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Liberation of Luo Nyanza Is Near
#1 Posted : Friday, April 29, 2011 2:29:08 PM
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Joined: 8/6/2010
Posts: 594
Liberation of Luo Nyanza Is Near

The meeting last week between Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance Hon Uhuru Kenyatta and the crème-de-la-crème of Luo Nyanza professionals and business people is truly unprecedented. Doubtlessly, cynics and nay-sayers will attempt to pour cold water on this historic meeting of minds.

For the first time in the history of Luo Nyanza, the meeting marked a departure from the culture of whining and looking for someone else to blame for the challenges that afflict the region. Finally through the Luo Nyanza Professionals and Business Caucus, there is a team of people from the region who appear determined to end the culture of “Tungeomba Serikali isaidie”. If the team manages to spread the gospel of self-reliance, personal initiative and the right choice of priorities for the region, it is a question of time before both domestic and international investors flock the region in search of the vast, largely untapped investment opportunities.

It is an open secret that the Luo Nyanza region is awash with immense economic opportunities. As a matter of fact, with the right policies and attitudes, the region can only be comparable to Southern Sudan, an economic Greenfield where everything can be developed from the scratch. The trouble, as the professionals and business caucus correctly pointed out is that the since independence, the political leadership of the region has held the people hostage to a self defeating ideology of blaming everybody except themselves for the region’s woes. Of course the political leaders are anything but idiots. They are well aware that the only way to politically dominate the people is to create phantom enemies, from the colonialists to Jomo Kenyatta, from Daniel Arap Moi to Mwai Kibaki, from Kalonzo Musyoka to Yoweri Museveni. Regrettably, when Kenya is moving towards Vision 2030, the political leadership of Luo Nyanza is still encouraging the people of the region to drive the car with the rear mirror only. Fortunately it is gratifying that the professionals and businesspeople have taken the gauntlet of telling our people that they can use the side mirrors and the front mirror as well.

Perhaps the worst disservice that the Luo Nyanza political leaders have committed to the good people of the region is emasculation of the true heroes and role models from the region. It is a pity when the talk that dominates the political elite from the region is centred on acquisition of power for an individual and exporting the Kibera development model into Luo Nyanza. Beneath this din of “Hosanna to the Ker” lie many true role models who could inspire the youth from the region. Raphael Tuju single-handedly transformed the healthcare landscape of Rarieda through his mobile clinics project. A certain Dan Ojijo has literary transformed the way Kenya finances real estate over the last ten years through the Villa Care model. Dr Evans Kidero has revolutionized the management of the sugar industry through re-engineering of Mumias sugar, stealing the thunder from Western Kenya politicians whose only assured formula of getting to parliament is to whine about the government handling of the sugar sector. These and many other like them are the true heroes of Luo Nyanza. When one considers that these beacons of hope are reduced to the back burner and are playing second fiddle to the political class, it is safe to conclude that the emergence of the Luo Nyanza professionals and business class is the one “North African Revolution” that this country was waiting for.

Now with this new Tunisia-Egypt in our own land, Luo Nyanza can focus on modernizing the fish industry and ensuring that the bulk of the benefits from the proceeds benefit the local people. The region is blessed with abundant water resources that will now find it’s way to irrigation and converting Luo Nyanza into the new bread basket for the nation. Revival of the strategic industries such as KICOMI should be a red-hot priority. Egypt’s lifeline is in the Nile which has it’s source in Lake Victoria, the fresh water reservoir that should transform lives not only in Luo Nyanza but indeed the entire East African Community. The region boasts a large pool of educated professionals. It is claimed that Gem constituency has the highest per capita PhD degree holders in Africa. The new Tunisia-Egypt revolution will ensure that their intellectual capabilities are directed towards economic liberation of the region. Focus should also be given to the dire need to revitalize the leading academic institutions of the region such as Maranda High, Maseno School and Ng’iya Girls School.

