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While you were away
#1 Posted : Wednesday, October 13, 2010 10:06:48 AM
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This "Ukabila Mingi" Link, I missed it kabisa. Now I have to go through almost half an acre of data to get an idea of what was going on.

Please, in the future, let us give links here of threads serious Wazurians should not miss especially if it carries a learning experience which should be repeated or stopped permanently.

For, instance, the Ukabila thread finally lead me to another good thread called "Africans problems due to low inherent intelligence". Weh!, that was a major one for me to miss.

Let me get that link for those who missed it.

Go overdrive in purchasing the goods when there's blood on the streets, expecially if the blood is your own
#2 Posted : Wednesday, October 13, 2010 10:09:12 AM
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It was by Papa Charley


Kingfisher was not amused by the article, and neither should any African. But it was a wake up call.

I have edited it cauze its worth sending to my enemies for clarity.

Africans’ problems are due to something inherent
I have thought day and night about Africa's historical and contemporary unending quagmire. This article discusses low intelligence as the reason..... read on
Low intelligence makes helping blacks very difficult for social planners, activists, politicians, social workers, educators, and businessmen who want to utilize African Americans as productive factors in the work world. If true, this may build resentment, trigger lawsuits, and allow demagogues to confuse the issue and confound consensus.
According to the bestselling book on race and intelligence, The Bell Curve, as a group, African Americans have a average mean IQ of only 85 points as compared to Europeans who have an average mean IQ of 100-103points.
However, in some African countries, the Average Mean IQ Level is even lower infact, lower than 60 points on average. This occurs in many out of the way villages along the Zaire River Basin. Fifty percent of these Africans are either in the retarded or moron group.
Back in America, only 16% of African Americans have IQ's above 100 points, which is approximately what is required to achieve a mere D-/F+ in college. Graduation rates of a mere 32% at all-black Howard University bear this out, and Howard University is definitely not a difficult school to attend.
Only 2.3% of all African Americans have an IQ above 115 points, about D+/C-in college. Only 667, 000 out of 29, 000, 000 African Americans measure above115 points as can be seen in the above illustration. This is hardly enough IQ level in the distribution pattern to justify Affirmative Action Programs. There just aren't enough African Americans to fill the jobs available. That is why white women were elevated to 'minority status' by affirmative action executives, even though white women are far more plentiful than pink men who are themselves a minority by comparison.*
If these facts are true, there is little hope that it can be helped by any means known to society.
The importance of inheritance in IQ transmission has been quietly observed with little fanfare in the press through scientific IQ testing of African, African American, and European Twins... Scientific and educational publications abound. (See the bibliography pages in 'The Bell Curve' for hundreds of such manuscripts, articles, books, etc., published in scientific circles where the discussion of IQ and educability levels takes place on a daily basis.)
'The Bell Curve, ' 1995, is available for free in your favorite public and/or school library. 'The Bell Curve' contains hundreds of interesting pages explaining the various ins and outs of U.S. Armed Forces and National Student Longitudinal intelligence testing results for African Americans versus European Americans and Asian Americans and others** by educators, scientists, and statisticians....
*Scientists and Educators are beginning to realize that low intelligence is possibly due to genetic inheritance of historically low African American IQ levels... Some have suggested intermarriage with whites to raise black IQ levels, but many in both groups have found this to be a distasteful solution with fascist underpinnings. So, it is generally opposed. This leaves African Americans with a permanently low IQ with no hope of remediation, because IQ is not a function of education. The tragedy is found in the mere 17%-25%graduation rates in African American high school statistics as children with low IQ who are forced to act as though they have high IQ predictably fail, giving them feelings of low self-esteem and worthlessness, and may precipitate their later tendency toward violent criminal behavior.
**Not so good news for African Americans, except that it shows that European Americans are not the smartest people in America is the fact that the Asian Americans are smarter as a group than European Americans. Asians have an IQ of 103 IQ compared to 100 IQ for European Americans. Jews are the very highest. Jews have an IQ of 115 points. Probably as a result of their higher IQ, Jews have been the most productive people in the world for the size of their population. [If Hitler had utilized the Jews in Germany, he would have won World War Two. Einstein, Oppenheimer, Ferme, and Teller, who were Jews, developed the atomic and hydrogen bombs that ended World War Two and kept the United States and Europe secure since 1945 when the first atomic bomb, developed in large part by brilliant, high IQ Jewish scientists, was exploded on Hiroshima.]
Go overdrive in purchasing the goods when there's blood on the streets, expecially if the blood is your own
#3 Posted : Wednesday, October 13, 2010 10:36:30 AM
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“He repeated but when the results came out, he had done so well that they (colonialists) cancelled them. They said he must have cheated and told him the only thing was to go to Thika to learn carpentry,” explained the professor.

Young Muguku obeyed his masters and joined Thika Technical School from 1950 to 1953 for a career in carpentry. He was to prove the colonialists wrong.

