Looking at the Financial statements, i am sure that these guys are cashing out. Reasons:
1. At a price of around 35 at the OTC with an EPS of 1.29, the share is at a p/e of around 27 & with a div of 0.20 a yield of 1%. They do know it is overpriced in this kind of a market. I presume the div will be paid out of div received from EACBL(Note EACBL's good payout though profits declined)
2.Profits from operating activities only increased by 22% while PBT by 20%. Can't buy when the operational profit & PBT only increase by that much at the above p/e.
3. This is the part where it starts getting funny coz Income tax reduces from 292M to 162M making the PAT go up by a significant 99.7%.
4.What makes the EPS grow from 0.34 to 1.29 is on other comprehensive incomes:
- Revaluation of PPE up 62%
- Net change in fair value of
available for sale financial assets up 627% (Unrealised)
- Available for sale released on disposal of quoted shares up 3,824%
- Exchange diff on translation of subsidiaries up 976% (Unrealised.RVR, kewberg,Tanelec, Cableries du Congo & Avery are also not a quoted companies(i stand corrected) & i'd love to see their financials)
- other comprehensive income up 410%
- Total comprehensive income up 266%
Keenly look at where the leap in EPS has come from!
5. Part of their special resolution reads:' That the following be considered and, if thought fit, passed as a SPECIAL RESOLUTION:
“That the Board be authorised to establish an equity participation programme for the management, with a view to
aligning management with the long term interests of shareholders, and that 10% of the
authorised but unissuedshare capital of the Company be reserved for this purpose, subject to the requisite regulatory approvals”.'
Is this part of ESOP or is it for CMA regulations of ensuring existing shareholders don't leave the company hanging.
With all of the above i'm awaiting to see how the interested public are going to make money off the share and how i can be convinced that these guys are not cashing out in any way
'They say money cannot buy me happiness but when i compare when i had none and now, i'm happier' Kevin O'leary