This is big news from the NMG Digital Division. Reasons:
1. NTV's YouTube Channel is one of the top 100 most viewed IN THE WORLD. Proof: . They have tried several times to do their video on their own, but they keep coming short. But it can't be overstated that to monetise those 64 million viewers that they have so far pushed to their YouTube channel would be fantastic.
2. currently relies heavily on Googleads for their revenue (17 million visitors p.m, generating 3m p.m). Every webmaster(including @wazua
) and his dog knows that Googleads pays peanuts compared to what direct advertising can bring in. NMG creating their own ad platform could ramp up their online revenues multiple times over.
3. Mobile application would increase the functionality AND monetisability (?) of their mobile ventures many times over
All in all, we're talking of a move that could see the digital division get into the 10s of millions in terms of monthly revenue, though to be honest, from my point of view, it looks like a long shot, given their past feeble attempts to get all this stuff done. Your thoughts?