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IIEC caught stealing votes
#21 Posted : Monday, September 27, 2010 3:06:34 PM
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Joined: 8/6/2010
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[quote=The fast & furious]What is wisdom?


Wisdom is knowing the consequences of any action you take or your community takes.

Look at this paassage form nation
The three constituencies have one thing in common: many slums teeming with impoverished and disinherited families, and jobless youth.

Residents yearn for a miracle-worker promising instant solutions to their problems by throwing personal wealth at them or through the make-believe rhetoric, “the meek shall inherit the earth”.

This is certainly bad for the kind of democracy envisaged in the chapter on integrity and leadership of the new Constitution. Unfortunately, it is not just integrity at stake.


"One man gives freely, yet gains even more; another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty. A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed." Rev Canon Karanja.

#22 Posted : Monday, September 27, 2010 3:09:55 PM
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Another good story on what happens to the poor who want to get cash through short cuts.
He said for six months he was dedicated to his work in Gatundu before one of the youths he had come along with to the city, a Mr Wa-Njeri, paid him a visit on the farm one afternoon.

“He looked smart and seemed to be doing well in the city and I was eager to listen to him because he must have found a secret about surviving in the city” said Mr Mwaura.


"One man gives freely, yet gains even more; another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty. A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed." Rev Canon Karanja.

#23 Posted : Monday, September 27, 2010 5:31:50 PM
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Seems sure was rait.
#24 Posted : Tuesday, September 28, 2010 10:08:39 AM
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poundfoolish wrote:
Surealigator your immediate post is nothing but an incoherent attempt to vail your preposterous allegations.

You should read and re-read your posts before you comment or put them here.. I saw that typo and copy pasted it from your post. if you need further proof of its origin check Paragraph 4 what is point 2 of your original post...Anyway typos are a nitty grity (sp)
So 'rivivals' dont hold regular jobs? 'rivival' members are the Mungikis, jua kalis etc..or am i missing a point?
Im Anglican for your information

and now I will quote..
"...I mean, am a registered voter at Starehe but work in Westlands. Our boss could not hear of us taking the day off to go and vote."

there's nothing there inferring it was an example. YOU MENT IT!!

"So, assume the over 50% voters go to court suing their bosses, would it be the sensible thing to do?"
You are the one so agitated as to start a thread on it.. I told YOU to GO SUE, not EVERYBODY

"....but that is what happens when one misjudges an argument."
THIS IS ANOTHER CLICHÉ 3rd rate dilettantes like spewing out in trying to sound smart in an argument.

"Look at it this way, idlers are many, we tried to start projects for them for sustained development but majority insist on getting employed or less, they keep on idling."
by 'WE' do you mean you some of the 'impeccable honourables' we've been electing to deliver maendeleo
and out of caution when you write "Look at it this way.." should i take it as another inference lest you accuse me again of 'misjudging an argument'

You say
"By the way, am in the upper class, not middle class," If you are neatly curled up in the leafy suburbs of Nairobi..why does it itch you sooo hard about the slum dwellers electing one of their own. I think they can identify better with their druglords better than your hallowed righteous Italian suited bureaucratic moguls

And why do you despise the middle class?Shame on you

"Pole if you are in the middle class but remember you are the bridge between the rich and the poor, physically and spiritually."
somebody else can respond to that.. i dont understand what you mean

"And they walk among us.
But the problem is - they reproduce."

Do i read the fears of a have over the have-nots.

If you are indeed an Upper Class (of which i highly doubt) you must be fresh from a quasi-elite college, choked with some skewed social perspectives no good to speak for any of the classes, including your adapted 'upper class'

That was a mouthfull.

"One man gives freely, yet gains even more; another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty. A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed." Rev Canon Karanja.

#25 Posted : Tuesday, September 28, 2010 10:10:24 AM
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poundfoolish wrote:
Indeed “When the madness of an entire nation disturbs a solitary mind, it is not enough to say the man is mad."


Can you please indulge us on your revolutionary dogmas,'we the lowly wretched of the earth,peddlers,idlers,scoundrels,SIMPLE MINDED, members of proscribed gatherings and blind followers of 'rivival' tin churches"

Tell us oh aristocrat how a few of you shall spurs at to Swedish heights (i wonder if you even know its a socialist state with its scandinavian rival overtaking it economically)

Tell us of the elite Chinese politburo and how its managing to lift a billion point five populace from rugs to riches (as if they are)

Nobody is getting worked up here, more than you..
If you indeed were out for ideas you wouldn't be demeaning others as idlers, Mungikis and drug peddlers.

Instead of asking for elections on religious worshipping days, you should have demanded exemptions from work (half day) for everybody whose supposed to participate in BUY-Elections

Have you noticed all your 'MOOT POINTS TO A PROSPEROUS VOTING NATION' have been politely rebuffed..?
They would be what is termed in legal terms 'THROWN OUT ON FLIMSY GROUNDS'

and just who tells you being rich or wealthy translates to complex minds
If your arguments are what you consider debates for the complex(aristocratic)minds, then thats one class i dont want to be associated with in Kenya.

Im Cheered up, my Jolly good man

In consequent threads ill strictly engage you on IDEAS.. ive noted you mention how some countries have 'staggered' to greatness..

Are you still cheered up?

"One man gives freely, yet gains even more; another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty. A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed." Rev Canon Karanja.

#26 Posted : Tuesday, September 28, 2010 12:14:32 PM
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What is?