Predictably some people will view the rise of the Luo Nyanza professionals and businesspeople as a move to checkmate the presidential ambitions of the Prime Minister, Hon Raila Odinga. This is the manifest nonsense that has seen the region lag behind in development. It is possible to talk about development in Luo Nyanza without politics coming in the way. It is also important to realize that the new economic model for the region may not necessarily follow the route of the Luo Thrift and Trading Company of the 40’s.

However the Prime Minister may want to heed the words of a friend of mine from Luo Nyanza. When the Prime Minister hinted earlier this month that he may support another candidate for the Presidency, my friend wished that the Prime Minister would keep his word to that. He summarized what would happen if the PM was to give up his presidential ambition “The Nairobi Stock Exchange 20-Share index will rise by more than 50%, cows will produce more milk, children will be happier when they play games, chicken will produce more and better quality eggs, infant mortality rates will drop significantly and most importantly, Luo Nyanza which has been waiting all the years, will finally exhale.”

Perhaps its time that the political leadership in Luo Nyanza hearkens to the voice of professionals and business people from the region. All they are saying is “Let my people go!”

"One man gives freely, yet gains even more; another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty. A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed." Rev Canon Karanja.

Obi 1 Kanobi
#2 Posted : Friday, April 29, 2011 2:41:55 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 7/23/2008
Posts: 3,017
Gud English!!!

I am sure the people of Luo Nyanza are looking forward to Uhuru kenyatta replicating what he did in Central.

i.e "grab their lands and send them to the Rift Valley to be killed, raped and burnt alive"
"The purpose of bureaucracy is to compensate for incompetence and lack of discipline." James Collins
#3 Posted : Friday, April 29, 2011 2:58:48 PM
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Joined: 2/26/2008
Posts: 4,449
@Insurgent - You've a point. I liked the fact that the opinion shapers and party funders from Luo Nyanza were somewhat willing to look beyond the current shaklehold the Odinga family has had in the region. The 2007 ODM party nominations in this region were a tell tale. Many other competent Kenyans from this region exist to lead the country. Let the playing field be opened up for their voices to be heard and voters make their choice.
#4 Posted : Friday, April 29, 2011 3:13:27 PM
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Joined: 9/29/2010
Posts: 216
Location: Kenia
Obi...tone down, let the discussion be healthy and sober.

I think Nyanza Residents should put their political class on it's toes; Elect MPs based on their individual strength, and not the party's. That way, the 'elusive' development can be achieved.
I dont think it is a 'crime' for the professionals and business men to meet any Kenyan leader so as to discuss development.
#5 Posted : Friday, April 29, 2011 3:15:42 PM
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Joined: 6/23/2010
Posts: 182
Location: Kenya
Insurgent wrote:
Liberation of Luo Nyanza Is Near

The meeting last week between Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance Hon Uhuru Kenyatta and the crème-de-la-crème of Luo Nyanza professionals and business people is truly unprecedented. Doubtlessly, cynics and nay-sayers will attempt to pour cold water on this historic meeting of minds.

For the first time in the history of Luo Nyanza, the meeting marked a departure from the culture of whining and looking for someone else to blame for the challenges that afflict the region. Finally through the Luo Nyanza Professionals and Business Caucus, there is a team of people from the region who appear determined to end the culture of “Tungeomba Serikali isaidie”. If the team manages to spread the gospel of self-reliance, personal initiative and the right choice of priorities for the region, it is a question of time before both domestic and international investors flock the region in search of the vast, largely untapped investment opportunities.

