When I asked for the names of the countries,I was serious! It is not uncommon for T-Bills to pay that high; indeed,in the early to mid 1990s,Kenya's bills were paying over 50%...I bought quite a few at 35% interest.
The only problem is that when rates are that high,the economy is usually on the death bed. The only reason I put my money in the Kenyan T-bill was that I am Kenyan and I trusted MY government to live up to its promise to pay on maturity.
Now ask yourself this: would you put your money in a Somali T-Bill paying 30%?
Still,I'd like to know which countries seles is alluding to.
Behind the gardens...Behind the wall...Under the tree (Including: Red...Dark Blue...Yellow)
Nothing is real unless it can be named; nothing has value unless it can be sold; money is worthless unless you spend it.