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Is Monogamy Natural?
#21 Posted : Thursday, June 09, 2011 3:58:53 PM
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100% of men hold a fantasy(whether secretly or otherwise) that they would be better off with more than one landing rights.Whether this fantasy is fulfilled after the second landing right is another matter altogether.

So is monogamy natural,according to some ethics classes that refuse to abandon my brain cell,the word nature requires the assessment of the 'reason d'tre of man which is 'created for the pleaure of God'.If something causes man to do something that displeases God then i believe that it is unnatural.

God,in the old testament and even in the quran encourages men follwing His ways to for example',Go and get a wife in so and so's homestead"

Why....because it pleased Him.God does not change,He is the same those days,and even today so it still pleases Him.

It therefore follows that having more than one wife,is natural because it follows man's created purpose which is to give pleaure to God.Mark the words pleaure and God.If the act does make the man forget His first wife(or previous for that matter) then it ceases to give pleasure to God and hence is unnatural.

Polygamy therefore is natural and monogamy unnatural.

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#22 Posted : Thursday, June 09, 2011 6:12:04 PM
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Interesting debate.

I have been pondering about the question of monogamy in the biblical context.

Honestly can't see a verse that clearly outlaws it. But I find it interesting too that in the new testament, there is no mention of a single polygamous man(correct me if I am wrong!)

However as a man, I wonder how other men manage to have mipango ya kando or many wives. Being in a relationship with 1 woman is too much work for me! Unless you give them upendo kidogo kidogo.

How do you manage to shower both of them with love? Imagine the way most women expect a man to be that listening, caring partner. Where do you get time to listen to all their stories?

I bet there must be 1 woman losing out on the love! For my experience with womankind informs me that they need lots of time-even if its just when you're listening to her complain endlessly about her day at work.

Laughing out loudly smile Applause d'oh! Sad Drool Liar Shame on you Pray
#23 Posted : Thursday, June 09, 2011 7:01:17 PM
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The bible clearly states that homosexuality, suicide, lying, marrying "strange" (pagan) women, fornication, adultery, abortion (child sacrifice to Moloch, murder), sex while on menstrual cycle, etc are sins. It never says polygamy is a sin, and in fact, encourages it. I'm not going to add another sin to the list, because it also warns not to alter, change, add to, or take away from God's word- and I don't dare. I'm not a false prophet. If God has blessed me with permission to do something that am already wired to do, I'm going to do it. There is enough discipline, restriction, and "killing" of the flesh that must take place in order to walk the Christian walk already; I will not add Euro-man's silly history and customs to the weight of the yolk. And polyandry (one woman many husbands) was never permitted, blessed, or sanctioned in the bible. Why would it be? MEN were GIVEN wifes in the bible. There is no CEO that reports to the CFO or CIO. The man is the head of his household and the bible is very clear on that. A man's child bearing years and multiple child-bearing capabilities are constant and far longer than a woman's. Like I said, God is wise and great. His designs are logical and sensible.

The power in men is that they lead the household- it's vision, mission, purpose, and direction. The power in women is that they have the day-to-day operational capability, wisdom, and passive influence to ensure the household's success and adherence to the CEO's vision and goals. Just like in any successful venture.

Besides, no one has every achieved anything real and lasting following the things of man, only the things of the Lord God.

No one here or anywhere can even come close to saying that a man with his wives, plural, displeases God or commits a sin, so, for my Christian, God-fearing house, WE will follow the Lord God, and not man- so where it is lawful and expedient, we will do as we see fit to bless and expand our family, if it is the will of the Lord God.

Best and Bless,

#24 Posted : Thursday, June 09, 2011 7:21:46 PM
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Lolest! wrote:
Interesting debate.

However as a man, I wonder how other men manage to have mipango ya kando or many wives. Being in a relationship with 1 woman is too much work for me! Unless you give them upendo kidogo kidogo.


@Lolest, I also wonder!

Back to the debate, I find men who opt to openly marry a second or third wife are vilified by the society! I am informed that in the days of our grandfathers, their wives encouraged them to take on other wives. This was used as a family planning mechanism.

But times have changed.
#25 Posted : Thursday, June 09, 2011 8:18:01 PM
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Times have changed in the city, but I don't think it's completely turned around huko mashinani. I stand to be corrected.

Anyway, I wish we could leave the various subjective religious reasons about why monogamy is not natural, and stick to more factual, objective reasons. Are there any factual reasons to support this statement?
#26 Posted : Thursday, June 09, 2011 8:43:03 PM
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KenyanLyrics wrote:
Times have changed in the city, but I don't think it's completely turned around huko mashinani. I stand to be corrected.

Anyway, I wish we could leave the various subjective religious reasons about why monogamy is not natural, and stick to more factual, objective reasons. Are there any factual reasons to support this statement?

