I have been in the house,off work (after surgery) for the last week and I hardly check out SK,don't know if the forum is slow ama I enjoy it more when I am using the employers time.
SK does seem to be wasting away,more so the novice questions that many start threads to ask about instead of going to the archives to pull out detailed discusions and explanations.
There seems to be no new stuff to talk about,OR MAYBE,the market is on the crest of an upswing and everyone is watching,waiting and anticipating.
I've noticed the youth in particular coming in to a workplace with a completely outsized notion of their own value and importance... just a thinly-veiled arrogance. May be the credit crunch induced recession is whats needed to remind us all about the value of hard work.... By Anonymous
"The purpose of bureaucracy is to compensate for incompetence and lack of discipline." James Collins