Managed Forex Accounts
Rank: Member Joined: 12/2/2007 Posts: 230 Location: London,SW
Mitaji wrote:Kenyans need to control their greed. The reason Forex managed accounts may have burnt people fingers is that guys are hungry for quick returns.I laugh when people ask me 'how much can I make per month?' So I'm looking at the guy thinking 'its a goddamn market!' doesn't quite follow your monthly cycle. Like any other tradeable instruments, currencies have up-trends, down-trends & ranging periods. The advantage with currencies is that you can be long or short,so you may trade in any of these situations, hence more trading opportunities. So with good risk management a successful Money manager will give you yearly return that NSE traders can only dream of.Just make sure you agree on what risk level you are willing to take.Then think per annum returns in forex and you'll go very far. I can't agree any less.(Global forex trade hits $4trillion)http://www.commodityonline.com/news/Global-forex-trade-volume-hits-$4-trillion-31374-3-1.html If one can only target a profit of..say £200 a day(20pips X £10 per pip)you will be fine,don't overtrade!But you just can't trade blindfolded,you need all that info about what happening,and its not free either.
Rank: Member Joined: 3/10/2008 Posts: 301 Location: Abu Dhabi
Mitaji wrote:@merchant.If it works for you, then thats fine but as I said, I'm yet to met a trader who uses hedging for speculative purposes and consistently profits from it. About brokers, I've had accounts with some of the best brokers in the world...My broker was in the UK. UK brokers are among the best as they are regulated by the FSA.I was trading by phone on a first name basis with trading desk staff, chatting online about favorite soccer teams and all that sh*t. I was so casual with one of these guys that one day, he bore it all. First of all he said he himself would 'never' trade forex. He said that the odds are so heavily stacked against you, eventually a market-maker broker knows you will lose your money. Yes, he profits from spread, but he lies in wait for that day.So he may do all he can to get your money. If you make money (by news trading or other shaky way) these guys may start targeting you account using slippage, requotes and hunting your stops during normal trading.So use limit orders only. The only traders brokers 'care' for are institutional traders.They want these guys in for the long term cause they trade 50 or even 100 lots per trade. High volumes = high transaction fees. You, the retail trader they can do without. Btw, at that time you needed about 10m pounds and min trade volume of 4 m pounds/month to open/maintain an institutional account. My point is this, get a well regulated broker, preferably in the UK, Switzerland or Australia.That way,you have a case on any malpractice on your account. If you also did not read the fine print on your contract, here is another shocker. Should your broker go bust, resident account holders get priority in compensation. This brings me to my next point, Whatever you do, do not open accounts with brokers based in those funny tax havens. ![Shame on you](/Images/Emoticons/eusa_naughty.gif) Broking is a business, so look for reviews online e.g @forexpeacearmy.com and see what other traders are saying about your broker. Finally, get your brokers books (should be available if they are listed) and see if they are managing their accounts well. If not, do not bother opening an account with them. I have been a victim of stop hunting and slippages (consistently picked 15-20 pips off mkt), especially with my last broker. Have you considered NDD (No Dealing Desk) brokers? I'm doing demo on one, but yet to put money in them - MB Trading using Meta4.
Rank: Veteran Joined: 5/24/2010 Posts: 846 Location: KENYA
@toniassert...what broker do you use? Toboa. Its important that we share our experiences with the borkers for this forum to be useful. Ill start. I use FXCM nad FXDD. Now FXDD are pretty good but they are based in Malta in heaven knows where. Their HQ is in NY though. FXCM is right in all ways including regulation, capitalisation and experience. FXDD's service is okay and their platform easy to use and very good for adjustable lots traders. On to you gentlemen.
Rank: New-farer Joined: 9/6/2010 Posts: 12
I will never use US brokers because of the restrictive CFTC regulations on leverage. Leverage is the reason we all started trading in the first place. To reduce it to 1:10 is simply ridiculous. Because of these mkazo most us brokers are moving their operation offshore. This is where you have to be careful. Go for UK brokers e.g Alpari Uk is a very good broker.They are also very well regulated. If you are investing over 50k USD go for swiss-broker Dukascopy.They are also NDD. An ECN/NDD broker is less likely to trade against you since they dont profit from your losses.You can also try IBFX Australia.
