I am a one-time Rundan and know this story pretty well.
As far as I know there is no access to the Runda roads from the new bypass since the residents did not want their security gates to be breached (5 of them set up over 10 years at vast expense - 20 salaried guards - maintenance etc).
All it means is that anyone wanting to access Runda from the bypass simply drives to a point beyond the gates, exits there, and comes back onto one of the 'older' roads through a manned gate. It's simple and only adds another minute's driving onto a journey.
Rundans had a lot of carjackings and violent crime in the 90s which the gates have by and large stamped out. So this latest concession from the bypass engineers not to open access to existing roads without being checked first at the gates seemed like an understandable and reasonable thing to ask for.