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Healthy Life Style Series
#1 Posted : Thursday, January 06, 2011 6:09:07 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 6/20/2007
Posts: 2,037
Location: Lagos, Nigeria
Ladies & Gentlemen,

Permit me to commence a series on this important subject Health. I am not in the medical or para medical profession but from my experience on this earth I believe I have things to share,We will discuss about various topics as it comes, your diet, your thinking, special care to your vital organs such as your eyes, your heart etc.

This is very important from my point of view because of recent we are exposed to a lot of strange diseases due to dramatic change(s) in our life styles, the average life expectancy in most black african countries is less than 50.

As usual your contributions , pieces of advise and experiences are welcome. Health is wealth, they say and the most precious thing you have.

Welcome onboard healthy life style series.

Please stay healthy.

Best Regards
The wazua spirit as members is to educate and inform and learn from others within the limit of what we know in any chosen area irrespective of our differences in tribes, nationalities, etc. .
#2 Posted : Thursday, January 06, 2011 6:36:37 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 6/20/2007
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Location: Lagos, Nigeria
Try to keep worry at bare. The Holy book the Bible warns us against worrying and negative thoughts. This is applicable to other religious faiths.

Worry is destructive, a negative thought entertains your mind in a destructive way and sends bad signals to your soul,it affects your emotions and gives you a permanant negative perception to things and events sorrounding you.

There is no gain in negative thoughts. Know that whatever happens to you , it would have been worse, thank God you are alive and well.

Most health problems are traceable to two things, your diet, and your emotional stability. Learn to laugh over problems and when negative thoughts overwhelm you due to certain situations you find yourselve, make concerted effort to switch from negative to positive , do not duel on the negative. It is your right to be happy. Do not allow negative thoughts to overwhelm you.
Some of the negative things we dwell on is purely temporary, it is a phase that we will pass.
The cumulative effects of worrying is a passport to serious health problems in the years ahead.

The happiest person is not necessarily the richest person, but the happiest person is the person that has positive outlook to life, cheerful most of the time, happy most of the time, does not allow problems to weigh him or her down.

The best way to tackle a problem is to plan for a solution, and also learn from it but not to dwell or think of it. Do not allow problems to weigh you down.
The wazua spirit as members is to educate and inform and learn from others within the limit of what we know in any chosen area irrespective of our differences in tribes, nationalities, etc. .
#3 Posted : Thursday, January 06, 2011 6:38:18 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 6/20/2007
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Location: Lagos, Nigeria
Try to keep worry at bare. The Holy book the Bible warns us against worrying and negative thoughts. This is applicable to other religious faiths.

Worry is destructive, a negative entertainment to your mind sends bad signals to your soul,it affects your emotions and gives you a permanant negative perception to things and events sorrounding you.

There is no gain in negative thoughts. Know that whatever happens to you , it would have been worse, thank God you are alive and well.

Most health problems are traceable to two things, your diet, and your emotional stability. Learn to laugh over problems and when negative thoughts overwhelm you due to certain situations you find yourselve, make concerted effort to switch from negative to positive , do not duel on the negative. It is your right to be happy. Do not allow negative thoughts to overwhelm you.
Some of the negative things we dwell on is purely temporary, it is a phase that we will pass.
The cumulative effects of worrying is a passport to serious health problems in the years ahead.

The happiest person is not necessarily the richest person, but the happiest person is the person that has positive outlook to life, cheerful most of the time, happy most of the time, does not allow problems to weigh him or her down.

The best way to tackle a problem is to plan for a solution, and also learn from it but not to dwell or think of it. Do not allow problems to weigh you down.

I have a book I bought Titled "stop worrying, start living"
The wazua spirit as members is to educate and inform and learn from others within the limit of what we know in any chosen area irrespective of our differences in tribes, nationalities, etc. .
#4 Posted : Thursday, January 06, 2011 6:58:43 PM
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Do not compare yourself with any mortal on earth, your siblings, classmates, younger or older friends
you are uniquely and wonderfully made, so what is the point comparing yourself with any body when you were born on different days, different times so simply put there is no basis of comparison. It takes you to the trap of worry.
The unfortunate thing is that we always compare ourselve with people that are better off than us so as to worry but not with people that we are better than so as to be happy and thank GoD.
The wazua spirit as members is to educate and inform and learn from others within the limit of what we know in any chosen area irrespective of our differences in tribes, nationalities, etc. .
#5 Posted : Thursday, January 06, 2011 7:09:20 PM
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Aspire to be always happy meaning always be joyful no matter the circumstance(s). Do not aspire to be rich as riches do not bring happiness, rather plan to be comfortable.
Being comfortable is a relative term though.
The wazua spirit as members is to educate and inform and learn from others within the limit of what we know in any chosen area irrespective of our differences in tribes, nationalities, etc. .
#6 Posted : Thursday, January 06, 2011 7:11:43 PM
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In crisis learn to be calm and calculative, plan a solution, learn from the problem but do not worry.
The wazua spirit as members is to educate and inform and learn from others within the limit of what we know in any chosen area irrespective of our differences in tribes, nationalities, etc. .
#7 Posted : Thursday, January 06, 2011 7:30:14 PM
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There is a world of difference between worrying and planning. Engage your thoughts more in planning.
The wazua spirit as members is to educate and inform and learn from others within the limit of what we know in any chosen area irrespective of our differences in tribes, nationalities, etc. .
#8 Posted : Thursday, January 06, 2011 7:35:29 PM
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Do not be hasty when taking a decision especially when you are angry. Plan before you take a decision.