Rank: Veteran Joined: 5/24/2010 Posts: 846 Location: KENYA
Mitaji wrote:I will never use US brokers because of the restrictive CFTC regulations on leverage. Leverage is the reason we all started trading in the first place. To reduce it to 1:10 is simply ridiculous. Because of these mkazo most us brokers are moving their operation offshore. This is where you have to be careful. Go for UK brokers e.g Alpari Uk is a very good broker.They are also very well regulated. If you are investing over 50k USD go for swiss-broker Dukascopy.They are also NDD. An ECN/NDD broker is less likely to trade against you since they dont profit from your losses.You can also try IBFX Australia. I like Alpari. Dukascopy has very good ratings but are very 'elite'. Now IBFX are good and their platform is also very useable as it is based on MT4. Where do you trade your live account?
Rank: New-farer Joined: 8/6/2010 Posts: 26
This thread is quite interesting and an eye opener. I recently opened a live account with FXCM micro and have traded for a short while. Two days ago I was very profitable and thought I am getting better as a trader. A day later using the same strategy I lost all the gains made in the previous day and thought there was something fishy about the market movements. For some Broker called FXCH, dare you not try. They cleaned me out on slippage.
Rank: New-farer Joined: 9/6/2010 Posts: 12
Rank: Veteran Joined: 5/24/2010 Posts: 846 Location: KENYA
I use FXDD for my live. So far so good. I worry about their Malta base though but I hope its only a way to allow them by pass some rules on leverage.
Rank: Veteran Joined: 5/24/2010 Posts: 846 Location: KENYA
kasheshe wrote:This thread is quite interesting and an eye opener. I recently opened a live account with FXCM micro and have traded for a short while. Two days ago I was very profitable and thought I am getting better as a trader. A day later using the same strategy I lost all the gains made in the previous day and thought there was something fishy about the market movements. For some Broker called FXCH, dare you not try. They cleaned me out on slippage. Sometimes a strategy can and will fail so don't be quick to judge the broker just yet. ![Shame on you](/Images/Emoticons/eusa_naughty.gif) I am not dismissing your claim though.
Rank: Veteran Joined: 5/24/2010 Posts: 846 Location: KENYA
Rank: Member Joined: 12/2/2007 Posts: 230 Location: London,SW
US regulations are only applicable to US residents e.g. FXCM-US doesn't allow hedging while FXCM-Uk does.I would rather go for a bigger broker than a smaller one because the chances of a smaller broker doing a run are very high. Check out worldspreads-UK,any one ever used them?They were in the CNBCnews the other day and they argued that they lead while others follow.
Rank: New-farer Joined: 9/6/2010 Posts: 12
Morey wrote:They were in the CNBCnews the other day and they argued that they lead while others follow. ![Laughing out loudly](/Images/Emoticons/msp_lol.gif) No disrespect to you Morey, but personally, I never watch CNBC and if I happen to browse through the channels and find something interesting on CNBC, I take it for what it is.....entertainment. To all you newbies. Please avoid these FNNs(Financial news networks) like the plague. They are in the NEWS business, not the TRADING business.You will be surprised to note that NONE and I mean absolutely NONE,ZILCH,ZERO of the CNBC presenters are traders in anything. I remember during one phone interview with Jim Rogers one presenter was opposing his trading opinion on Crude Oil.Jim was/is long on commodities & at the time, crude was at $42 barrel.The interview came to an akward premature end when Jim Rogers asked the guy if he was a trader. And the answer was an awkward silence then an embarrassing 'NO'.IF YOU NOT A TRADER, WHY SHOULD I LISTEN TO YOU?