It is an open secret that the Luo Nyanza region is awash with immense economic opportunities. As a matter of fact, with the right policies and attitudes, the region can only be comparable to Southern Sudan, an economic Greenfield where everything can be developed from the scratch. The trouble, as the professionals and business caucus correctly pointed out is that the since independence, the political leadership of the region has held the people hostage to a self defeating ideology of blaming everybody except themselves for the region’s woes. Of course the political leaders are anything but idiots. They are well aware that the only way to politically dominate the people is to create phantom enemies, from the colonialists to Jomo Kenyatta, from Daniel Arap Moi to Mwai Kibaki, from Kalonzo Musyoka to Yoweri Museveni. Regrettably, when Kenya is moving towards Vision 2030, the political leadership of Luo Nyanza is still encouraging the people of the region to drive the car with the rear mirror only. Fortunately it is gratifying that the professionals and businesspeople have taken the gauntlet of telling our people that they can use the side mirrors and the front mirror as well.

Perhaps the worst disservice that the Luo Nyanza political leaders have committed to the good people of the region is emasculation of the true heroes and role models from the region. It is a pity when the talk that dominates the political elite from the region is centred on acquisition of power for an individual and exporting the Kibera development model into Luo Nyanza. Beneath this din of “Hosanna to the Ker” lie many true role models who could inspire the youth from the region. Raphael Tuju single-handedly transformed the healthcare landscape of Rarieda through his mobile clinics project. A certain Dan Ojijo has literary transformed the way Kenya finances real estate over the last ten years through the Villa Care model. Dr Evans Kidero has revolutionized the management of the sugar industry through re-engineering of Mumias sugar, stealing the thunder from Western Kenya politicians whose only assured formula of getting to parliament is to whine about the government handling of the sugar sector. These and many other like them are the true heroes of Luo Nyanza. When one considers that these beacons of hope are reduced to the back burner and are playing second fiddle to the political class, it is safe to conclude that the emergence of the Luo Nyanza professionals and business class is the one “North African Revolution” that this country was waiting for.

Now with this new Tunisia-Egypt in our own land, Luo Nyanza can focus on modernizing the fish industry and ensuring that the bulk of the benefits from the proceeds benefit the local people. The region is blessed with abundant water resources that will now find it’s way to irrigation and converting Luo Nyanza into the new bread basket for the nation. Revival of the strategic industries such as KICOMI should be a red-hot priority. Egypt’s lifeline is in the Nile which has it’s source in Lake Victoria, the fresh water reservoir that should transform lives not only in Luo Nyanza but indeed the entire East African Community. The region boasts a large pool of educated professionals. It is claimed that Gem constituency has the highest per capita PhD degree holders in Africa. The new Tunisia-Egypt revolution will ensure that their intellectual capabilities are directed towards economic liberation of the region. Focus should also be given to the dire need to revitalize the leading academic institutions of the region such as Maranda High, Maseno School and Ng’iya Girls School.

Predictably some people will view the rise of the Luo Nyanza professionals and businesspeople as a move to checkmate the presidential ambitions of the Prime Minister, Hon Raila Odinga. This is the manifest nonsense that has seen the region lag behind in development. It is possible to talk about development in Luo Nyanza without politics coming in the way. It is also important to realize that the new economic model for the region may not necessarily follow the route of the Luo Thrift and Trading Company of the 40’s.

However the Prime Minister may want to heed the words of a friend of mine from Luo Nyanza. When the Prime Minister hinted earlier this month that he may support another candidate for the Presidency, my friend wished that the Prime Minister would keep his word to that. He summarized what would happen if the PM was to give up his presidential ambition “The Nairobi Stock Exchange 20-Share index will rise by more than 50%, cows will produce more milk, children will be happier when they play games, chicken will produce more and better quality eggs, infant mortality rates will drop significantly and most importantly, Luo Nyanza which has been waiting all the years, will finally exhale.”

Perhaps its time that the political leadership in Luo Nyanza hearkens to the voice of professionals and business people from the region. All they are saying is “Let my people go!”