He completed the four-year course in two years and soon afterwards, became a teacher at Kapenguria Intermediate School in 1954 before being transferred to Kabianga Teachers’ College (now Kabianga High School).

Go overdrive in purchasing the goods when there's blood on the streets, expecially if the blood is your own
#4 Posted : Wednesday, October 13, 2010 11:17:04 AM
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@surealligator, most of what you see in the ukabila mingi thread was actually in a thread in the investor section analysing the impact of Nelson Muguku's death on EB share.All was well until someone decided to remind us that most board members for EB are from central

Then all hell broke loose...

What a wicked man I am!The things I want to do,I don't do.The things I don't want to do I find myself doing
#5 Posted : Wednesday, October 13, 2010 12:40:59 PM
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and the first response to charley's article was some thorough Wazurian response so was the 2nd 3rd 4th et cetera et cetera..

Mwafrika nywele ngumu ni Burukenge kabisa..
Paul Kukubo
#6 Posted : Friday, November 05, 2010 4:16:51 PM
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Joined: 11/19/2009
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kadonye wrote:
@surealligator, most of what you see in the ukabila mingi thread was actually in a thread in the investor section analysing the impact of Nelson Muguku's death on EB share.All was well until someone decided to remind us that most board members for EB are from central

Then all hell broke loose...


Surealligator, You must have also missed this

Stocks, or fixed income investment outside your country of residence / origin is one of the most difficult decisions to take.


- Cost Of doing business like bank charges due to fund remittance, cost of travelling (peculiar to African countries)

- Uncertainty of which product or counter to invest in.

- Limited communication options as you are not physically there.

- Fear of fund repartriation of proceeds and at times burden of capital gain tax.

- Lack of wherewithal to start because of the risk of unknown.

- Inadequate information on how to start as the only popular offshore investment is forex trading which I abhor and classify it as gambling.

- Uncertainty of which broker to use.

Stock investment across boarders is an act of creativity

- Exchange rate advantage especially when investing in advanced economies. 10% gain in USD is far better than 10% gain in Ksh .

- Exposure to other economies instead of being limited within the box (your country) as every country is fragile .
Recall Greece, Iceland economic crisis Kenya Election crisis of 2008, Nigeria banking toxic asset crisis of 2009.

- Spreading of Risk across different economies.

- Exposure to investment in other asset classes.
a balanced portfolio consists of Technology, Commodity,Energy, manufacturing, and banking stocks. You cannot invest in Commodity (Gold, metals), Energy (Oil and gas) stocks in Nairobi Stock Exchange. But yes tou can as a world citizen to invest elseway.

In this series which I will take you through as time permits from my busy office schedule, I will divide my program (though not sequencial) into two main atreas :-

(i) Investing in Other African countries.
(ii) Investing Outside Africa with online real time trading account.

Based on my past experiences I will share the nitty critty of all of them right from how to open an account, how to fund your account, what to invest on, how to repartriate your proceeds, and the right approach to various markets.

In Africa it will be limited to Nigeria, Kenya, Ghana, Uganda and South Africa. But I will classify S/ASfrica in the advanced world.

For Overseas I will be looking at US/Canada, Hong Kong, Singapore, Thailand, Australia and New Zealand market, in addition to cross listed European shares in US market as it is not possible for non residents to trade directly in any EU market.

Be rest assured all my postings will be based on my practical experience over the years not theories or hearsay.


I am proudly Nigerian, an honest one 48 years by June 7. 7th child in a family of nine. Young actually my pet name. I joined this forum in 2007.
I am a computer Scientist by profession and I have been working in Nigerian subsidiary of Italian based oil and gas multinational ENI group (listed in NYSE and Milan, Italy bourse)called Nigerian Agip Oil Company since 1988. Married with 3 kids aged between 8 and 16.
Started investing in my local bourse Nigerian Stock Exchange in year 2000.
Started off shore investment in Ghana and Kenya in 2004. Started online real time trading in US, Asia and Oceania in 2005.
Have experienced market burst and booms in all markets.
Hope to voluntary retire from active service a couple of years. Widely travelled to several African countries and Europe / US.
I believe in Africa and the unfolding investment opportunities.

As a busy scientist my thoughts flow faster than my English grammer, apologies for grammatical errors here and there,

Paul Kukubo
#7 Posted : Friday, November 05, 2010 4:18:40 PM
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Joined: 11/19/2009
Posts: 3,142
#8 Posted : Friday, November 05, 2010 5:24:43 PM
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poundfoolish wrote:

and the first response to charley's article was some thorough Wazurian response so was the 2nd 3rd 4th et cetera et cetera..

Mwafrika nywele ngumu ni Burukenge kabisa..

Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly
Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.
#9 Posted : Friday, November 05, 2010 8:02:00 PM
Rank: Veteran

Joined: 6/8/2007
Posts: 675

Mwafrika nywele ngumu ni Burukenge kabisa..

