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President Titus Naikuni
#1 Posted : Sunday, November 21, 2010 9:36:41 AM
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...mmmmmhhhh...Come to think of it! This is a very inspiring story. Talk of thinking outside the box. Isnt this guy everybody's darling in as far as competence and par excellence performance is concerned? Tufungue roho zetu jamenei...
#2 Posted : Sunday, November 21, 2010 10:36:27 AM
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Last week it was Mutava.....Makau is running out of his mind.....Isn't this the third "president" he has presented to us in as many weeks?......Wapi musimamo wake??
Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.
#3 Posted : Sunday, November 21, 2010 11:10:40 AM
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This makau dude is still suffering from the "big man syndrome" that is personality based leadership and i can't blame him for having kenyatta/moi withdrawal symptoms. He should realise that we are in the 21st century and generations y & dot com are not concerned with what tribe you come from. Secondly with working institutions anybody can make a good president.
Life is short. Live passionately.
#4 Posted : Sunday, November 21, 2010 1:29:58 PM
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What Makau is doing in an excellent way is to provoke people to think outside the box! And Kenyans need to do that more than ever before.
#5 Posted : Sunday, November 21, 2010 3:52:09 PM
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sparkly wrote:
This makau dude is still suffering from the "big man syndrome" that is personality based leadership and i can't blame him for having kenyatta/moi withdrawal symptoms. He should realise that we are in the 21st century and generations y & dot com are not concerned with what tribe you come from. Secondly with working institutions anybody can make a good president.

good institutions necessary, but a bad/secondrate president will bring down those institutions. Best Leadership is inspirational, not just good managerial
#6 Posted : Sunday, November 21, 2010 3:57:22 PM
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Mpenzi wrote:
What Makau is doing in an excellent way is to provoke people to think outside the box! And Kenyans need to do that more than ever before.

I agree,we have been subjected to the same choices for too long,we need some new faces. i think we need primaries like in the states.
#7 Posted : Monday, November 22, 2010 9:22:45 AM
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We were discussing this with a couple of friends and all were in agreement that the next President of this republic might be an all new face given the number of new young voters.The youth have the numbers this time and i too wouldn't mind a total change......Even though then,the youth will need direction and not directions.
Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.
#8 Posted : Monday, November 22, 2010 10:07:56 AM
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Totally agree with Makau. Look at today's standard headlines. It is acbout political interest and not reforms say the editors. Want pure reforms, get new faces. Constituitional Implimentation committee has same old monkeys are applying for the jobs. That is why every move a committee makes is met with resistance by the other party. By the way, pitting one group against another helps politician secure their voter base which is the philosophy of our old faces. Conflict works for old faces.
#9 Posted : Monday, November 22, 2010 10:30:15 AM
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Makau is simply provoking our thoughts to think far and wide.But a good CEO of a private company with a workforce of approximately 4000 is necessarily not the best CEO a country can have. Moreso Naikuni!!!!!eish ask KQ staff and they will show you a dictator at his best.
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
#10 Posted : Monday, November 22, 2010 10:45:03 AM
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keraka wrote:
Makau is simply provoking our thoughts to think far and wide.But a good CEO of a private company with a workforce of approximately 4000 is necessarily not the best CEO a country can have. Moreso Naikuni!!!!!eish ask KQ staff and they will show you a dictator at his best.

#11 Posted : Monday, November 22, 2010 10:50:44 AM
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Mpenzi wrote:
What Makau is doing in an excellent way is to provoke people to think outside the box! And Kenyans need to do that more than ever before.

I agree with you.
#12 Posted : Monday, November 22, 2010 11:14:15 AM
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keraka wrote:
Makau is simply provoking our thoughts to think far and wide.But a good CEO of a private company with a workforce of approximately 4000 is necessarily not the best CEO a country can have. Moreso Naikuni!!!!!eish ask KQ staff and they will show you a dictator at his best.

Makau alluded to this possibility.Most respected corporate leaders make it by dictatorship.Democracies are tough, ask Moses and Kibaki
What a wicked man I am!The things I want to do,I don't do.The things I don't want to do I find myself doing
#13 Posted : Monday, November 22, 2010 2:12:01 PM
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Mutava? this guy has dissapointed many by his sheer shutmouth---

1.was he dissapointed not being in cabinet?
2.is muddy politics just too disgusting for a clean conscience, like his?,
3.does he have any balls to face up,standup to principles-that is, outside the pulpit? -remember he went quiet even during the referendum, when the likes of rev Karanja could even be heard.
4.is he a great schemer not wanting to create enemies all over before the right time to pounce?
#14 Posted : Monday, November 22, 2010 5:08:32 PM
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Njung'e wrote:
We were discussing this with a couple of friends and all were in agreement that the next President of this republic might be an all new face given the number of new young voters.The youth have the numbers this time and i too wouldn't mind a total change......Even though then,the youth will need direction and not directions.

@ Guka,i would like to see a real upset in the political arena. I am not sure we can count on the youth though because last time i checked,they brought in kina sonko and Simon Mbugua:(
#15 Posted : Monday, November 22, 2010 5:15:49 PM
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How about Jonathan Ciano . He is uchumi turnaround after CK plunder
punda amecheka
Ms Mkenya
#16 Posted : Monday, November 22, 2010 11:01:31 PM
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@ alikujia, has it occured to u that the media may have given him a black out? Because i am told the guy does talk...
But i like what Mutua is doing, making us think beyond what we're used to.
....above all, to stand.
#17 Posted : Tuesday, November 23, 2010 12:20:56 AM
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Agree -about Makau's crusade. Sometimes- for the modest at heart, it can be a bit hard to start thumping up your credentials, even knowing that you have that much.
#18 Posted : Tuesday, November 23, 2010 5:59:49 AM
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boss! leaders in business are not necessarily suited to be leaders in politics.
Makau writes like he was born yesterday. He forgets 1 simple, ugly but undeniable truth - TRIBE and NUMBERS. Thats all that counts in Kenyan politics. the Elite of Nairobi may think you are a great business leader but watu wa Machinani wana angalia Kabila...Nani wao ako kwa "team" yako. you must represent a certain "constituency" and then marshal others with similar "constituencies" to one team. you must be willing to pour money down the drain.
thats the truth about Kenyan politics, if you think better i suggest u tembea shags kwenu and stay there for a month to get re-oriented to the real Kenya.
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#19 Posted : Tuesday, November 23, 2010 11:26:41 AM
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Njung'e wrote:
Last week it was Mutava.....Makau is running out of his mind.....Isn't this the third "president" he has presented to us in as many weeks?......Wapi musimamo wake??

Makau is simply a tail-wagging and bootlikcking pshycophant, hell-bent to fail in his own imaginations.

Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you
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#20 Posted : Tuesday, November 23, 2010 12:36:13 PM
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/next week ni Martin Oduor-otieno au James Mwangi
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