@Insurgent, this is piracy and is wrong. When you copy an article, you at least give credit to the person who authored it not passing it as your original.
#6 Posted : Friday, April 29, 2011 3:28:05 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 2/27/2007
Posts: 2,768
@ gohil

original or not original insurgent shared the article with the members....you were knowledgeable about the article, but you chose to keep it to yourself...insurgent is a lesser devil...
...besides, the presence of a safe alone does not signify that there is money inside...
#7 Posted : Friday, April 29, 2011 4:44:39 PM
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Joined: 12/2/2009
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Location: Nairobi
aboreal beings

While others are getting 'liberated' the others just ANNOINTED a KING

the irony that is petiness...oooh ignorance, truly, must be bliss....

#8 Posted : Friday, April 29, 2011 4:48:51 PM
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Obi 1 Kanobi wrote:
Gud English!!!

I am sure the people of Luo Nyanza are looking forward to Uhuru kenyatta replicating what he did in Central.

i.e "grab their lands and send them to the Rift Valley to be killed, raped and burnt alive"

@ Obi, Applause Applause Applause

Cheap propaganda packaged as opinion. I beg to differ, me thinks the role of the "captor" in this case has been over rated. Why don't the likes of insurgent etc acknowledge the deliberate tricks of the Kenyatta and Moi regimes to marginalize the region? Why do they hype the role of local politicians in "development"? In fact there is so little of "development" that can be attributed to politicians in central Kenya that the whole premise on which this pirated article is fallacious.

What is the analogy? What is the validity of the hypothesis on which the article is built?? To assert that the entire region's "development/growth" has been arrested by a particular family requires empirical proof not just some arm chair propagandist.
Obi 1 Kanobi
#9 Posted : Friday, April 29, 2011 4:55:15 PM
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Joined: 7/23/2008
Posts: 3,017
sihingwa wrote:
Obi...tone down, let the discussion be healthy and sober.

I think Nyanza Residents should put their political class on it's toes; Elect MPs based on their individual strength, and not the party's. That way, the 'elusive' development can be achieved.
I dont think it is a 'crime' for the professionals and business men to meet any Kenyan leader so as to discuss development.


My response was in the spirit of the article, I don't think there is anything unique to Luo Nyanza compared to other Kenyan regions. Infact, I think Luo's punch above their weight in Kenya in terms of influence second only to Kiuks despite their being 4th in terms of numbers.

And true, wealth creation is low for the now, but its changing very fast.
"The purpose of bureaucracy is to compensate for incompetence and lack of discipline." James Collins
#10 Posted : Friday, April 29, 2011 5:21:14 PM
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Joined: 2/21/2009
Posts: 573
@ Obi Uhuru did not grab Rift Valley.Its the dad.He is yet to get his inheritance after all he has no control over that.Why we always complain about Raila its because the Luos are yet to be liberated by the Odingaism.I happen to come from central and i can assure you we don,t ever worship a leader(M PIG).Just fareness and no blackmail period.
@ Insurgent hope you preach the gospel in Kibera
Burning Spear
#11 Posted : Friday, April 29, 2011 6:08:13 PM
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Joined: 7/22/2008
Posts: 1,139
Insurgent wrote:
Liberation of Luo Nyanza Is Near

The meeting last week between Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance Hon Uhuru Kenyatta and the crème-de-la-crème of Luo Nyanza professionals and business people is truly unprecedented. Doubtlessly, cynics and nay-sayers will attempt to pour cold water on this historic meeting of minds.

For the first time in the history of Luo Nyanza, the meeting marked a departure from the culture of whining and looking for someone else to blame for the challenges that afflict the region. Finally through the Luo Nyanza Professionals and Business Caucus, there is a team of people from the region who appear determined to end the culture of “Tungeomba Serikali isaidie”. If the team manages to spread the gospel of self-reliance, personal initiative and the right choice of priorities for the region, it is a question of time before both domestic and international investors flock the region in search of the vast, largely untapped investment opportunities.