Well, I think the percentages are a bit exaggerated, but the truth is, from my interactions with many Kenyans, I've concluded kweli IQ iko chini kwa watu wengi. Na sio kujiona mwerevu. Just look at how many people fell for the red phone number trick...
Form is temporary, class is permanent
#10 Posted : Friday, November 05, 2010 11:36:50 PM
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anasazi wrote:

Mwafrika nywele ngumu ni Burukenge kabisa..

Well, I think the percentages are a bit exaggerated, but the truth is, from my interactions with many Kenyans, I've concluded kweli IQ iko chini kwa watu wengi. Na sio kujiona mwerevu. Just look at how many people fell for the red phone number trick...

LOL Laughing out loudly
In a place where thought is abandoned, freedom can become a curse.
#11 Posted : Saturday, November 06, 2010 11:46:10 AM
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Joined: 7/24/2008
Posts: 781
mzungu is several millenniums away in his thinking...we just came out of the mud the other day....so african man,walk with your head held up high...if God saw it good,then its all good.
The utimate goal of investing is to buy low sell high;if we re-write this core equation in psychology terms it becomes buy fear sell greed.
#12 Posted : Saturday, November 06, 2010 11:57:51 PM
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i just believe the west appreciate their good brains better, Germans develope standards for everything ISO hata drafting a report.. while here we appreciate thieves,myths and mischief more..
i can assure you most Kenyans who have had average good schooling match favourably with

but i still wanna know why only 4.7% voted in mid terms.. hii nyeuthi ya Obama are a bigger case study
The fast & furious
#13 Posted : Monday, December 06, 2010 10:45:13 AM
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Posts: 112

I usually see the 'w' like it is not infront of a woman but rather facing the floor, the cow is the same but it is on fours, ask a woman to do the same and see the result. So it is not what you were thinking we were thinking

by muchknow

The signature of God runs in all things. Only fools fail to see it and believe in Him. However, others see it even where non exists - now you see where the false pastor comes in.
#14 Posted : Tuesday, December 14, 2010 10:01:19 AM
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Joined: 9/9/2010
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Location: Garissa
Guys downloaded the following books on investing. They were in very high demand



Wisdom to detect when share prices hit rock bottom.
When interest on bonds keep going up, you know the bear run is on high street. When interest on bonds start leveling, the bear has met the bull and they have hit rock bottom. When the interest rates on bonds start coming down, the bull has overpowered the bear and you better be riding the bull.
#15 Posted : Tuesday, December 14, 2010 10:05:57 AM
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Joined: 9/9/2010
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Location: Garissa
Is anybody interested in the book called 'Freakonomics: a rogue economist explores the hidden side of everything' by Levitt, Steven D. and Stephen J. Dubner, give your E-mail.
Wisdom to detect when share prices hit rock bottom.
When interest on bonds keep going up, you know the bear run is on high street. When interest on bonds start leveling, the bear has met the bull and they have hit rock bottom. When the interest rates on bonds start coming down, the bull has overpowered the bear and you better be riding the bull.
#16 Posted : Tuesday, February 22, 2011 8:21:51 AM
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Joined: 8/6/2010
Posts: 594

"One man gives freely, yet gains even more; another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty. A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed." Rev Canon Karanja.

#17 Posted : Tuesday, February 22, 2011 12:06:52 PM
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@All who were away from the scene

Did anybody miss the PEV video shown in Addis to AU dignitaries. Here it is.

If you want a copy, send your E-mail to realreptile@totem.com or visit


The link has the heavily edited copy which portrays Raila in bad light but I have the original raw copy.
Go overdrive in purchasing the goods when there's blood on the streets, expecially if the blood is your own
Ms Mkenya
#18 Posted : Tuesday, February 22, 2011 2:54:46 PM
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Joined: 5/13/2010
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sheep wrote:
mzungu is several millenniums away in his thinking...we just came out of the mud the other day....so african man,walk with your head held up high...if God saw it good,then its all good.

When i read and hear former President George Bush, and now Senator Palin.. I know who is more intelligent.. And she (or he) is not jungu.
....above all, to stand.
#19 Posted : Monday, February 28, 2011 12:44:43 PM
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Someone tells me that Ruto said over the weekend that we cannot allow "Kiongozi wa mkeka na choo kutuongoza". Can someone give me a YouTube link to see for my self. I cannot believe the Mpigs have started Mchongoano.
Go overdrive in purchasing the goods when there's blood on the streets, expecially if the blood is your own
#20 Posted : Monday, February 28, 2011 1:01:32 PM
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Joined: 5/30/2009
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Mchongwano?Lol! But RAO and Ruto mustve been good in mchongwano! Imagine @66 and you can hurl them like RAO!
What a wicked man I am!The things I want to do,I don't do.The things I don't want to do I find myself doing
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