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Demonsatrations now illegal in Kenya- a call to revolution?
#1 Posted : Sunday, July 10, 2011 10:23:35 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 7/1/2011
Posts: 8,804
Location: Nairobi
The police commisioner has just reminded us of our civic responsibility of kindly informing of our intentions to demonstrate.

Given the context of the commisioner's reminder, the times-'the age of austerity'with it's arab spring flavor-we cannot help but note that perhaps we are playing passive in a game that will leave most of us devoid of political power and in extension,physically dead.

Remember that Kenya's population is rising at a rate of a million people per year, a rate that is unmatched by her capacities to ensure a decent living for even a quarter of her population.Ditto Tunisia, Egypt, and so many other countries.

From Greece to Morocco; not forgetting Libya and Syria, governments have shown where they think the ultimate grounds of persuasion lie.Bullets.

And what are the grounds for using bullets? Disregard of the law.

How shall we fight oppression and impunity and other violations if we cannot be 'spontaneous?'
And it is this 'spontaneity' that has been checked. Who will get permission to hold demonstrations against the regime?

Demonstrations alone cannot bring change. But change must involve an agitation of the nerves; and this must be allowed to humans.

And if a people shall find themselves gagged to this extent then it follows that their social institutions are working against them. The police commisioner was tacitly admitting that there is little that can be done to meet the needs of the people.

Government must be reconsidered.The nation-state can no longer offer safety. For us to survive we will need to be heavily interconnected, markets have to be expanded, resources created, and the Nation-state cannot handle the task efficiently.

I think humanity has come to a point where one cannot help but love his neighbour as he loves himself, for only the strategies of the widest units of cooperation will bring food to the table.

Most of us want to live and for long; but how are we to protect ourselves from Cain? By generating fear in others-like in nuclear deterrents?

Is it not by surrendering to love and trusting in other humans? Is it not by ensuring that others are as free as we are? Is it not by realizing that others are as concerned about survival as we are?

How can one ensure that another is free, ecxcept by agreeing to die for the other? . . .Being the other? Ultimately freedom demands the presence of the God-Man.

For an individual can only care for another if he is one with God. The Man must embody the holy trinity.

It is this God-Man that is emerging from the chaos of the present world; the true revolutionary.

The God-Man is confident that all problems are soluble, and that we only have to speak to each other in love.

The God-Man is grown beyond sexual,tribal and even national boundaries. We are all one; the barriers of class, education, and every other barrier that has hitherto been used to protect the status quo is falling...the state included.

Let us therefore come together and create a new society. Let us put our minds together to solve the problems we are facing. Let us extend a helping hand to the poor and oppressed. Let us come with solutions to lower our costs of living,let us ensure that all or most of us have quality education...let us rise and take messages of love to those that are now in prison; let us free them. Let us free ourselves. Let us found revolution.
#2 Posted : Monday, July 11, 2011 8:57:52 AM
Rank: Veteran

Joined: 12/3/2010
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Tycho, summarize , By the time I'm at the last line , I cant remember the first paragraph.

But then, I didnt like what Iteere said yesterday.Calling people asking for the government to lower the price of food hooligans is a real insult.Who do civil servant thinks pays them?

Its these 'hooligans' , with their taxes .

This is what the NEW constitution says

Assembly, demonstration, picketing and petition
37. Every person has the right, peaceably and unarmed, to assemble, to
demonstrate, to picket, and to present petitions to public

Economic and social rights
43. (1) Every person has the right—
(a) to the highest attainable standard of health, which
includes the right to health care services, including
reproductive health care;
(b) to accessible and adequate housing, and to reasonable
standards of sanitation;
(c) to be free from hunger, and to have adequate food of
acceptable quality;
(d) to clean and safe water in adequate quantities;

2012 is here.Kenya is Ours.Be Part of The Peace Keeping Mission To Protect Our Motherland.Say No To Violence and Tribal Hatred .If you can read this,wewe ni mtu amesoma, usifikirie kama mtu hajaenda shule .Ni Hayo Tu
#3 Posted : Monday, July 11, 2011 11:49:30 AM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 8/11/2010
Posts: 1,588
I detest the god man philosophy. I will pass on it and individuals propagating it.
#4 Posted : Monday, July 11, 2011 1:02:33 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 7/1/2011
Posts: 8,804
Location: Nairobi
Why do you detest the God-Man philosophy, and will pass on it and the individuals propagating it,when Christ Himself rests on it?

Are you saying you are the anti-Christ? YesuWangu?

What you read was the summary;though I also find it incredibly long.
#5 Posted : Monday, July 11, 2011 2:12:31 PM
Rank: Member

Joined: 1/24/2011
Posts: 407
Location: Nairobi,Kenya
'user' wrote:

@user,there is a very thin line between demonstrators and hooligans...When they go about their business in an orderly manner without disrupting public peace,then they are peaceful demonstrators.But when they go about creating chaos,disorderly,appearing like they will explode anytime,creating panic to the general public and failing to comply with the preset guidelines on demonstrations,then they can rightfully be reffered to as hooligans.
Hope is not a strategy
#6 Posted : Monday, July 11, 2011 2:56:01 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 8/11/2010
Posts: 1,588
tycho wrote:
Why do you detest the God-Man philosophy, and will pass on it and the individuals propagating it,when Christ Himself rests on it?

Are you saying you are the anti-Christ? YesuWangu?

What you read was the summary;though I also find it incredibly long.

Quite the contrary tycho.

Being pro christ is what makes me anti god-man. As much as God tells us to abide in him, there is a distinction between the Creator and the created.

“You will not certainly die....for God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”

So we were told and believed it and we became 'like God' and look where it has got us! Its amazing people still fall for that initial lie up to today.

And as for revolutions, count me out!
#7 Posted : Monday, July 11, 2011 6:45:48 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 7/1/2011
Posts: 8,804
Location: Nairobi

Let us then begin with Christ. He was Man, He is Man, He will forever be Man. Otherwise eternal life for Man loses ground.

He was God, He is God, and forever He will be God. Hence the Trinity.

Therefore Christ is the Man-God.

We can be one with Christ, some people choose to be one with Christ. Some choose to be one with the Man-God. Being Men, they become sons of God...therefore they join in the trinity.They become God.

Hence the Man-God is validated.

Revolution.Christ is at the center of Revolution.Man reconciling with God, and restoring the original state of being.The Government on His shoulder...rescuing the lost. That is revolution.And you are in it too!
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