It is an open secret that the Luo Nyanza region is awash with immense economic opportunities. As a matter of fact, with the right policies and attitudes, the region can only be comparable to Southern Sudan, an economic Greenfield where everything can be developed from the scratch. The trouble, as the professionals and business caucus correctly pointed out is that the since independence, the political leadership of the region has held the people hostage to a self defeating ideology of blaming everybody except themselves for the region’s woes. Of course the political leaders are anything but idiots. They are well aware that the only way to politically dominate the people is to create phantom enemies, from the colonialists to Jomo Kenyatta, from Daniel Arap Moi to Mwai Kibaki, from Kalonzo Musyoka to Yoweri Museveni. Regrettably, when Kenya is moving towards Vision 2030, the political leadership of Luo Nyanza is still encouraging the people of the region to drive the car with the rear mirror only. Fortunately it is gratifying that the professionals and businesspeople have taken the gauntlet of telling our people that they can use the side mirrors and the front mirror as well.

Perhaps the worst disservice that the Luo Nyanza political leaders have committed to the good people of the region is emasculation of the true heroes and role models from the region. It is a pity when the talk that dominates the political elite from the region is centred on acquisition of power for an individual and exporting the Kibera development model into Luo Nyanza. Beneath this din of “Hosanna to the Ker” lie many true role models who could inspire the youth from the region. Raphael Tuju single-handedly transformed the healthcare landscape of Rarieda through his mobile clinics project. A certain Dan Ojijo has literary transformed the way Kenya finances real estate over the last ten years through the Villa Care model. Dr Evans Kidero has revolutionized the management of the sugar industry through re-engineering of Mumias sugar, stealing the thunder from Western Kenya politicians whose only assured formula of getting to parliament is to whine about the government handling of the sugar sector. These and many other like them are the true heroes of Luo Nyanza. When one considers that these beacons of hope are reduced to the back burner and are playing second fiddle to the political class, it is safe to conclude that the emergence of the Luo Nyanza professionals and business class is the one “North African Revolution” that this country was waiting for.

Now with this new Tunisia-Egypt in our own land, Luo Nyanza can focus on modernizing the fish industry and ensuring that the bulk of the benefits from the proceeds benefit the local people. The region is blessed with abundant water resources that will now find it’s way to irrigation and converting Luo Nyanza into the new bread basket for the nation. Revival of the strategic industries such as KICOMI should be a red-hot priority. Egypt’s lifeline is in the Nile which has it’s source in Lake Victoria, the fresh water reservoir that should transform lives not only in Luo Nyanza but indeed the entire East African Community. The region boasts a large pool of educated professionals. It is claimed that Gem constituency has the highest per capita PhD degree holders in Africa. The new Tunisia-Egypt revolution will ensure that their intellectual capabilities are directed towards economic liberation of the region. Focus should also be given to the dire need to revitalize the leading academic institutions of the region such as Maranda High, Maseno School and Ng’iya Girls School.

Predictably some people will view the rise of the Luo Nyanza professionals and businesspeople as a move to checkmate the presidential ambitions of the Prime Minister, Hon Raila Odinga. This is the manifest nonsense that has seen the region lag behind in development. It is possible to talk about development in Luo Nyanza without politics coming in the way. It is also important to realize that the new economic model for the region may not necessarily follow the route of the Luo Thrift and Trading Company of the 40’s.

However the Prime Minister may want to heed the words of a friend of mine from Luo Nyanza. When the Prime Minister hinted earlier this month that he may support another candidate for the Presidency, my friend wished that the Prime Minister would keep his word to that. He summarized what would happen if the PM was to give up his presidential ambition “The Nairobi Stock Exchange 20-Share index will rise by more than 50%, cows will produce more milk, children will be happier when they play games, chicken will produce more and better quality eggs, infant mortality rates will drop significantly and most importantly, Luo Nyanza which has been waiting all the years, will finally exhale.”

Perhaps its time that the political leadership in Luo Nyanza hearkens to the voice of professionals and business people from the region. All they are saying is “Let my people go!”

