And bishop is in.......huraaaaaaaaaa!!
Job well done...
Maichblack and others....poleni....bishop yuko na atakua.....psychophancy aside...
Maggie is a people's person....the kind of leader i admire.....if you have facts for things against her sema sasa....kama hakuna ...silent milele!!
As i said earlier....i saw her personally defending the grogan mechanics against eviction....when the plot was ''sold'' to warias......she came when it was defend her kama ilikuwa kamanda??

Hivyo basi let us give credit where it is due.....siasa za domo kaya....achana nayo!
Welcome back Bishop!
Leadership demands making unpopular decisions i.e taking unpopular sides / stands on issues as by your convictions ...... and again on what you know it benefit your constituents....this is lacking in many politicians today and thus are reduced to psychophants!!
God gave me the power to make wealth ... Blessed the work of my hands & enabled be A SELF MADE BILLIONAIRE ...... TO GOD THE FATHER OF MY LORD JESUS CHRIST; BE THE GLORY NOW & FOREVER MORE!