Hi...please please...pdf formats of 2008 full set of financial accounts..?..for year endin Dec 31 2008..as well as march 31 2009 and June 30 2009..full set of accounts includin especially cashflow statements..please..if u hav copies please forward to
musyajm@yahoo.com..i'd so so so so so much appreciate.
I lost most of my data some while back though thanx to the recession There's been no urgency to rebuild..
Anyway..i'v tried desperately to get soft copy versions n it is virtually impossible! Nse site has only abridged versions..mystocks,nairobist,rich,sk...all hav abridged versions too...gettin the same from specific company websites is totally impossible with very few companies havin updated their sites!... We are in august 2009 for crying out loud!
Anyway..especially car&general,marshalls,tps,centum,cfc stanbic,HFCK,jubilee,OLYMPIA,Pan Africa,BOC,Carbacid,crown berger,cables,EAPC,kenol,KPLC,KENGEN,mumias and Unga group.
Whatever u got..i'd so appreciate. Thanx in advance.
..if it is not expressly prohibited in law.. DO IT!!!!