Rank: New-farer Joined: 9/3/2010 Posts: 26 Location: Nairobi
Hi Guys,
I feel enlighted goin through this thread of Forex accounts. i would real love to get hand experience to learn abt this trading before enganging to the trade. Is there a site or books that can really help. Thank yu
Rank: Elder Joined: 1/21/2010 Posts: 6,675 Location: Nairobi
Mitaji wrote:Morey wrote:They were in the CNBCnews the other day and they argued that they lead while others follow. ![Laughing out loudly](/Images/Emoticons/msp_lol.gif) No disrespect to you Morey, but personally, I never watch CNBC and if I happen to browse through the channels and find something interesting on CNBC, I take it for what it is.....entertainment. To all you newbies. Please avoid these FNNs(Financial news networks) like the plague. They are in the NEWS business, not the TRADING business.You will be surprised to note that NONE and I mean absolutely NONE,ZILCH,ZERO of the CNBC presenters are traders in anything. I remember during one phone interview with Jim Rogers one presenter was opposing his trading opinion on Crude Oil.Jim was/is long on commodities & at the time, crude was at $42 barrel.The interview came to an akward premature end when Jim Rogers asked the guy if he was a trader. And the answer was an awkward silence then an embarrassing 'NO'.IF YOU NOT A TRADER, WHY SHOULD I LISTEN TO YOU? @mitaji please get your facts straight because you are talking complete CRAP.... For your information most of CNBC europe and US reporters are actually former traders and economists.... So please go and parade your lies elsewhere... Mark 12:29 Deuteronomy 4:16
Rank: New-farer Joined: 9/6/2010 Posts: 12
@guru. Get your emotions in check before you post your replies man. What lies am I parading? If you could prove that these presenters are former traders, fine, I would humbly take back my comments.Trading live for a living is very different from being an economist.If you were one or the other, you would know. My point was... Any trader can do without the CNBC or any other FNN channel. The best place to get info is from your charts.By the time the News gets to CNBC, the smart money has moved the market.Besides, I don't need info from 'former' traders who don't have any money on the chopping block.They are just spectators watching from the sidelines.Deuces.
Rank: Elder Joined: 1/21/2010 Posts: 6,675 Location: Nairobi
@mitaji you are parading lies because you clearly said that the reporters were not traders in anything... And i never said that traders and economists are the same but i merely said that some reporters are economists and some are traders.... And i don't See why you should attack there stations and yet 3quarter of the time they have REAL and BRILLIANT traders and economists as guests giving the advice to us... I mean How many times have we seen Warren Buffet giving us his expertise on CNBC??? Mark 12:29 Deuteronomy 4:16
Rank: Member Joined: 12/8/2006 Posts: 104
Guys...let me make this REALLLY simple for everyone. NOBODY makes substantial money off FX and Commodity trading. Only COMPANIES (i.e. MARKET MAKERS) make any money, and even they get killed on very frequent occassions. Market makers make money off bid /ask spreads and nothing else. The traders they employ NEVER take leverage and NEVER go to sleep with any outstanding positions on ANY night...otherwise they get FIRED! They also barely ever give significant leverage to their clients....and when they do (eg to Hedge funds, LBO firms, other large clients), they get wiped out on a large scale every few years without fail. On the retail end, they give you leverage but you ALWAYS get wiped out on margin calls unless you're rich enough to survive the margin calls (in which case you wouldn't be trading but sticking to whatever day job it was that gave you that wealth to begin with) If you expect to make money TRADING...best of luck. BTW, for me making money refers to a period of more than 1 year or getting to a stage where you can do it exclusively for a living.
Rank: New-farer Joined: 9/6/2010 Posts: 12
@Guru. I think it would be better if we concentrated our energies on the thread topic. Because we are digressing.My last word on this matter.... Guru I'm doubtful that you are able to pick information from these networks and turn it into profits on your account.If you are, then Hoorrrraaaaayyyy!!! you are a real guru... As you said, 3/4 of the time they have 'experts' giving advice. Buffet says long in the morning, at lunchtime, Soros says 'stay out' then Jim Rogers tells you to 'short' jioni. Who do you listen to? I think you get my drift. If you don't properly 'sieve' all this info CNBC pumps into your head, you will find yourself making some very bad trading decisions. If you do have the time, sit and watch CNBC for a whole day, you'll see what I mean. Successful traders have very few sources of information. You are even better off using 'DJNEWS' on your MT4 platform, its more current than CNBC. As for attacking the station I can assure you that NONE of the CNBC presenters not guests, are traders...and as i said earlier, you can prove me wrong. Lastly, Warren Buffet has a war-chest to play with. Economists deal with fundamentals. So if you are taking this kind of advice, I hope you are trading long term i.e. years mate. @ Passive. I trade forex for a living. Profitably.
Rank: Member Joined: 12/8/2006 Posts: 104
@Mitaji...wasn't necessarily directed at you...Good for you if you're trading profitably (I suspect your ability to stay focused and cut out the noise and fluffy advice from the Talking Heads on CNBC has gone a long way in helping you avoid losing your principal)!
More power to you bro!
Rank: New-farer Joined: 9/6/2010 Posts: 12
To all traders, please be careful trading this week. This week is quadruple witching week. So we may get high volatility especially on friday 3.00-4.00 pm ET.I would rather stay out of the market Thursday and Friday.
Managed Forex Accounts
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