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Why are Kikuyus supporting Ruto?
Much Know
#61 Posted : Monday, February 07, 2011 4:49:16 PM
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Madam Wendz, as always elegant balanced and thoughtful in your arguments.
A New Kenya
#62 Posted : Monday, February 07, 2011 4:56:17 PM
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Wendz thanks for the advice.You truly are a great Kenyan.I believe you are doing a great deal changing some mindsets here.Endelea vivyo hivyo.

Personally I do like instilling such virtues whenever an opportunity arises.

punda amecheka
#63 Posted : Monday, February 07, 2011 5:05:20 PM
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McReggae wrote:
YesuWangu wrote:
hoodrat wrote:
So who is waiting for who to change first?The politicians will always throw the tribal bait at every opportunity because they know very well the masses will bite it hook and sink,forget about all about that perfomance record stuff.This forum is already charged so you can already tell what will inform how they vote in the next GE!

I dont know.

But one thing I see could be a ray of hope. We have not seen him going to his community to tell them they are being targetted.

That makes him different, a little bit more mature. I hope he does not do that. I sincerely do.

Whom are you referring to here???

The wazua gets charged on this subject sends a chill down my spine, I fear for twentetwelof!!!!!

I know, there are members to whom I will forever be an 'enemy' for saying this.

But him....dont you know him? Oskoff you do. Hint, members of his tribe are not holding rallies, at least that we have watched on the news or read in newspapers, in their home turfs defending him while prominently accusing the others....
#64 Posted : Monday, February 07, 2011 5:06:13 PM
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Much Know wrote:
Its okay you can throw those "clever insults" at me, but to bury my head in the sand and ignore a “tribal crisis” and a tribally warped political system in Kenya is what really is uneducated. What solution are you providing for a future crisis? Do you expect by 2012 Kenyans would have stopped tribalism; if no what measures will you take to ensure tribalism foes do not flare into violence? Will this short lived political "reconciliation" dalliance between tribes end the 18 year wars? Is it rock solid or predatory with an imminent fallout?. Unlike some here who are “proud” to speak multiple languages, I am unable to fluently speak any and identify with none, I have spent few moments upcountry and can’t specifically identify with any tribe or community, that’s the truth of the matter, but I will not ignore a problem that interferes with my investments, peace, prosperity and choice of residence as a Kenyan by playing a take no responsibility role of “I am not into tribalism”, “politicians are the problem not the people” etc.

Kenyans will continue to vote for POLITICIANS forever and ever, in any case what other solution besides voting politicians is in existence in this universe? Can you start it? Maybe we ask the church to lead? It will always be politicians and they are all overwhelmingly supported in the grassroots. The masses in Rift Valley will say RUTO represents them, and there are showing it everyday on T.V and don’t be a fool to think they don’t or are FORCED BY SOME POLITICAL MAGIC TO SUPPORT HIM, it is their will and he represents their will, if he fails them they remove him, that is it!!.

I DO NOT SUPPORT TRIBALISM, I just can’t ignore it, I hope and know it is dropping but it is still a very real factor in Kenyan politics and will continue to be so for sometime. I can’t ignore the above, tribalism and its dynamics then wait for more to die in 2012 as I sit in my office sipping coffee or flee the country and choose to PRETENTIOUSLY PUT MYSELF ABOVE THE MWANAINCHI

Applause Applause Applause

This is the truth ladies and gentlemen, and anyone who is naive enough to think that KKK represents a step towards lasting peace between the 2 communities is tragically mistaken!Smell the coffee brothers and sisters, we are in the midst of the animal farm as described by George Orwell

Mtu Biz
#65 Posted : Monday, February 07, 2011 5:11:55 PM
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Animal farm indeed!

Sola Scriptura

#66 Posted : Monday, February 07, 2011 5:17:14 PM
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I've been listening to John meyer's 'waitin on the world to change' am switching to mj's 'man in the mirror' hope u do the same.
if you aint livin on the edge,you are taking too much space....
#67 Posted : Monday, February 07, 2011 5:21:50 PM
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YesuWangu wrote:
McReggae wrote:
YesuWangu wrote:
hoodrat wrote:
So who is waiting for who to change first?The politicians will always throw the tribal bait at every opportunity because they know very well the masses will bite it hook and sink,forget about all about that perfomance record stuff.This forum is already charged so you can already tell what will inform how they vote in the next GE!

I dont know.

But one thing I see could be a ray of hope. We have not seen him going to his community to tell them they are being targetted.

That makes him different, a little bit more mature. I hope he does not do that. I sincerely do.

Whom are you referring to here???

The wazua gets charged on this subject sends a chill down my spine, I fear for twentetwelof!!!!!

