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Is the church becoming too elitist?
#1 Posted : Tuesday, June 07, 2011 9:31:28 AM
Rank: Elder

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I wactched yesterdays proceedings on the vetting of the CJ. Just afew observations
1. Jesus did not come for the righteous but to save sinners. He mingled freely with prostitutes, tax collectors etc. Now, does helping homosexuals and lesbians make one one of them? Does carrying out research on gays make one one of them? Who y should spend will get all those girls out of K-Street? Rather than sleep, the clergy should spend their nights preaching to these !!!)
2. One legislator did ask Father Lugonzo why the churh is shouting so much about gays yet among them they have paedophiles and homosexuals, chief among them being father Kizito, who has been unlocking boys’ boots!!! He avoided answering the question by saying the matter is on the hands of the police.
3. A lady Psychologist – Ms Karani (who thinks she is the epitome of purity) almost made Ms Mbarire breakdown in tears when she said that Mutua and Baraza come from dysfunctional families and therefore should not have the jobs. She asked the lady that if her husband left her for one reason or another, whether she should be denied a job because now her family is no longer a family! And she did not have an answer.

I think, in my own opinion, there is alot of pretence in the church. And by the way, what is moral and what is not? The Catholics and their priests drink and smoke. For the Protestants smoking and drinking is not permissible and yet the two share a platform to stone gays and lesbians!
What are the standards of judging morarilty?
Ms Mkenya
#2 Posted : Tuesday, June 07, 2011 10:04:24 AM
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Magigi wrote:
I wactched yesterdays proceedings on the vetting of the CJ. Just afew observations
1. Jesus did not come for the righteous but to save sinners. He mingled freely with prostitutes, tax collectors etc. Now, does helping homosexuals and lesbians make one one of them? Does carrying out research on gays make one one of them? Who y should spend will get all those girls out of K-Street? Rather than sleep, the clergy should spend their nights preaching to these !!!)
Jesus however did not condone sin -remember when he chased out the money changers in the temple? It doesn't mean they are holy.. No one is. But if something is wrong, someone has the liberty to say it is, don't you think so?
2. One legislator did ask Father Lugonzo why the churh is shouting so much about gays yet among them they have paedophiles and homosexuals, chief among them being father Kizito, who has been unlocking boys’ boots!!! He avoided answering the question by saying the matter is on the hands of the police.
No evidence was found to link Fr. Kizito to these claims. Not now and not last time! DNA was done i thought? Fr. Kizito heads a very 'moneyed' organization and i think that's where all this comes from.
3. A lady Psychologist – Ms Karani (who thinks she is the epitome of purity) almost made Ms Mbarire breakdown in tears when she said that Mutua and Baraza come from dysfunctional families and therefore should not have the jobs. She asked the lady that if her husband left her for one reason or another, whether she should be denied a job because now her family is no longer a family! And she did not have an answer.
I do not agree with Ms. Karani either. Anyone can lead. However, the church has the mandate to give direction in moral matters. That's why we listen to the teachings!!

@Magigi, I do not have a big problem with Ms. Baraza but with Dr Mutunga as a CJ..I do. I think the thread http://www.wazua.co.ke/f...spx?g=posts&t=12538 had most of the concerns.
....above all, to stand.
#3 Posted : Tuesday, June 07, 2011 11:49:16 AM
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I find it irritating that some people can attack the church over gayism. Is gayism and sodomy official church doctrine? Just because some in the church are gay and participate in other immoral and crooked ways does not mean that the church supports those acts!Shame on you

It is the height of pride and stubbornness to think that the church should not have an opinion and if it should have, it should be a conformist one.
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Mtu Biz
#4 Posted : Tuesday, June 07, 2011 12:26:28 PM
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Bwana Magigi,

You have a valid point.

As i read the scriptures, i do not see any attempt by Jesus to institutionalize Christianity,
he was continuously castigated by the religious elite of his day for not following the 'traditions of their fathers' e.g the washing of hands, the strict keeping of the sabbath, the fasting and so on.

And Jesus in turn continuously exposed the heresy and hypocrisy of the pharisees and teachers of the law.

When drawn into a debate that would have him 'declare' a position on paying taxes to Caesar, Jesus answers by asking a question... i paraphrase... "Give me a denarius,(a bob is handed to him) whose image/likeness is on this coin, they answer Caesar, then give to Caesar what is Caesar's and give to God what is God's"

Remember Rome was an oppressive regime on the Jewish people. Jesus position on the issue basically was, honor your obligations to the authorities however oppressive BUT also (Give to God what is God's) honor your obligations to God.
Why did Jesus add "Give to God what belongs to God" in that context?
Basically because just as the image of Caesar was on that coin, we bear the image of God, we should therefore give ourselves to the one we belong to...

