with excellent academic records Its a shame if this as an employer is all one can see then the employer becomes the cause of the problem, They set precedence as to what is acceptable and the youth just replicate your expectations en-masse...
I might add last years UK apprentice was worn by a chick who never went to UNI, started as a receptionist and rose to be the only woman in the trading floor of Nomura (am sure you know what this is). Can this be replicated in BBK,CFC well your answer is as good as mine!!

There is a lot to be done/can be done as i have said lots of times here, employers need to tilt their thinking slightly!!

The greatest danger in times of turbulence is not the turbulence; it is to act with yesterday's logic.
#6 Posted : Wednesday, July 20, 2011 4:38:19 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 6/19/2008
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Ric dees wrote:
This seems to be the bain of many companies in Kenya and it's been long overdue before it has been addressed.

First and foremost i think we need to steer away from this "paper society" mentality not every-one can get a degree and NOT all jobs require a degree ie Cashiers in banks,Sales, Customer service roles etc, these can be filled by the numerous guys coming out various colleges armed with diplomas/certificates.

Secondly we need to streamline the so called blue-collar sector and make their salaries atleast at par with the so called white collar jobs ie auditors in the Big 4 here in the UK earn roughly the same as nurses, Hotel workers are not worse off than guys working in manufacturing!!

Thirdly the employers need to be trained on how to spot talent, all youth..with excellent academic records Its a shame if this as an employer is all one can see then the employer becomes the cause of the problem, They set precedence as to what is acceptable and the youth just replicate your expectations en-masse...
I might add last years UK apprentice was worn by a chick who never went to UNI, started as a receptionist and rose to be the only woman in the trading floor of Nomura (am sure you know what this is). Can this be replicated in BBK,CFC well your answer is as good as mine!!

There is a lot to be done/can be done as i have said lots of times here, employers need to tilt their thinking slightly!!

I hear you. But, unfortunately, when you advertise for a job in kenya, you get applicants CVs detailing their qualifications... as you may realise, if they are young - all young, there are high chances that they do not have much experience and the only basis you can sort them one from the other is by their qualification.... otherwise, you'd have to invite all the 500 people to come work in your organisation for you to pick out the "hidden" talent which is impractical by any means.

You are right, not all jobs require a degree and not everyone can get a degree especially because of the restrictions in our public universities capacities and the high cost in the private universities.... but as it is, we are already swamped by problems because even the "few" that have degrees cant even get jobs... why would i high a fourth form person when you can get a graduate of finance as a teller for the same pay? See where our problem lies? it is not with the employers, it is with the system that produces only "employable" products and does not train them much on how they can be employers themselves. if only we appreciated the small SMEs and gave the entrepreneurs as much support (banks, insurance industries, government, corporations etc) then am sure we'd be much better than where we are now.

#7 Posted : Wednesday, July 20, 2011 6:23:45 PM
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@wendz ua spot on the small SME,S they need serious empowerment so that they may grow let them learn new business models,let them become versatile and accept changes that are happening in the business environment...lets say u are a graduate and uv been applying all over without success u can start by identifying a pressing need and make a business out of it i know on paper i make it look easy but where we have reached only the strong survive...the weak get trampled on and die its a man eat man society and we have to live with it...
possunt quia posse videntur
#8 Posted : Thursday, July 21, 2011 5:27:27 AM
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@ProverB et al.

Glad to hear someone shares the same concern. I've been considering this challenge for a while now. I honestly believe the solution is multifaceted and calls for a more proactive approach of key players....

At the company level -

1. HR policy that recognizes and incorporates the various levels of education. I've seen companies where majority of staff don't have a degree, but the ideas that are generated are amazing! Allocate a percentage of all posts to cater for degree, diploma, certificate level.

2. Vibrant internship program
It's a shame for a company not to take this seriously. Interns can be re-hired where there's a heavy influx of work to be done. Or where an employee is absent.

3. Change in recruiting strategy
Depending on a recruitment agency to fill in your posts is easy and faulty in the long-run. Stop depending on CV's alone. Have a mix of interview and vetting procedures e.g. CV, telephone interview, one-on-one/group, written essays. Use the company website to develop a generic format for all applicants.

4. Concerted efforts at training and orientation
If you don't properly orient the newly hired employee, they won't assimilate well. No/Low sense of ownership causes pple to look for a job elsewhere. And you'll be back to recruiting again. Simple really.