I know, there are members to whom I will forever be an 'enemy' for saying this.

But him....dont you know him? Oskoff you do. Hint, members of his tribe are not holding rallies, at least that we have watched on the news or read in newspapers, in their home turfs defending him while prominently accusing the others....

Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you You are truly lost.As your name @Yesuwangu suggests youshould be in the forefront of shunning such talk!
Apparently there is nothing that cannot happen today!
Obi 1 Kanobi
#68 Posted : Monday, February 07, 2011 6:45:12 PM
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Ruto and UK must make a concerted effort to convince the IDP's to return to their lands for true reconciliation to be felt.

Holding Rallies and taking pot shots at RAO will not deceive Kenyans.

As to support, i don't think Kiuks genuinely support Ruto, I think they are currently happy to kick RAO while he is down but as soon as the euphoria dies down they will realise that Ruto and UK are only keen on saving their own skins from hague, they will then be forced to sit up and take notice of the stark reality.

I hope there is real reconciliation between these 2 communities and also that Kenyan's start being Kenyans first and tribal second.
"The purpose of bureaucracy is to compensate for incompetence and lack of discipline." James Collins
#69 Posted : Monday, February 07, 2011 7:44:29 PM
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I'm voting for Martha Karua come 2012.. She will lose. but at least I will not have voted for the guy who financed the PEV nor will I have voted for the person who was an apologist for the rapists and murderers
#70 Posted : Monday, February 07, 2011 9:13:06 PM
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Political affiliations n Alliances happen all over the world, TODAY. The blacks overwhelmingly voted 4 Obama. Every soul, has his/her own leanings n loyalty. Every man has an element of ethnicity/racism in him, variation being the INTENSITY and/or ABILITY TO CONTROL it. Im also certain the unfolding political machinations would occur anywhere else in the world, n what we are seeing is just a simple chess game which any of us noisy wazuans, if in WR or UK's shoes, WOULD HAVE DONE THE SAME. Guys, politicians r not geniuses, they r just lyk us n their shenanigans are highly predictable. Personally, I saw these alliances coming several months ago. Dnt read too much into these games, dnt worry uaself to death, COZ POLITICAL GAMES ARE HERE TO STAY, have existed since time immemorial n we cant do a thng about them! Let the alliances n counter alliances play out, hopefully, PEACEFULLY.
#71 Posted : Monday, February 07, 2011 10:04:03 PM
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guys get real, a pact - with whatever motivation - between the two leaders of the main protagonist tribes in the 2008 PEV cannot be worse than them and effectively their blind following being opponents in 2012. It's called a ceasefire darn it. It is actually more naive to imagine Wazua or an angel - an elected one - will deliver IDPs from the anxiety 2012 brings.
#72 Posted : Monday, February 07, 2011 11:27:18 PM
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As I feared, even the so-called intelligentsia has no answers. Muchknow came closest.

Ruto and arap Mabebe or whatever name kales gave to their "hero from the lake", stoked the fires in RV too much.

Some of you seem to live in cloud-cuckoo land. Whether ODM had won or didn't win 2007 election, "kiuks had to leave RV". That was a statement I heard from many kales in period before and after the general election. Today,if you go to places like Nak (now hugely populated with Kiuks hence Gideon moi's statement sometime last month), all the way to Eldoret and beyond, the tension between the two tribes is huge. Infact, every time there is a fire ata ya sigara, watu wanababaika.

Imho, this will end in one of two ways. Either Ruto and co go to Hague so that others planning the same learn that there is somebody that can hold them to account. Or 2012 will see Luos and others who don't tow the line getting the same treatment. Eventually the fire will be turned to Kiuks. The reason being we are many in RV and have now started to affect voting patterns. Did you notice 43k voted for Yes in Eld North?

My preference would be that Kenyans start looking for fresh leaders. Abdikadir Mohamed, Peter Kenneth even afadhali Apapu Namwamba
The Governor of Nyeri - 2017
#73 Posted : Tuesday, February 08, 2011 8:39:32 AM
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....going to school does not mean you are educated.
....to sit here and discuss tribes as opposed to leaders stinks !!!
....what will the village guy do if we take up their mindset?

....the absence of peace is war.

Some Kenyans here never learnt, they keep on interchanging peace and war like inner wear.... till it fits them.
Think about Kenya,not about your village.
#74 Posted : Tuesday, February 08, 2011 12:33:04 PM
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@Wendz, a quick one....it is always good to preach to the youth and the masses to shun tribalism, the challenge is that, the group that is preached to retorts that others have already benefited from the tribalism (whether financial, setting up strong businesses, employment etc. Now how does one convince "the people who have not benefited politically" that tribalism is not good....they themselves haven't benefited, as the powers that be concentrate on "their people".....