Back to context:
Christianity is not about creating institutions or influence via politics or force.. Jesus once said this to Pilate, that his kingdom was not of this world, and that if it were of this world then his disciples would not have resisted his being arrested. (John 18:36)

Who are we then to try and assert our influence via religious institutions and politics?

Jesus was once offered 'all the kingdoms of this world' by none other than satan, he declined....
Most if not all of our so called religious leaders would have jumped at the opportunity...

Christianity is not about setting up any kind of kingdom on the earth.

Why wasn't Jesus birth announced to the Kings, Nobles or religious elite of his day, why to simple lowly shepherds?

i digress......

The point is, your work as a Christian is to do 2 things Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, soul, strength. And love your neighbor as yourself.
Do this and you stand out like a sore thumb in a world filed with pretense and hypocrisy.
If all who call themselves 'Christians' would do this... there would be no need for 'missions' and 'outreach' and related jargon.

i digress again...

ok enough said for now.

Sola Scriptura

#5 Posted : Tuesday, June 07, 2011 2:11:55 PM
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Joined: 6/19/2008
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A question was posed to the church (and am not condemning the church here).... when the church knows so well of the corrupt, no one talks about them, no one condemns the act of corruption. when the same corrupt go to church, they are given a place at the pulpit, where, majority of the faithfuls have never stepped and wouldn't even be allowed to step because (it is holy) and they take "offerings" acquired in not-so-clean way.... now, who is being hypocritical? (of course it is paraphrased!)

I must say it was a hard question.
#6 Posted : Tuesday, June 07, 2011 2:22:32 PM
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...and the CEO of Keroche Industries said she gets invites from the clergy during harambees and I am not saying she has no right to do that. It is is the hypocrisy that is so sickening!!! Why tell people gayism is bad and at night kids in the seminary cant sleep (I am not even talikng about father Kizito) as you move from one room to another...so nauseating!
#7 Posted : Tuesday, June 07, 2011 2:29:04 PM
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I'm not Catholic but I know they do not encourage boot opening. There are crooked priests who do it but they don't do it on behalf of the church!

Maybe they should revise the celibacy rule but that's a different topic.

Don't silence the church, it's their duty to remind us of such things.

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#8 Posted : Tuesday, June 07, 2011 2:32:37 PM
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Magigi wrote:
...and the CEO of Keroche Industries said she gets invites from the clergy during harambees and I am not saying she has no right to do that.

What is wrong with her being invited?
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#9 Posted : Tuesday, June 07, 2011 3:00:58 PM
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"Ategemea mwanadamu amelaaniwa"

#10 Posted : Tuesday, June 07, 2011 3:51:36 PM
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Lolest! wrote:
Magigi wrote:
...and the CEO of Keroche Industries said she gets invites from the clergy during harambees and I am not saying she has no right to do that.

What is wrong with her being invited?

...pesa ya phombe....
#11 Posted : Tuesday, June 07, 2011 5:02:10 PM
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i knew it was only a matter of time before this came up. I am strongly for the separation of church from state. I would go further and declare that i would rather have a liberal, who permits all sorts views and lifestyles, including mine, than one who thinks his views and lifestyle is the only view and lifestyle and consequently attempts to impose them on me. Freedom is precious. Especially the freedom to follow ones conscience without fear whatever that conscience is. Those who have been set free will know.
Burning Spear
#12 Posted : Tuesday, June 07, 2011 5:24:26 PM
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Lolest! wrote:
I'm not Catholic but I know they do not encourage boot opening. There are crooked priests who do it but they don't do it on behalf of the church!

Maybe they should revise the celibacy rule but that's a different topic.

Don't silence the church, it's their duty to remind us of such things.

You are right here !!

I think the church has a role to play and whats happening (regarding questioning CJ) is actually correct.
The problem with us human beings is to believe and justify that (in what I hear people say )the world is changing and becoming modern in order to approve such behaviours like opening the exhaust tank.