Anger should be a purely temporarily state. Most things that triggers you to be angry are more of a distraction that can be ignored. Quickly forgive and forget it all and move on with your happy life.

You may not be able to change people but you have the power to control how you handle difficult or unpleasant people.

This is because your health is more important than anything else.
The wazua spirit as members is to educate and inform and learn from others within the limit of what we know in any chosen area irrespective of our differences in tribes, nationalities, etc. .
#9 Posted : Thursday, January 06, 2011 8:26:15 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 7/22/2008
Posts: 2,705
Thanks Young for the topic.

WHO definition of health:

Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

My two cents:

Different folks, different styles.

Know yourself and what makes you happy.

Do it.

#10 Posted : Thursday, January 06, 2011 8:37:26 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 5/30/2009
Posts: 1,390
@young,thanks. I agree totally with the thoughts. In addition, dont worry about what you can change,change it.Dont worry about what you cant change,your worry will not make things better
What a wicked man I am!The things I want to do,I don't do.The things I don't want to do I find myself doing
#11 Posted : Friday, January 07, 2011 10:31:16 AM
Rank: Elder

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Location: Lagos, Nigeria
Spend some time to laugh as laughter is a natural medicine on its own with immense health benefits.
The wazua spirit as members is to educate and inform and learn from others within the limit of what we know in any chosen area irrespective of our differences in tribes, nationalities, etc. .
#12 Posted : Friday, January 07, 2011 10:51:08 AM
Rank: Elder

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Location: Lagos, Nigeria

Our eyes has become a very important organ to give attention to. You will all agree with me that due to technology and modern demand :-

- We are hooked to our computer LCD screen browsing
the internet or using the computer.

- We focus on our mobile phones, blackberry
composing texts, reading mails.
- Long hours of watching Television, VCD, DVD etc.

These activities puts strains in our eye muscles and impact negatively on our eye health.

These are all essential tools in our everyday life.

Some of us are already using recommnded glasses which can be treaceable to :-
- Hereditary factors
- Some defects due to over exposure to above
- Lack of basic eye nutrients, that has been
depleted without corresponding replacement.
- Aging (Old Age).

We bear the risk in future of eye related terminal diseases like Glucoma, cataract,complete blindness and other associated eye infections.

The wazua spirit as members is to educate and inform and learn from others within the limit of what we know in any chosen area irrespective of our differences in tribes, nationalities, etc. .
#13 Posted : Friday, January 07, 2011 10:56:02 AM
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Our recommended glasses is not curative but adjustment in a scientific way to enable you use your
eyes optimally. That is why you are always advised every two years to do eye test to check whether your eye sight has improved or is deteroriating.

It is like somebody with a broken limb being given a walking aid.

You need to do certain things to avoid further deteroriation of your eyes and to prevent eye terminal diseases in the future.
The wazua spirit as members is to educate and inform and learn from others within the limit of what we know in any chosen area irrespective of our differences in tribes, nationalities, etc. .
#14 Posted : Friday, January 07, 2011 10:57:03 AM
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Joined: 11/21/2007
Posts: 152
Location: Nairobi
Thanks young.
Helpful stuff.
#15 Posted : Friday, January 07, 2011 11:02:45 AM
Rank: Elder

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Location: Lagos, Nigeria
I would not like to expose you to technicalities of how the eye works.

But be aware that for optimal eye health you need the following nutrients:-

- Billberry
- Lutein
- Zeaxanthin
- Eyebright
- Anti Oxidants (Vitamins A, B, C, E,Selenium,

These nutrients are obtainable from our daily food intake or drug supplements. Unfortunately most of the refined food we take do not contain these useful nutrients as they are mostly found in fruits and vegetables.

