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While you were away
#21 Posted : Thursday, April 14, 2011 1:43:42 PM
Rank: User

Joined: 8/6/2010
Posts: 594

Yani Ocampo had leaked the names ealier? This paper was removed from the streets of nairobi or what. Where did you ever hear of a judge who farst consults the prezo and primo before naming suspects. It means prezo and primo had a hand in the ocampo six naming.

"One man gives freely, yet gains even more; another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty. A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed." Rev Canon Karanja.

#22 Posted : Thursday, April 14, 2011 2:41:51 PM
Rank: Veteran

Joined: 1/7/2010
Posts: 1,279
Location: nbi
Insurgent-were you near the window in class? The article says he Oc read the list to them. Nothing about him consulting
The Governor of Nyeri - 2017
#23 Posted : Thursday, April 14, 2011 3:55:17 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 6/19/2008
Posts: 4,268
Insurgent wrote:

Yani Ocampo had leaked the names ealier? This paper was removed from the streets of nairobi or what. Where did you ever hear of a judge who farst consults the prezo and primo before naming suspects. It means prezo and primo had a hand in the ocampo six naming.

And now class, today we shall learn about fallacies - like the one above.
#24 Posted : Thursday, April 14, 2011 4:05:55 PM
Rank: Chief

Joined: 8/24/2009
Posts: 5,909
Location: Nairobi
Insurgent wrote:

Yani Ocampo had leaked the names ealier? This paper was removed from the streets of nairobi or what. Where did you ever hear of a judge who farst consults the prezo and primo before naming suspects. It means prezo and primo had a hand in the ocampo six naming.

Talk about wanting to hear what you would like to massage a political ego...
Imp unity
#25 Posted : Thursday, September 08, 2011 9:58:55 AM
Rank: New-farer

Joined: 8/10/2011
Posts: 60

First things first, where is it in your forum rules and policies that you have written anything about promotion????

It does not exist:

Forum Rules and Policies

It is impossible for owners and operators of this forum to confirm the validity of all posts on this forum. Posts reflect the views and opinion of the author, but not necessarily of the forum owners and operators. If you feel that a posted message is questionable, is encouraged to notify an administrator of this forum immediately.

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Then you call me a bigot. Show me a single thread where I have insulted anyone. I dare you. There is none. In fact you're the one engaging in abusive language contrary to your own forum rules.

The forum rules talk about abusive, vulgar, obscene, hateful, slanderous, threatening, sexually-oriented or any other material that may violate any applicable laws and I have breached none.

Then you disguise your greed for money in a hypocritical message to me (don't think that I haven't noticed that what you want is money):

Communication 1:

Dear @niclasclause,

Thank you for joining Wazua and your enthusiasm for your topic of choice. Note this is a well moderated forum. You must do more and contribute to the Wazua spirit.

Flagrant unpaid promotion of an agenda will earn censure, resulting in barring of account/topic from the community.

The Wazua spirit

Communication 2:

Dear @niclas, @johnnjuguna, and the variants

This message does not adhere to our Rules and Policies. Contrary to your protestations, it is clear your sole aim in engaging in Wazua is for an ulterior purpose of promoting Uhuru Kenyatta.

We have observed:
a. Occasions where you have registered up to 15 different accounts conversing between yourselves hidden behind firewalls.

b. Topics created in same manner with exactly same content in other forums with similar agenda.

c. Bigoted approach to contribution which does not serve to better Wazua.

Such efforts show trolls for hire. The question begs, why the irritation yet you are welcome in Facebook, Twitter, Kenyanlist, Mashada, Rcbowen, Nipate etc? Isn't it more respectable to take up a paid advert for your candidate? How does this even begin to endear Uhuru Kenyatta to us?

Way forward:
1. This post is a notice to cease and desist in your offending actions and threatened ones
2. We will communicate directly with @UKenyatta as we expect you are part of his paid campaign teams
3. We are vigilantly tracking your source IP addresses/internet presence with a view of taking legal action on the same
4. Further actions will initially result in prevention of automatic registration of new members on Wazua, and abolishing of Politics forum in total

Wazua. Serious talk about wealth

Don't think for one minute that I don't know about your story with Kenya Data Networks. You're greedy for money and this time you hit the bottom of the barrel since I have none and even if I had any I would not give it to the likes of you.

Then I urge you to go ahead and report me to Uhuru Kenyatta. In fact go ahead and tell him my name (Nicolas Luseno) and tell him that I'm his greatest fan. Tell him to send me a message on facebook because I'm one of his followers.

Go ahead and ban the politics section. That's better for me. That's one less forum in which to defend my soon to be President.

I will not accept any challenge toward Uhuru to go unchallenged and I'd rather you close the Politics section than see any derogatory story about him that goes unmoderated and unchallenged. Ocampo used blogs and forum posts to charge my candidate of choice and I will not allow such cowardice to go unchallenged or to run rampant.

Stop guys from registering and we will see who loses. Lets see how you'll get paid for adverts without traffic.

Make sure you investigate all the IP's I've logged on with and once you nab me good luck extraditing me from wherever I am.

It's also good to know that you're a lady because I know you'll have an emotional meltdown and I'll be very happy to see you're reaction.

Finally you play high and mighty because of your all rights reserved clause. The problem is that you started a Public forum and if you didn't want public opinion however fanatical you should have stayed away form the word Public.

The website is yours but without the public you have nothing.

You've further insulted me of being a troll!@#$%&?! How dare you call me a troll?

Why not call PK's, Raila's, Martha's and Tuju's supporters trolls? What makes them different form me? In fact everyone else has been calling me names and Insulting me and you never lifted a single finger against them.

The other day @Magigi and I don't know who posted suggestive pictures on the thread about HOW WAZUANS WOULD LOOK IN PICTURE FORM and you let them go. What is worse, my firghting for my candidate or dirty pictures? You're a hypocrite the likes of which I've only seen on Twitter.

I'm in the process of creating 1000 accounts on Wazua and we will see who will get tired first.

A luta continua....

*One more thing, I'm not njuguna, never was and never will be (however much you desire me to be njuguna).
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