What I would like to tell people is that its true the world is changing but we should remember that the word of God remain the same and its not dependent on certain variables."In the beginning,there was the word and the word was with God and the word was God"

Let us not support the ungodly acts or behaviours so as to be seen as elite or compatible enough to the changing world.
"You're not supposed to be so blind with patriotism that you can't face reality. Wrong is wrong, no matter who says it". Malcolm X
#13 Posted : Tuesday, June 07, 2011 6:34:37 PM
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@magigi, whats wrong with phombe? Where in the Bible is it condemned? This is one issue where catholics are right and we protestants are wrong. The sin of drinking beer and wine must have been introduced by the mainstream protestant churches during their revivals. The bible only condemns drunkardness.
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Mtu Biz
#14 Posted : Tuesday, June 07, 2011 6:37:20 PM
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Lolest! wrote:
@magigi, whats wrong with phombe? Where in the Bible is it condemned? This is one issue where catholics are right and we protestants are wrong. The sin of drinking beer and wine must have been introduced by the mainstream protestant churches during their revivals. The bible only condemns drunkardness.

it is not about protestants or catholics or any other groups

The question is .... is your faith... not the faith of your pastor... is YOUR faith in keeping with the teaching of Jesus Christ as revealed in the scriptures.

That is the question.
Sola Scriptura

Kenyan Kop
#15 Posted : Tuesday, June 07, 2011 6:55:57 PM
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Posts: 56
Yesterday was a sad day. CIOC behaved as if the Church was on trial yesterday. They even castigated the church for voting NO, good gracious the last time I checked the voting slip had both YES & NO. I still maintain that Mutunga is not a stable character to hold the position of CJ. One day, I'm certain the Church will tell us, We warned you but you did not heed our call.
#16 Posted : Tuesday, June 07, 2011 8:39:13 PM
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@mtu biz, I have not been active in church for the past 3years. In this time, i have managed to become more serious in reading the word for myself book by book. I have discovered interesting gems in the word, things that are best seen in personal study. So yes, it is important you need to build on personal faith but you need to be joined to a family of believers where you will help each other grow. Thats my next step.
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#17 Posted : Tuesday, June 07, 2011 8:49:34 PM
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@kenyan kop, I feel disappointed too. Church leaders are condemned before they can say a thing. If truly we are in a democracy, why is everyone else being allowed to give their views except the church? The Civil society is happy and they have their reasons. The church is unhappy and they have their reasons too. Lets hear them out!
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Mtu Biz
#18 Posted : Tuesday, June 07, 2011 8:50:15 PM
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@ Lolest

Church activity is not equal to fellowship do not confuse the two.

Church activity is not what pleases God.

We look at outward appearances, God looks at the heart.

If Christianity was about what we appear to be or do then the pharisees and teachers of the law would have been the champions of the faith.Not former fishermen and tax collectors (kawaida dudes).

Sola Scriptura

#19 Posted : Tuesday, June 07, 2011 9:34:10 PM
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the church tries to follow a code, they may fail once in a while but that does not make the code wrong! the code is a standard, they preach the standard and themselves work towards the standard. the code does not lose its validity because the preacher does the wrong thing. Asking them not to speak about evil and immorality. their silence does not make evil and immorality go away, their speaking about it does not mean that they are not human and that they struggle with the same issues - it just means that they know its wrong. two wrongs don't make a right and just because a thief tells you theft is wrong does not invalidate his statement - theft is wrong (its not based on who says its bad)
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#20 Posted : Tuesday, June 07, 2011 9:45:59 PM
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Kenyan Kop wrote:
Yesterday was a sad day. CIOC behaved as if the Church was on trial yesterday. They even castigated the church for voting NO, good gracious the last time I checked the voting slip had both YES & NO. I still maintain that Mutunga is not a stable character to hold the position of CJ. One day, I'm certain the Church will tell us, We warned you but you did not heed our call.

I agree that some members of The Parliamentary commitee conducted the affairs of the day in the most hawkish and undignified manner.
The agenda for the sitting was to prepare for the interogation of the the trio of Mutunga, Baraza and Tobiko.
Introducing diversianary issues of how honest, moral etc some Clergy are supposed to be or not to be is to waste our time and resources.

Stick to the business of the day.

Having said that, it is also important for us to appreciate that the church wanted kina Mutunga interogated over their sexuality, and if or not they encourage the propagation/development of gayism etc etc.
Questions of Mutunga's donning of a stud and its significance were raised too.

Listening to Mutunga today those fears/concerns were adequately addressed as to satisfy... most including myself(as a private citizen).

I found Mutunga to be level headed and not, to use his words " a lose canon".
I believe he will steer the Judiaciary in the right direction.
Dunia ni msongamano..
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