Shame on you Applause
"You're not supposed to be so blind with patriotism that you can't face reality. Wrong is wrong, no matter who says it". Malcolm X
#12 Posted : Friday, April 29, 2011 7:04:31 PM
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Joined: 3/18/2011
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Location: Kianjokoma
If Raila ascends to the throne, he will seek to work to clear this notion. i feel sorry for the Odingas, they get blamed for lack of development yet, they were jus playin siasa, kenyan style.
Laughing out loudly smile Applause d'oh! Sad Drool Liar Shame on you Pray
#13 Posted : Friday, April 29, 2011 7:17:43 PM
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Joined: 5/31/2008
Posts: 1,076

Well this issue is controversial.

While I agree that the people of Nyanya could do with being freed from the bondage of Railaism, the matter of their Economic wellbeing is determined by other factors in which Railas role is limited.

To be fair to uhuru he underscored the fact that the economic situation that the people of Nyanza are faced with isnt any different from that of other Kenyans domiciled in other parts of the Republic.

However what Uhuru is engaged in is just plain old politics - period!
To what extend such a move stands to succeed, we wait to see.
Dunia ni msongamano..
#14 Posted : Saturday, April 30, 2011 9:08:46 AM
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Joined: 3/2/2007
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Location: Cameroon
Uhunye grabbed land in Central? When? I must have been in a coma!
#15 Posted : Saturday, April 30, 2011 10:30:03 AM
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Joined: 7/12/2010
Posts: 201
"It is claimed that Gem constituency has the highest per capita PhD degree holders in Africa".
Nyanza is also the poorest province (county)vis-a-vis its resources, has the highest mortality rates in Kenya, has the highest number of NGOs per capita.
Emancipation my brothers.....
#16 Posted : Saturday, April 30, 2011 1:53:48 PM
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Joined: 10/29/2008
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The stranglehold with which Raila holds Luo Nyanza is cruel and certainly, not in the interest of the people.

The people are held under some manipulative charm, putting them to some hypnosis to ensure cultic loyalty!

This was so evident during the run up to the 2007 elections, and the subsequent PEV period.

During this period in Luo Nyanza:

Christian Hymns were corrupted in favour of the guy!
Catholics threatened to switch faiths because Cardinal Njue, had spoken against Majimboism which was interpreted to mean standing up to Raila!

Even after PEV had subsided, parents refused to send their children to school for some time, in solidarity with their idol!

The people were hoodwinked into self economic sabotage.
They scared the hell out of any business operations to keep goods and essentials in supply - leading to a very sorry state of affairs of self inflicted acute shortage of primary provisions.

Other leaders in the area who dare hold a divergent opinion from him are consigned to oblivion and eventually whipped to tow the line OR violently ejected from plying their politics there! - think of Tuju and Shem Ochuodho.

The likes of Nyong'o and Orengo were whiped into submission!

Surely these people need emancipation!
Isuni yilu yi maa me muyo - ni Mbisuu
#17 Posted : Saturday, April 30, 2011 6:56:48 PM
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Joined: 5/18/2008
Posts: 796
I don't think Luo Nyanza needs any emancipation from Odingaism. Having him as their champion in National Political fights is a good thing. He's probably the strongest candidate they have at that level. What the people of the region need to do is divorce their support for the top man from the support for the local leaders (MPigs, councillors etc). Basically, the message they need to pass is that : Odinga for life, but his blessing should not dictate who retains a Parliamentary seat in Nyanza
#18 Posted : Saturday, April 30, 2011 9:55:41 PM
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Joined: 3/18/2011
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Location: Kianjokoma
The Odinga dynasty must be the envy of politicians all over Kenya. To control such a huge bloc is no small feat. Am sure UK wishes he could have the same hold on Mumbis offspring.
Laughing out loudly smile Applause d'oh! Sad Drool Liar Shame on you Pray
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