Lemme repent before God and before you people children of the most high.Many of us have judged this man including me even though i might not have told anyone.But right deep in my heart,it has never been easy .Since the first time i heard about him was during the days he had a court case,i think you all know.It left a bad taste in my mouth.I repent that God may forgive me since no matter what i do or what i say,i cant add or remove anything from his life,afterall,the he is gone and only God,who is the righteous judge knows where he has gone to.Its not my business to know his destiny now that he is dead but its my business to know my destiny.So then can i sought myself out b4 i sought others.
This one I need to share coz it cought me heads on and we could be sailing in the same boat with you.Its a quote from HEAVEN IS SO REAL by Choo Mas.
' Even many faithful Christians and their loved ones have bad things happen sometimes.Judging is one of the worst sins.No one has the right to judge others,no matter what the situation is,uness you learn through your own experience,this is a hard truth to understand.'
From that moment on,no matter what ungodly things may happen on peoples lives,I choose never to thing anything evil towards them,Rather,I choose to have compassion on them as Paul Commanded: ' Brethren,if a man be overtaken in a fault,ye which are spiritual,restore such one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself,lest thou be tempted. Bear ye one another’s burdens,and so fulfill the law of Christ. (Gal.6:1-2.K)
Jesus Said,'If you abide in Me,and My Words abide in you,you will ask what you desire,and it shsll be done for you' (Jhn 15:7)