I will take time in a nutshell to outline the useful of these nutrients and where possible which type of food we should take to have minimum daily requirements.
The wazua spirit as members is to educate and inform and learn from others within the limit of what we know in any chosen area irrespective of our differences in tribes, nationalities, etc. .
#16 Posted : Friday, January 07, 2011 11:22:44 AM
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Billberry is a popular food for the eyes with the following benefits :-

- Slows down decline of vision
- Protects the eye retina to prevent disorder
- Prevents cataract and glucoma
- Improves blood flow to the eye because of its
dilating properties.
- Reduces eye strain (see below).

Today’s rapidly evolving world is becoming increasingly more reliant on computers and other visual aids which places further stress on our eyes. This rather unnatural activity commonly causes eye fatigue and eye strain, and can even cause headaches reducing your level of concentration. Bilberry has been shown to help reduce these symptoms from occurring after excessive use of computer terminals. Children are being exposed at young ages to intense computer use, together with having to focus on other sources of reading. Eliminating eye fatigue and other visual disturbances during learning would also be invaluable for children

The wazua spirit as members is to educate and inform and learn from others within the limit of what we know in any chosen area irrespective of our differences in tribes, nationalities, etc. .
#17 Posted : Friday, January 07, 2011 11:36:11 AM
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Unfortunately, bilberry is a herb that is not grown in Africa. They are grown in Europe and Asia.
The close substitute is blueberry fruit.
Your best best is to take extract of bilberry in the form of drug supplements on daily basis and they are common in most pharmaceutical shops as solely bilberry extract or with combination of other eye health components like eyebright,lutein etc.
The wazua spirit as members is to educate and inform and learn from others within the limit of what we know in any chosen area irrespective of our differences in tribes, nationalities, etc. .
#18 Posted : Friday, January 07, 2011 12:00:28 PM
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Lutein is essential for good vision because it protects the eyes from harmful outside influences. It makes the eyes safe from the ultraviolet and harmful sun rays. Therefore it enhances visual perception. Food and nutrition rich in lutein are known to prevent and possibly treat many eyesight problems occuring over the ages macular deterioration and cataracts. It is no wonder then that lutein is sometimes referred to as "natural sunglasses."

Since lutein is found in the mucula, with a role in central vision, taking lutein directly affects mucula and thus slows down the development of mucular deterioration in the old ages.

Research has suggested a minimum of 6-10 mg per day of lutein is necessary to realize lutein’s health benefits. One such benefit is lutein’s role in eye health, specifically its role in reducing the risk of Age Related Macular Degeneration (AMD)

AMD occurs when the fragile center of the retina–the macula–deteriorates from a lifetime of slow but steady damage. The macula is a small area of the retina responsible for central vision, and high visual acuity.1 Poor macular health can cause oxidative stress within the retina, leading to a loss of central vision.

The wazua spirit as members is to educate and inform and learn from others within the limit of what we know in any chosen area irrespective of our differences in tribes, nationalities, etc. .
#19 Posted : Friday, January 07, 2011 12:07:24 PM
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Location: Lagos, Nigeria

There are many good sources of lutein to be found in a balanced diet. For example, a variety of raw and cooked foods, such as kale and green and leafy vegetables like spinach, are excellent sources of lutein. For people in a hurry or for picky eaters, one of the simplest ways to consume lutein is through supplements and vitamins that contain it as an ingredient. In addition, some companies produce foods and drinks that are fortified or enriched with lutein. Lutein also can be found in some topical products, such as eye drops and ointments.

Lutein is a carotenoid, or a naturally occurring pigment, that occurs in some foods, such as carrots, spinach and the yolks of eggs.
For example, one cup of spinach contains 20.4 milligrams of lutein. Eggs, oranges, and broccoli each contain lutein as well. Many people may be able to eat enough foods containing lutein to satisfy their daily recommended dosage, which is between four and ten milligrams per day. Some people, however, may struggle to consume even a small percentage of the daily recommended dosage and those individuals may need to search out other sources of lutein.

The wazua spirit as members is to educate and inform and learn from others within the limit of what we know in any chosen area irrespective of our differences in tribes, nationalities, etc. .
#20 Posted : Friday, January 07, 2011 12:33:47 PM
Rank: Elder

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Location: Lagos, Nigeria
Zeaxanthin benefits includes protection of the eyes from long term permanant damage.

As our eyes age, the retinal macula begins to deteriorate. This causes blurred vision and may even cause blind spots to appear in the centre of our vision. This is known as Age-related Macular Degeneration or AMD. Intake of Zeaxanthin has been known to significantly lower the risk of AMD. It also protects our eyes from the high energy blue light.

Zeaxanthin aids in the protection from cataracts and even blindness.

Zeaxanthin works in conjuction with lutein.
The wazua spirit as members is to educate and inform and learn from others within the limit of what we know in any chosen area irrespective of our differences in tribes, nationalities, etc. .
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