#27 Posted : Wednesday, November 03, 2010 10:20:04 AM
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masukuma wrote:
Apparently you do not understand how things work...
1) ELECTIONS in Kenya cannot be held on Friday,Saturday or Sunday coz they are Worship days for Religions.
2) The Incumbent loosing a petition is not His/Her fault its the Fault of the people who declare him/her the winner. They Should pay....coz of Incompetence. Its like when someone is hired then later people discover he/she was not qualified enuff or a lie was told e.t.c. they are fired but not ask to pay back the money (I am afraid even if people were to pay back they would not be able to)
3)The reality is that people who work in offices (8-5) in Kenya are the minority wengi wako Jua Kali.


Ans to above questions

1. Why would TZ hold elections on a Sunday and Kenya cannot?

Country: Tanzania
Official Name: United Republic of Tanzania
Election Type: Legislative
Date: October 31, 2010 Sunday
Source for election date


2. You are very right.

3. I think it depends on area the elections are taking place. ie., Starehe has a considerable white colour job residents. So is Makadara. Rongai for example is called a dormitory town as a big chunk of residents work in Nairobi and retire everyday in Rongai.

On the other hand, being in Jua Kali sector does not always mean you are self employed. A good number of those working in the sector are employees.
Go overdrive in purchasing the goods when there's blood on the streets, expecially if the blood is your own
#28 Posted : Wednesday, November 03, 2010 10:33:40 AM
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masukuma wrote:
Surealligator wrote:

Note, less than 50% of voters turned out on Monday while during the referendum, some areas had 100% turn out. In 2007, some constituencies had 102 voter turn out. Can someone smell a rat here? When I will be the president, IIEC will have to answer for this. It is stealing the votes without any justification.

3. In the future, more than 50% voter turn out must be emphasized for posterity. On the other hand, if more than 50% of voters fail to vote, it should be taken to mean voters do not want either of the candidates and thus they should all be sent packing and a new lot put forward. That is what genuine democracy is all about.

You cannot have a minimum threshold of 50% this is just dreaming. why should it be taken to mean that voters do not want either? its a voter's responsibility as it is a right to vote. If the voter does not see any candidate that meets their minimum threshold - they should offer themselves for candidature not abstain. the only way to beat voter apathy is not to punish the people who chose to come forward to be elected but to punish the voters for abstaining (like it is the case in Australia). Voters must learn that it is their responsibility to elect people to lead this nation of ours.

Those who never dream never learn to live a wholesome life. Love is a dream, but those who die before they ever loved have wasted their existence, it better they were never born.

So, allows others to dream.

But on a serious note, here is something to think about.

There are many countries around the world that use compulsory voting, either in whole or in part. A list of them can be found by scanning the CIA World Factbook.

The exact nature of compulsory voting, where practised, differs around the world. A few examples are briefly investigated below:

Compulsory voting has existed in Belgium since 1892. Entering a polling booth is mandatory, but marking a ballot paper is not. After the election, a list of all non-attendees is sent to the office of the public prosecutor.

Prosecutions are carried out where there is an absence of a decent excuse. Explanations such as a medically certified illness, being abroad or an 'act of God' are usually good enough reasons to escape without punishment.

Punishments work on an upward scale. A first offence receives a small fine, which can rise for repeat offenders. Continued non-attendance can result in the offender being barred from the electoral list for 10 years, making them ineligible for a nomination, distinction or promotion by a public authority.

Voting has been compulsory in Australia since 1924. Like Belgium, once at the polling station, there is no obligation to complete a ballot paper.
Also like Belgium, a good excuse circumnavigates a punishment.

The set fine for non-attendance is $A20 (under £10). About 5 per cent of non-voters pay this straight away, with almost everyone else providing a valid reason for not voting. A few people take their case to court, where, if they lose, the fine rises to $A50 plus costs. Refusal to pay this can result in community service or a couple of days in jail.
Brazil and Ecuador

In Brazil, voting is only compulsory if you're aged between 18 and 70 and literate. Voting for illiterates, 16 and 17 year olds and those over 70 is voluntary.
Similarly, in Ecuador, voting is compulsory except for those over 65 and illiterates, for whom it is optional.

Although in Greece, it is technically possible to go to prison for not voting, no one ever has and it is highly unlikely anyone ever will. Global punishments for non-attendance on election day tend to be rather benign.
Go overdrive in purchasing the goods when there's blood on the streets, expecially if the blood is your own
Paul Kukubo
#29 Posted : Wednesday, November 17, 2010 9:38:59 AM
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Surealligator wrote:
Many people are still smarting at the fact that this country might be going to the dogs. What with drug lords taking over parliament. What with revival church bishops calling the shots.

And you still ask what went wrong. Some will say, mungiki support was overwhelming, helicopter campaigns paid off, free matatu rides did the trick, door to door campaigns are in vogue. Am not dismissing these theories but we need to go back to the drawing board if we are to save this country.

He decried a growing trend in which drug barons were using drug money to contribute to political campaigns or even buy their way to leadership. The drug barons were also using their ill-gotten money to buy influence from politicians and the media, the envoy stated.


This is too much coincidence.
#30 Posted : Wednesday, November 17, 2010 10:25:03 AM
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Joined: 11/27/2007
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not a coincidence. all the world over, it is the businessmen who get to parliament in large numbers. in many cases, the type of business is never revealed because what they do is that they come up with a cover venture to conceal the real deals.
African parents don't know how to say sorry.. the closest you will get to a sorry is a 'have you eaten'
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