while condoling with the berieved family it would be prudent to reflect on the events that have led to this situation we find ourselves in; we need reforms in the way we administer our security apparatus.
1.urgently create an agency to police the police;weed out the rogue ones as a matter of urgency.
2.create separate laws governing those that stray,they should be akin to those related to treason,betraying the trust of kenyans bestowed on them by virture of their work is treasonable to say the least.make it extremely painful to be a rogue policeman.in any case i would be very reluctant to do my job as a cop if i suspect some of my colleague are part of the crime am trying to eradicate.
3. invest in modern technology and intelligence.a simple exercise of keeping a data base of all apprehended criminals,their place of birth,friends,parents,brothers,sisters,uncles aunties,grandparents,job history,school history,passports,certificates obtained,travel history,residence history etc that is available at a click of a button would go long way in arresting the situation as it is
If you are going to be thinking only one thing, you might as well be thinking big. -Donald J . Trump