- At the individual level

Volunteering, volunteering, volunteering!!! I can't stress this enough for job seekers. Find an organization that's within walking distance of where you live and offer to help for a couple of months. There's no such thing as irrelevant experience, only individuals who don't know how to connect the dots!!!

- Recruitment firms/Colleges and other tertiary institutions
Offer to teach students how to carry themselves during an interview/what to expect without charging extra/too much. You'd be SHOCKED to hear how job-seekers respond to a telephone interview.

- Professional Associations offer a great networking opportunity, however, the cost is prohibitive. They already make money from corporates and professional members, it wouldn't hurt them to allocate a percentage of their overall membership to unemployed, job-seeking individuals with no experience but an interest in the field. Free membership, free attendance to meetings and conferences...etc.

CSR isn't always about painting a building or handing out stationery to a rural school in front of the cameras!!
Généralement, les gens qui savant peu parlent becoup, et les gens qui savant beaucoup parlent peu.
- Rousseau.
#9 Posted : Thursday, July 21, 2011 9:05:18 AM
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@ Obi..retaining talent..ooops! remembered haven't worked in one place for more than 15 months!! smile

@Ricdees... as wendz puts it.. i realize papers help minimize floodgate of applicants!!

, rather than to steer away.. what if applicants instead of copy pasting cover letters and c.v's would instead use them to present who they are as a person?

let the application and c.v represent genuinely who you are as a person before you show up n can't be recognized?
cut out the bull phrases of "hardworking, loyal, very discipline,commited" and all exemplary accolades which makes the one reading your application wonder why you don't have a job in the first place!!

after all..either I or my staff are going to spend 8 hours of my day with you!!..everyday.. I should know who you are!!! could you use the application process to portray this? Genuinely.. and put references that know your character..substance..integrity..someone who can vouch for your trustworth..rather than former lecturers, teachers, pastors or sheiks!

@Obi ..i think if former employers looked beyond my papers and previous employer.. they'd have known where my loyalty and passions lie..and since that is not what their org was providng..shouldn't have hired me in the first place..

employers need to realise how crucial their vision/objectives are and align this to talent they seek..that way..they'l get more than loyal staff. Make staff grasp your dream as their own..

..Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven...Matt5:16
- 1769 Oxford King James Bible 'Authorized Version
#10 Posted : Thursday, July 21, 2011 9:25:28 AM
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@wendz most sme's start in throws of serious challenges..and somehow the staffing needs have much more weight and intimacy than contemporary employer..thus egotistical money hungry dreaming graduates cannot "stoop so Low" to work in such Sad
.. most SME seeking not just an employee but someone who clearly buys into the vision and is willing to stay on board even bila pay too.. we hardly see them recruiting..the only time you see them is when they've become sort of established..e.g Linksoft.. Parapet..

..i think it goes back to what we WERE NOT TOUGHT IN SCHOOL!! ..

@Savant.. splendid! just splendid! smile
..Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven...Matt5:16
- 1769 Oxford King James Bible 'Authorized Version
#11 Posted : Thursday, July 21, 2011 9:43:21 AM
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Joined: 7/20/2007
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Wendz that was superb.

I may feel like Proverb about helping people but it is very easy to change your mind.

This is a true story that happened to us 1 hour ago.

Guy sends his cv and we like it.

We invite him for an interview based on what he wrote in the application.

The guy comes and asks for the person who called him for the interview.

We are all sitting in the office waiting for him.

We tell him that the person is out for a second and can we help him.

He tells us sorry and he leaves.

I mean leaves and goes.

Goes and writes an sms telling us that he would be happy to reschedule if we can give him an agenda.

Sorry guys, these guys should tarmack until their shoes are done.

When graduates learn that they are needed to work and run a company rather than make money, then they will be better placed to market themselves.
Jose: If I make it through this thug life, I'll see you one day. The Lord is the only way to stop the hurt.
#12 Posted : Thursday, July 21, 2011 5:52:25 PM
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..interesting case..
..applicant..Bcom, CPA4 Msc Fin, PGD HRM Oracle certified.. worked all over including CBK, KRA.. and a couple of banks.. awesome c.v ..recomendations are excellent too..
..on third interview..realization comes that the person was let go from all jobs.. has a history of mental breakdown and is on constant medication..once in awhile..they freak out everyone.. nothing in applic/c.v/testimonials etc highlighted this.. just a thought to get referral from someone who has been in their life within past 6 months.

i think applications should be an opportunity to disclose who we are..
..Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven...Matt5:16
- 1769 Oxford King James Bible 'Authorized Version
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