Religion aside:

Economic reasons: Multiple people working in a household are greater than the sum of parts- in a time where we already have less and less extended family under the same roof, working on one common household instead of many, smaller weaker ones, it's better and more efficient to have a team instead of a pair. Also, each individual house needs it's own land, gate, utilities, cars, etc. Imagine a six or eight unit building or maisonettes, all owned by the family with a pool, biodiesel machine, windmills, a computer lab, a few 4x4s, one luxury car, and large shamba. One watches kids while another goes to university while another runs the business while another manages the houses, etc. and then they can rotate attending university. All our women could be cared for and educated!

Social reasons: there would be far less single mothers and orphaned children if fathers were encourage and even required to wed, house, and keep the women that they have relations with. There would also be more kids in school (family school) and with jobs (family business). Divorce rate would also be lower, and issues, problems, and disagreements could be worked out by consensus in the family instead of in the courts or the street. The key here is very, very careful choosing and vetting of wives... current wives should have input on new ones in an organized vetting process.

Biological reasons: it would be easier to monitor and maintain the health of the family, because there wouldn't be much sneaking around and having outside "relations" and chips funga... the man would have no time, and would always have a wife watching him or by his side, on ALL weeks of the month. And I'm all for a man that sneaks out, when he has several wives, being found civilly and criminally liable for such activity- that's conflict of interest for his family and a health risk to his wives. He should have to do it the proper way- meetings, interviews, dates, etc. etc. marriage before sexual relations. No more excuses. Things will be as exciting and fresh as they need to be.

Also, wives would have "sisters and friends" in their sister-wives, that would more likely say things that are more beneficial to "the family", than things that will tear the family down. Sure, some wives will be competitive and maybe more self-centered than others, but one's success affects all, so, the advice and counsel given is more likely to be helpful than hurtful, like the advise of outsiders in competition for one's man might be. Also, a man would be less likely to abuse his wives if there were many to side with her in the same household.

I'm sure there are more, but I will give others a chance to speak and give input from their own experiences, since I know that there are those here that have grown up in such families, yet have not spoken.



Genghis Khan
#27 Posted : Monday, June 13, 2011 10:19:05 AM
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Is polygamy natural? YES, much more than monogamy.

Is Polygamy a sin? NO, and neither is monogamy. I think a Christian has a choice of how many spouses / children to have; not to love and care for them is a sin.

We cannot include in the Bible what is not there, THAT is a sin.

Historically, Christians have the sinful habit of imposing the social values of their time on Christianity.

Examples of sin include:

BITTERNESS - Acts 8:23; Ro 3:14; Eph 4:31; Heb 12:15
Sad EATING BLOOD - 1Sam 14:33
BOASTING - Ja 4:16; 3:5; Ro 1:30
ACCEPTING A BRIBE - Ex 23:8; Ps 26:10
Laughing out loudly FOOLISH CONVERSATION - Eph 5:4
ABORTION - Ex 21:22-25; Jere 1:4,5
Pray ADULTERY (on penalty of death) - Mt 19:18; Gen 39:7-9; Ex 20:14

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#28 Posted : Monday, June 13, 2011 3:02:48 PM
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I like this guy Jason hill. Facts bila emotions.
#29 Posted : Monday, June 13, 2011 3:34:23 PM
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@Jasonhill; how many wives do you have?
Nothing is real unless it can be named; nothing has value unless it can be sold; money is worthless unless you spend it.
#30 Posted : Monday, June 13, 2011 3:49:55 PM
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What about the ratio of men to women? Probably the idea of monogamy came up in a society where more men than ladies were born, and it was all twisted into the current system that considers it a sin.

Um Sayala
#31 Posted : Monday, June 13, 2011 4:45:49 PM
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@jasonhill, Thanks for bringing up this topic, and for your objective contribution.

Having said that, I believe, as someone has mentioned above, that other cultures existed before the west colonised us.societies survived and polygamy was 'normal'. A first wife could tafuta a good lady and convince the hubby to marry a second wife. Then came the west and everything an african did was either devilish or backward. sample these
a. Busaa or changaa is ILLICIT while Diageo's beer is the best
b. African traditional/hebal medicine ni ya WACHAWI but processed one from Mzungu is the best (thou might be true to some)

c. African names must be baptised and named either Jane, mark, Moses etc(Did jesus change his name on baptism?)but not Judas(apparently their was Judas brother of Jesus, Judas(also called Bathlomew) adn Judas iscariot)

In short, everything African must be seen to be bad while Mzungu's ni sawa.
Bure Kabisa
Thats why we export unprocessed coffee/steel etc to Europe and buy Mac Benz from their.
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#32 Posted : Monday, June 13, 2011 5:24:44 PM
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According to the 2009 Kenya national census results, persons in the age bracket of 15-64 years comprise more men (10.5 million) than women (10.2 million). Yet, complaints about lack of partners to marry abound more among women than men. An interesting question is how many adult males versus females are living single out of choice or due to lack of spouses? For sure, we have a good number of male bachelors thanks to kumikumi, other illicit liquors, and other reasons. Or could it also be that our women are too choosy and tend to crowd around a few men that are deemed more desirable when it comes to matters of marriage and relationships?
#33 Posted : Monday, June 13, 2011 5:34:31 PM
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Modern society is surely guilty of overthinking some things. Our forefathers had this relationship stuff figured out, but then we thought and rethought the concept until now its just a state of confusing confusion!
#34 Posted : Monday, June 13, 2011 11:24:48 PM
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weak men need to justify their actions - they know its wrong but think that if many people agree with them it will be nicer to hear.
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#35 Posted : Tuesday, June 14, 2011 9:51:32 AM
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Difficult not to be drawn by @jasonhill arguments. So eloquent, so persuasive, almost dangerous smile

