Barrywhite wrote:What on God's good earth is this thread about? Can you folks simplify it a little for laymen/women like me?
Assume that you need to pay someone Kshs. 1 million in five years and you have xxx ("the funds") that you have now.
What most investors tend to do is placing the funds in fixed income investment(s) with roughly the same duration as the liability that you would have to pay.
So, the earlier part of the thread was all about whether one should invest in a single five year investment (i.e. bullet), or a combination (i.e. barbell).
Bear in mind that the price of that fixed income investment(s) tend to vary depending on the prevailing yields.
Hence, one needs to decide, at certain points over the five years, as to whether they need additional or less investments to ensure that you have Kshs. 1 million after five years...stuff about dollar duration.
Hope that helps.