If me and you have a tussle over a piece of land, and I get the land due to the links I have and now offer peace, is that workable?

Once we find the solution to this scenario (e.g. the feeling that all Kenyans can benefit from whatever government), I believe tribalism can be done away with...your take?
#75 Posted : Tuesday, February 08, 2011 2:40:53 PM
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nostoppingthis wrote:
@Wendz, a quick one....it is always good to preach to the youth and the masses to shun tribalism, the challenge is that, the group that is preached to retorts that others have already benefited from the tribalism (whether financial, setting up strong businesses, employment etc. Now how does one convince "the people who have not benefited politically" that tribalism is not good....they themselves haven't benefited, as the powers that be concentrate on "their people".....

If me and you have a tussle over a piece of land, and I get the land due to the links I have and now offer peace, is that workable?

Once we find the solution to this scenario (e.g. the feeling that all Kenyans can benefit from whatever government), I believe tribalism can be done away with...your take?

Thats a valid point. I wish i had a straightforward answer to that. All the same, we cant stop trying just because some benefited over others. there are those who are willing to cut their looses and move on... like me! We never thought Moi would go peacefully, but we tried, and it worked... may be even this one would too, you never know.
#76 Posted : Tuesday, February 08, 2011 3:37:42 PM
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Having read most of your contributions, allow me to refer to you all as outright pretenders or simply fake creatures. Most of your presentations tend to give an impression that associating with your tribe is virtually a crime. The fact of the matter is that our rich diversity arising from our 42 (or so) tribes should be a source of our pride. Ones identity begins with self, the family and the extended family before other entities come in. We should be proud of who we are, our families, our roots, our heritage, our culture and our history. I highly appreciate the various tribal nights – sample ‘Ramogi’, ‘Mulembe’, ‘Egesa’, ‘Muthokoi’, ‘Mugithi’, ‘Pwani’ ‘Kale’ et al that are always highly publicized and totally sold-out. Unfortunately, the tribal alignments receive vitriol and venom when the political dimension creeps in. We need to appreciate the fact that politics is societal element that we cannot conveniently wish away or do away with. The solution to this dichotomy is to effectively manage our politics using our recently promulgated constitution. Otherwise, our diversity is the richest mine that God has blessed this country with and if well harnessed, it could be the key driving force behind our social-economic well-being.
#77 Posted : Tuesday, February 08, 2011 4:54:04 PM
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The way I see it - it is we who fail our country - we who are posting here and many others just like us. In the current bunge, we have only around 10 new faces. In the next elections, how many new faces will even stand a chance at getting your vote? How many able, qualified leaders have we here who won't offer to represent the people? Why are we even considering the war-mongers for 2012 positions? Can't Gatundu South for example, get another MP? Eldoret north can do the same, lang'ata, othaya etc - let us get the leeches off our backs first. There is no other way. 85% new faces in parliament in 2012 is the one sure way to win this thing once and for all. You can't leave the leeches on your back and go on a blood drip to increase blood volumes - by the time one pint is in your veins, the leeches will suck out half of it..ODM, PNU, ODM-K - out with the nonsensical amorphous bodies that stand for nothing.

Let's participate usefully in the decisions on how the country is run. What we say here has little effect unless we identify a course and champion it. At the next mbuzi, can people who are serious about this country have an aside and discuss how to channel their energies toward changing Kenya? If such a forum will take place, I will come, otherwise nyinyi mwende munywe pombe na kula mbuzi kama all the other Kenyans - while the country wastes away under the leeches we call MPigs.

Last time a site was even put up by one of us - can't recall who. But how many of us who are now busy fronting varied arguments even logged on to that site once? At least I did.

We cant talk politics forever if we wont do anything about it.
#78 Posted : Tuesday, February 08, 2011 5:55:06 PM
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Fellow Kenyans let's think outside the box come 2012 and elect guys who don't have to remind us about negative ethnicity...The guy whom you don't hear talking of 'our community can do ABC the other can't ' as if one community/tribe is superior than others...So far I think Abdikadir and Peter Kenneth are two guys I can vote for to lead this country..........I know there are others, name them and let's see if we can influence these guys to the sits of power and change the leadership of this country forever...
Hardwork, Smartness & Humility = Successful and Happy life...Jipange sasa hivi
#79 Posted : Tuesday, February 08, 2011 9:18:06 PM
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@sigiriri, well said.
What a wicked man I am!The things I want to do,I don't do.The things I don't want to do I find myself doing
#80 Posted : Wednesday, February 09, 2011 4:20:54 AM
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Does it surprise when Egyptians/Tunisians are not fighting and hacking their neighbours depending on Ethnicity.??
Black Africans- we have a loooong way to go.
work to prosper
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