I'll take a different slant. The bible does in fact, show irrefutable polygamy and goes further to allow bigamy, just as there's evidence of wive inheritance. Apart from an 'eye for an eye', mass murder is common place, and prescriptions to kill witches, homosexuals, fortunetellers, adulterers, fornicators, non believers etc.

Harden not your hearts:
"Why then," they asked, "did Moses command that a man give his wife a certificate of divorce and send her away?"
"Moses permitted you to divorce your wives because your hearts were hard. But it was not this way from the beginning."
Matthew 19:7-8

"But at the beginning of creation God 'made them male and female. For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.' So they are no longer two, but one. Mark 10:7-8

None would argue it takes more sacrifice and greater love for a man to commit to one woman.
Let thy fountain be blessed; And rejoice in the wife of thy youth. Proverbs 5:18

#36 Posted : Tuesday, June 14, 2011 11:58:27 AM
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@JasonHill very well put. At the ecological level, the ratio of men being lower than that of women at the time that procreation begins, (i.e probability of boy vs girl at birth, survival of baby girl vs boy into child bearing age....) it is evident that for all women to ensure the survival of their genes they must of necessity mate with the few available men. Thus nature itself is inclined towards polygamy.

Now the other argument is that all great men were polygamous from David in the Bible, Shaka Zulu,Mohammed,Mohamed Ali, Bill Clinton, Jomo Kenyatta, Samuel Kamau Wanjiru....Yet the Western legal systems adopted by many communities around bastardized it to the detriment of the general well being of the family unit.
#37 Posted : Tuesday, June 14, 2011 12:02:49 PM
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I agree with Jason - polygamy is NATURAL. Its ironic that western culture makes this wrong YET they tolerate homosexuality which, from whatever angle you look at it, is UNNATURAL. Funny enough, polygamy may help mop up the excess women left over in society after men have seen fit to plug each other....(I make no excuse, I am a homophobe and very closed minded about it)
#38 Posted : Tuesday, June 14, 2011 12:48:43 PM
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@Djinn @Rahatupu important to differentiate between Nature and Intellect. I'd wager most animal herds are naturally polygamous, as natural as hunting prey, mating season, excretement...

Sure man can choose to live at this level, but he has a choice. Man is an animal but he is blessed with intellect and a conscience.

#39 Posted : Tuesday, June 14, 2011 1:55:02 PM
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muganda wrote:

Sure man can choose to live at this level, but he has a choice. Man is an animal but he is blessed with intellect and a conscience.

Yes man has both of those. And the Western way is intellectually and conscientiously destroying the Earth and going against God's plan, all while forwarding the Western agenda at the expense of Africa. We are perpetually chasing the proverbial carrot-on-a-stick in trying endlessly to adapt to "their way" of riddle-infused thinking and interpreting what God has made plain.

It seems as though you are hinting that monogamy and the Western way is "intellectual", yet most all of Western technology is borne of war and destruction, and here in 2011 we all plainly see that the Earth cannot sustain the Western way of life without resource scarcity, global climate change, and imminent disaster. And what you are hinting runs counter to your argument that fact the the West embraces abortion and gayism to the fullest- even pays millions of dollars to NGOs and media "journalists" in Kenya to spread the sick message- when nature itself, which you hint at as being primitive, is smarter than to practice gayism for that would surely end any species with the injury and anti-procreative nature of such deplorable acts.

No, I will add to MY family as I see fit, as my forefathers did, and no one has the right to tell me otherwise. My family is the most important institution on earth, to me. It will be big. It will be strong.

We need to take from our Western experiences only what is useful and prudent to Africa, and leave what is not; we need to rediscover and reapply western "education" and "technology" in a purely African way and through an African lens, which respects the African way of life, our love and care for the earth, and respect for nature and God's way, lest we continue in the endless cycle of confusion, doubt, and self-hate- the three hindrances that keep us, the Black African not only in Africa, but all over the world, from fully realizing the completeness and oneness of a people that we once long ago possessed.


#40 Posted : Tuesday, June 14, 2011 8:26:10 PM
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masukuma wrote:
weak men need to justify their actions - they know its wrong but think that if many people agree with them it will be nicer to hear.

So I'm guessing strong men are those who do things with no justification? d'oh!

Having proper reasons for your actions is the very definition of maturity.
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